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Explain this to me,


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Why swtor PvP gives players an advantage based on how much time you have put in. (Please refrain from saying how bolster is broken yada yards.) The system is supposed to be, "dang you played tons bro, here is some gear that means you can win, thanks for playing PvP".


I have never played another mmo but I assume this is the same on all of them. Why don't they make a ranking system (forgive me I used to play console, halo 3 was a good example). Where as you win more you get higher rank and play better people', groups play against groups etc.


I just never grasped this part, the gear you can buy shouldn't dictate your power,

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I am going to explain the rationale; not that I support one way or the other.


First the dev has decided that gear is the main character progression in end game (thats the fundamental game design)


Second they have decided that gear is relevant in pvp, i.e. WZs is not a equal playing field due to gear (not too much wrong with this logically, cause this is the same as what you get in open pvp). I will come back to this below.


Now comes pvp gear for the reasons:

a) A lot of players don't raid and it is fair that they can get better gear when they play (raid more get better pve gear; wzs more get better pvp gear)


b) Introduce "expertise", cause the devs want to separate pve and pvp progression.


However, 2.0 broken bolster renders (b) ineffective.


Yes the second point above is probably the key. If they make everyone's stats as if they are naked in wzs, many issues will go away. However, the devs believe "gear grinding" gives players some purpose to work for and keep them playing more (not saying it is 100% true but thats the reason behind the dev's thinking)

Edited by Banegio
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Here's a stupid question... what's bolster and why is everyone crabbing it's broken?


The best answer is to use your search box and type in 'bolster' and read the threads. It will provide you a good, quicker answer to your question so you don't have to wait for one person to put the time into writing up a long response. I'd answer it but that's a lot for me to get into since I'm not well versed in explaining things like this

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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Here's a stupid question... what's bolster and why is everyone crabbing it's broken?


When the players enter a wz, the system bolsters the stats of each individual character to somewhat close the gap of level/gear differences, in order to create a more competitive environment.


Pre 2.0

Bolster only applied to 10-49 bracket and bolster the stats of all sub49 characters to the lv49 equivalent (the formula also took consideration of the lack of abilities/talents in lower level toons)


Post 2.0

Bolster is now based on item rating rather than character level. Recruit-level gear is no longer available, as players will be automatically bolstered to this level of item power if they do not meet it naturally.


People preceive it is broken because there were/are scenarios where toons with lesser/pve gear being bolstered to greater stats than toons with better/pvp gear.

Edited by Banegio
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