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Communication? Wasn't this supposed to be a priority?


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And we also have the extreme of people who throw temper tantrums when they aren't given every piece of information they "want".


While information is needed, what most WANT is a working end-game PvP environment.


If your gameplay was broken for 2 months, would you not be upset, lol?

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1.) I've seen this, strangely enough, commented on by BW devs numerous times. Don't see how that is "gamebreaking"


2.) I was 100% unaware of this, and still haven't seen anything but you saying it.


3.) Funny -- this has been discussed, attempted to be fixed, almost-fully fixed, and discussed again. Probably more often than Server Transfers. So much for "ignoring" it. (Didn't know the name was "scamper")


4.) I've never seen any issues. You repeating yourself doesn't make it an issue. It makes you look like more of a moron.


Let me recap, I am a moron because I repeat that the issue does exist. You are intelligent because the fact you haven't seen it means it doesn't exist.

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Dude, most of the people posting in this thread are on 30+ hours a week. Yoda isn't an idiot, he knows how to play and he plays A LOT. Get over yourself as you clearly have no place in the I play a lot of SWTOR epeen contest.


Strange, where did I say he doesn't know how to play?

Or that I was taking place in the "I have no life" epeen contest?


He claims I'm out of touch. I find that hard to believe, considering I play the game on a regular basis.


But thanks, for this pointless post. Maybe you should get over yourself as well? :D

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So then muddy the waters by going off on the person who brings up the fact that nearly 50% of their communication is from question of the day?


It's kept this at the top of the forum list has it not? ;)

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Let me recap, I am a moron because I repeat that the issue does exist. You are intelligent because the fact you haven't seen it means it doesn't exist.


You're making claims.


You don't bother to point out any of the "numerous threads and videos" of these. Things I haven't seen in the first 3 pages of the PvP forums.


You're being "less intelligent" for saying the same thing over and over again, and hoping that it will have a different outcome.

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Yep! I do actually realize that. I was impressed that they chose not to move forward with it.


As I said in another, I don't understand how this is "gamebreaking." Maybe I'm not playing rateds enough to see it. Had the put the stun-break-reset in, it would've been fairly bad I suppose.


Yeah it really would have impacted the end-game Rankeds for sure. Most teams on our server, try and hold ourselves to a higher calling, and not abuse such a "tactic", but it's been an on-going issue since release. Granted, there are other reasons behind them not going forward with that update, but the /stuck had to be numero uno.


/stuck can be abused in any WZ sadly, even in regs, which is just another issue players have had to deal with since forever...and why so many of us raging PvP types tend to throw tantrums. Now you kinda understand, lol.

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While information is needed, what most WANT is a working end-game PvP environment.


If your gameplay was broken for 2 months, would you not be upset, lol?


Strange...I logged in and pvp'd yesterday. Didn't seem broken to me. I still don't know how bolster works (lol) but I most certainly could PvP.

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Yep! I do actually realize that. I was impressed that they chose not to move forward with it.


As I said in another, I don't understand how this is "gamebreaking." Maybe I'm not playing rateds enough to see it. Had the put the stun-break-reset in, it would've been fairly bad I suppose.


Well its less gamebreaking and more game breaking kind of bugs too. Like crashing to desktop. People have been crashing to desktop for how long now? Not to mention being COMPLETELY unable to que for WZs cause "See your level 55.. It is now a level 1.. Im on a pleasure barge."

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You're making claims.


You don't bother to point out any of the "numerous threads and videos" of these. Things I haven't seen in the first 3 pages of the PvP forums.


You're being "less intelligent" for saying the same thing over and over again, and hoping that it will have a different outcome.


Doing a forum search is really hard. You want proof?


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While information is needed, what most WANT is a working end-game PvP environment.


If your gameplay was broken for 2 months, would you not be upset, lol?


Pistols -- surprisingly, I've agreed with 99% of what you wrote. I'm just cynical enough to understand that this Dev team will never be able to live up to even the lowest standards for some of the players. They've screwed over PvPers, people who enjoy Space Missions, people who enjoy individualized class stories, people who enjoyed crafting, people who RP are ignored. Even better, the PvEers that are "catered to" are getting recycled OPs. Yeah, absolutely better than 6+ months with nothing but a new WZ, but it is still garbage.


