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Tertiary stat budget for Combat


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I was wondering how I should be spreading my points (acc/surge/alacrity) for end-game PvE. My main question here concerns the amount of accuracy I take. With Ataru I would be sitting at 107% special accuracy with 0 points in accuracy. Would it be enough to go to 110% special and dump the rest the surge? Or should I get over 110% to get the off-hand attacks to hit more often?


Also, I was wondering about the cap on Surge. The old recommendations were to go to about 300-350 depending on spec, is it still the same?


And lastly, assuming I go only to 110% accuracy and 70% surge (~350), will I really go into Alacrity for the rest? I guess that would easily get me somewhere around 5-10% alacrity, which would at best mean a 1,35sec GCD outside Zen, which would net me an extra attack once every 10 globals.

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From what I know, you need 100% melee accuracy, not sure though if it didn't change with some recent changes.


From the fact that you use Ataru I guess that you use Combat build. You should be getting Power and Surge (target Surge at 70%), Crit comes after that (target Crit around 30%), and no matter what you do, avoid Alacrity on items. You would need to stack unholy amounts of Alacrity rating to get your GCD down noticeably and by that you would sacrifice more important and stronger stats.

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From what I know, you need 100% melee accuracy, not sure though if it didn't change with some recent changes.


From the fact that you use Ataru I guess that you use Combat build. You should be getting Power and Surge (target Surge at 70%), Crit comes after that (target Crit around 30%), and no matter what you do, avoid Alacrity on items. You would need to stack unholy amounts of Alacrity rating to get your GCD down noticeably and by that you would sacrifice more important and stronger stats.


Well that's kinda the dilemma here. Crit and Surge don't compete against each other, the ones where I can choose are: Power/Crit (general consensus is to go all power, though some crit probably wouldn't hurt - 30% is too much though) and Accuracy/Surge/Alacrity. If I go to 110% special/force accuracy (which is 100% melee accuracy too) and 70% surge, I have only spent around 500 tertiary stat points. I still have a LOT to spend.

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I have just learned in other discussion on this board from KeyboardNinja (that guy knows what he is doing, check some his stuff to get 100% accurate numbers, but maybe they will be too accurate and too number-y if you are a bit more casual :D) that it is Power over Crit all the way. I myself am a bit confused about how will I gear, but by getting Power into these unused points, you can not go wrong.
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OP here, account went preferred and haven't bought more gametime yet. :p


You still didn't get what I'm saying. Certain stats can only be exchanged for certain others. Take Enhancements, for example, as that is what is mainly affecting my main question.


An end-game enhancement has 3 stats. One is always Endurance. For the second you have a decision to make: Power, Critical, Defense or Absorption. And there's another decision for the third one: Accuracy, Alacrity, Shield and Surge.


End-game mods have 3 stats as well, Endurance, Mainstat (in the case of Sentinel, Strength) and Power/Critical/Defense/Absorption. Armorings only have 2 stats, Endurace and Mainstat.


There are also differences in the ratio of the stats. A DPS would always want mods, armorings and enhancements where the smallest number is Endurance. And as far as I know and recall, in enhancements, even if it is a low-endurance one, you still have to pick whether it has more Power/Critical/Defense/Absorption or Accuracy/Alacrity/Shield/Surge. (Feel free to correct me here, cannot be bothered to check it now.)




So, there's no way I could assign my "leftover tertiary skill points" to Power. Because they cannot be exchanged with Power

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I honestly don't really have a clue about how the stats are split on modifications, I always have to google them to find out what I'm after.


But from what you wrote, you certainly can get the leftover points into Power.


You need to get enhancements with Power or Crit and Accuracy until you have 100% melee accuracy. After that the third slot would be Surge and you would again choose between Power and Crit in the second slot.


And with mods, you can again choose if it is End/Str/Power or End/Str/Crit.


Augments will always be Power.


Getting stuff this way will be very long and costly, but I believe that's how it is done. Some experiments with magnitudes to figure out what is the most efficient way, and you will either be geared in no time or you will struggle with it for so long time that they re-value the stats with some update and you will have to start again. (like me :))

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Don't put crit to 30% jesus!!! People don't know what they're talking about


Crit between 15 and 20 is fine, rest to power.. accuracy 100% melee (110% force) surge 70-74 and you're good


get 2-3 enhancements with power/accuracy and you should reach 110% rest for enhancements are the power/surge ones

Edited by Ausgelebt
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