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I’m a bit confused about Marauder stats


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I mostly play rage since I do a lot of dailies on my marauder. As far as I can tell the following is right about stats:

Ani: Crit is probably more important then power due to crit helping to get rage back

Carn: power over crit (for example auguments with power and not strength)

Rage: power over crit (for example auguments with power and not strength)


Some1 wrote that surge (crit multiplyer) was very important on carn/rage marauder – I can’t understand why since my crit will not be that high.

Some say 110% accuracy (unbuffed) is needed, seems to me you need to sacrifice a lot to get that high. Is it needed?


Cheers for helping a confused fellow marauder out!

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Full power is probably the best way to go for all specs tbh. I just go full power with str augments (i like to play all 3 specs in pvp depending on mood). The reasoning for str augments is you lose very little bonus dmg over power while gaining a small amount of crit which isnt a bad thing if you're only stacking power elsewhere (1-2% extra crit chance on crush, scream, slash, ravage etc shouldnt be sniffed at really i prefer that over the tiny bit of bonus dmg augmenting power would give) though Crit rating as a stat just has too much DR though tbh 100-200 won't harm you that much.

Even in anni full power is probs the way to go since you have berserk that will top off your rage quite if you're using it as soon as its up so having 4% more crit really wont make much difference.

Edited by AngusFTW
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