But, they should be criticized for poor development. Communication is about the only thing they've done well on -- and Eric (really, the entire community team) has done an OUTSTANDING job considering the incompetence of some of the other members of the dev team.

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Strange...I logged in and pvp'd yesterday. Didn't seem broken to me. I still don't know how bolster works (lol) but I most certainly could PvP.


I can PvP too, that doesn't mean it's not working as intended. Bolster is still a huge issue, check the threads I posted, it's pretty bad. I don't think anyone would have any issues with bolster if the team actually worked on it, instead they threw a half-assed system onto Live servers (knowing full well it was broke), and now Live servers have become the PTS essentially.

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Pistols -- surprisingly, I've agreed with 99% of what you wrote. I'm just cynical enough to understand that this Dev team will never be able to live up to even the lowest standards for some of the players. They've screwed over PvPers, people who enjoy Space Missions, people who enjoy individualized class stories, people who enjoyed crafting, people who RP are ignored. Even better, the PvEers that are "catered to" are getting recycled OPs. Yeah, absolutely better than 6+ months with nothing but a new WZ, but it is still garbage.


But, they should be criticized for poor development. Communication is about the only thing they've done well on -- and Eric (really, the entire community team) has done an OUTSTANDING job considering the incompetence of some of the other members of the dev team.


Communication has not been something they have done well at all. What bar are you measuring outstanding on? Where is your proof of their excellent communication?

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Well I did mention previously about the dude who got help with his cartel coins within a day. So there is some!


Yep, they communicate very quickly about very specific issues. Maybe we should all post in "Customer Service" and label our posts "HUGE CARTEL BUG, FREE IN GAME ITEMS", every post would be looked at within minutes.

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Pistols -- surprisingly, I've agreed with 99% of what you wrote. I'm just cynical enough to understand that this Dev team will never be able to live up to even the lowest standards for some of the players. They've screwed over PvPers, people who enjoy Space Missions, people who enjoy individualized class stories, people who enjoyed crafting, people who RP are ignored. Even better, the PvEers that are "catered to" are getting recycled OPs. Yeah, absolutely better than 6+ months with nothing but a new WZ, but it is still garbage.


But, they should be criticized for poor development. Communication is about the only thing they've done well on -- and Eric (really, the entire community team) has done an OUTSTANDING job considering the incompetence of some of the other members of the dev team.


Yeah I said it earlier, and I should reiterate that, it's not communication from Eric persay I was directing this at. While I understand he is the middle man sometimes, the Devs have on occasion stepped up and discussed issues that were broken...even back when bolster first arrived. Since their last (3rd or 4th) attempt at fixing it...there have been more issues discovered that have rendered the system not working as designed. Players are frustrated beyond belief...it's just sad really. I think Eric does the best he can, I also believe he has more on his plate that he can handle as well, which I think is BS. The communication I want...is from the Development team...because this isn't some minor issue...it's a game-breaking issue since they threw this at us...and we've been told too many times it's been fixed.

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Well its less gamebreaking and more game breaking kind of bugs too. Like crashing to desktop. People have been crashing to desktop for how long now? Not to mention being COMPLETELY unable to que for WZs cause "See your level 55.. It is now a level 1.. Im on a pleasure barge."


See, those are actually semi-gamebreaking. I can't complete 2 or 3 FPs without CTD and having to restart and log back in. But, I've also noticed it happens to a "small" segment of people. I'm the only one it has happened to in our guild, surprisingly. :-(


I've seen a few posts about the WZ queue issue -- which I find so strange, because I would think it would affect more people. Makes me really want to dig my claws into the code, because it is probably a stupid mistake made by one person coding it.


Yeah it really would have impacted the end-game Rankeds for sure. Most teams on our server, try and hold ourselves to a higher calling, and not abuse such a "tactic", but it's been an on-going issue since release. Granted, there are other reasons behind them not going forward with that update, but the /stuck had to be numero uno.


/stuck can be abused in any WZ sadly, even in regs, which is just another issue players have had to deal with since forever...and why so many of us raging PvP types tend to throw tantrums. Now you kinda understand, lol.


Ah, see -- I rarely do ranked, and I'm not a "hardcore" PvPer. All I know is that, when I play my WZs each week, I think it is more balanced and working better than most other PvE-focused games I've played. That is why I don't really consider anything to be "gamebreaking." Certainly doesn't mean there aren't issues, or that they aren't major issues -- but they are easily ignored by many players. Most likely very casual PvPers.

