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Order of the White Rose, RP Guild


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The Order of the White Rose are recruiting!


We are a roleplay heavy young guild looking for all and any members. All levels, classes and abilities are welcome to the Order. You can apply in game by contacting either Fllyyn or Vellilk, but the best way would be to apply on our enjin website.




We are an extremely friendly and tight knit guild and help our members out in any different ways. We regularly travel between worlds to help lower level members with quests. We send enhancements and mods and most importantly for looking good, crystals of differing colours and power. This community feel is more like a family than a guild, a member of the guild is a brother or sister for life.


Now a bit about the guild. The Order of the White Rose operates out of the usual constrictions placed on guilds fighting for the Republic. Our orders occasionally come from the Jedi Order but never from the Senate, we operate on our own against the grain of the Republics war efforts. We see them as not doing enough to stop the Empire and Sith and we will, with or without their help. Unfortunately hunting Sith is never inexpensive and the Order occasionally does mercenary activities and especially smuggling runs to make us a more efficient force for good. The Order of the White Rose is based on Coruscant in the Old Galactic Market and it is here we meet for our occasional meetings of war and crime.


Find us in game and get a good background story and you are basically one of us.





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