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Class swap


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Due to certain restrictions that I presume are present for the story, so the option should only open itself after story related quests are done, but I think it would be interesting from an RP perspective to allow us to swap to our mirror classes. Balance is a non-issue. The change is purely cosmetic. A dark Jedi using Force Lightning, a light Sorcerer renouncing the dark side (and the Lightning inherent thereto), a trooper gone merc, etc.
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You're talking about Defection.

Defection is a great way to upgrade SWTOR's RP Chances and would most certainly be loved by me/others.

Defection couldt have it's own ''story'' ofcourse, like you go from Empire to Republic, Republic doesn't trust you, so you need to earn their trust and vica versa.


Yet we've talked about this before, and I think it's a lot of work.

Yet I would like to see this around the new expansion pack.

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I don't know that it is exactly the same. That sounds quite a bit more involved than what I had in mind. All the changes I had in mind were aesthetic. Trading appearances and animations for the most part. Giving up your blaster cannon for a pair of pistols (commando to mercenary) and using a different set of models for your armor (since often the imps and pubs get different equipment models for the same items). Giving up 2 pistols and getting a sniper rifle instead. Stuff like that. I'm not sure how integral these features are to the mechanics of the game or how implementing the proposed change would affect the under the hood mechanics, but it sounds cool.
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I don't know that it is exactly the same. That sounds quite a bit more involved than what I had in mind. All the changes I had in mind were aesthetic. Trading appearances and animations for the most part. Giving up your blaster cannon for a pair of pistols (commando to mercenary) and using a different set of models for your armor (since often the imps and pubs get different equipment models for the same items). Giving up 2 pistols and getting a sniper rifle instead. Stuff like that. I'm not sure how integral these features are to the mechanics of the game or how implementing the proposed change would affect the under the hood mechanics, but it sounds cool.


Oh sorry I totally misunderstood you.

Now I seem to get your point.


Yes as a BH I'd love to trade in my pair of blaster pistols for a rifle every once in a while!

Or my vangaurd using pistols etc.

So I completely support this!

(Force player can use vibro blades and Lightsabers. Thats what you meant I hope. for more weapon availablity per class)

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