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Communication has not been something they have done well at all. What bar are you measuring outstanding on? Where is your proof of their excellent communication?


If based off of the previous community team, then yes this team is outstanding. Could it be better? Sure, but it is much better than last year.

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Communication has not been something they have done well at all. What bar are you measuring outstanding on? Where is your proof of their excellent communication?


Do you watch the dev tracker? We've gotten significantly more information in the last few months, than we had in almost a year. Just because it isn't the information you want to see, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


This is a perfect example of, "If it isn't what I want, it is poor."

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Yeah I said it earlier, and I should reiterate that, it's not communication from Eric persay I was directing this at. While I understand he is the middle man sometimes, the Devs have on occasion stepped up and discussed issues that were broken...even back when bolster first arrived. Since there last (3rd or 4th) attempt at fixing it...there have been more issues discovered that have rendered the system not working as designed. Players are frustrated beyond belief...it's just sad really. I think Eric does the best he can, I also believe he has more on his plate that he can't handle as well, which I think is BS. The communication I want...is from the Development team...because this isn't some minor issue...it's a game-breaking issue since they threw this at us...and we've been told too many times it's been fixed.


I don't think he does the best he can. I think we get next to no information on where they see this game heading from a PvP perspective, we rarely understand the changes they propose with poorly worded explanations on why the change was proposed/implemented and we provide tons of detailed information for them to resolve issues with no responses for too long a period of time.

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Ah, see -- I rarely do ranked, and I'm not a "hardcore" PvPer. All I know is that, when I play my WZs each week, I think it is more balanced and working better than most other PvE-focused games I've played. That is why I don't really consider anything to be "gamebreaking." Certainly doesn't mean there aren't issues, or that they aren't major issues -- but they are easily ignored by many players. Most likely very casual PvPers.


Understandable reasoning for sure. This is why there were so many back-and-forth complaints on the PTS thread about it, because I think many just didn't understand the bigger impact that change could have done. I'm willing to bet, many players use that /stuck then people realize, simply because they're unaware of it.

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Do you watch the dev tracker? We've gotten significantly more information in the last few months, than we had in almost a year. Just because it isn't the information you want to see, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


This is a perfect example of, "If it isn't what I want, it is poor."


I watch the dev tracker every single day. I am not interested in cartel market or color of taun tauns, I am still a customer and PvP is a part of this game that I pay for.

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I don't think he does the best he can. I think we get next to no information on where they see this game heading from a PvP perspective, we rarely understand the changes they propose with poorly worded explanations on why the change was proposed/implemented and we provide tons of detailed information for them to resolve issues with no responses for too long a period of time.


Well I can't put that on him with fact, as I'm not sure what he is/isn't told by the team, lol.


Could be they throw arrows to his knees when he asks for some clarification! :D


I think it would be awesome if there were "Go to people" for each gameplay aspect. I hate pinning this on Eric, cause I'm sure he's trolling all sub-forums trying to help...but I do believe he's overwhelmed...I dunno just an opinion. Maybe Andryah could apply for the job, heard she knows a lot about the game! :p

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Do you watch the dev tracker? We've gotten significantly more information in the last few months, than we had in almost a year. Just because it isn't the information you want to see, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


This is a perfect example of, "If it isn't what I want, it is poor."


I think its less about them actually saying stuff about things and more about they are not adressing some of the more serious issues. Sure with transfers coming into the forefront the posts are gonna be about FAQs and that nonsense. New stuff will always get attention. HOWEVER There are issues that have been around for awhile now and are being swept under the rug and we want to hear more about them.

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Well I can't put that on him with fact, as I'm not sure what he is/isn't told by the team, lol.


Could be they throw arrows to his knees when he asks for some clarification! :D


I think it would be awesome if there were "Go to people" for each gameplay aspect. I hate pinning this on Eric, cause I'm sure he's trolling all sub-forums trying to help...but I do believe he's overwhelmed...I dunno just an opinion. Maybe Andryah could apply for the job, heard she knows a lot about the game! :p


I can tell you if I was in his position I would either be fired by now or there would be more communication because I would not sit back idly waiting for devs to talk to me.

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