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2.0 Practical Shield Rating


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Link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap394Q8NB51gdG9FbWwtMXY1djVVX2Z2Z2ZPeG9rb1E&usp=sharing


Last Updated: 30 May 2013


Updates: Nil




2. Abbreviations Used

3. Introduction

4. Approach

5. Objectives

6. Base Stats

7. Gear Tiers, Shield Rating and Shield Chance

8. Math

9. Gear Listing

10. Questions






Not using any shield augments,


Shield Rating via Commendations, before HM55 Ops = 722 (+14.41%)


Shield Rating via Commendations, before HM55 Ops and crafted Enhancement 31s = 771 (+15.22%)


Shield Rating for Guardians/Shadows/Vanguards via HM55 Ops = 785 (+15.45%)


Shield Rating via NiM55 Ops = 860 (+16.65%)



Shield Rating for Guardians using MK-1 Implants via Commendations, before HM55 Ops = 726 (+14.48%)


Shield Rating via for Guardians using MK-1 Implants Commendations, before HM55 Ops and crafted Enhancement 31s = 775 (+15.29%)


The spreadsheet for this can be accessed using this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap394Q8NB51gdG9FbWwtMXY1djVVX2Z2Z2ZPeG9rb1E#gid=0



2. Abbreviations Used


Abs = Absorb Rating

Acc = Accuracy Rating

AMF = [Artifact] Microfilament

Ark = Arkanian (Level 69)

BM = Black Market (Level 69)

Def = Defence Rating

KD = Kell Dragon (Level 75)

UW = Underworld (Level 72)

Verp = Verpine (Level 72)


3. Introduction

Aside from augments, Shield Rating can be obtained from your ear piece, 2 implants and 7 enhancement slots. For each of these 10 gear items that comes with shield rating, either abs or def is also present. The shield rating in ear tier of gear is pretty much the same (there is 1 exception which I will cover in the next paragraph), so even if you can’t decide how much abs/def to get your shield rating is pretty much fixed.


There is 1 exception to this. Unlike the MK-1 Implants for the Shadow and Vanguard (which have acc), the Guardian version has shield rating on it. This means that without doing HM55 Ops, Guardians can buy Verp implants and obtain 4 more shield rating than their Shadow and Vanguard counterparts.


This guide is meant for PVE.


4. Approach

KBN (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779) and Dipstick (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=567164) have put in quite a bit of effort into analysing tank stats and finding an optimised level of stats. Their approaches towards overall mitigation are insightful. This guide is meant as a supplement.


This guide approaches tanking stats from the perspective of the rating that you get from the gear that you have obtained. This is possible for shield rating because of the way stats are arranged. On tank ear pieces and implants, you can get only get either (i) Shield rating with abs/def, or (ii) accuracy with abs/def. Tanks do not really need acc, and while there may be differences in terms of where the particular piece has abs or def, the shield rating is the same. So each upgrade to abs/def on these pieces of gear does result in an increase in shield rating by exactly the same amount. On the usual min-max enhancements (Bastion/Bulwark/Immunity/Sturdiness), although the endurance and abs/def stats may be different, the shield rating is fixed for each tier. Linearity in these two areas means that the actual non-augmented shield rating for each tier is pretty fixed.


As this guide does not deal with optimisation, the additional shield rating, which you can obtain from shield augments have not been included.



5. Objectives


a. Know the shield rating you can get at a particular tier of gear

b. Know the new shield rating for each of your upgrades

c. Know the corresponding shield chance % for Guardians, Shadows and Vanguards

d. Cross-check the shield rating with KBN’s or Dipstick’s recommendations to see how much you need to augment (or for that matter any other optimisation guides that come along).


6. Base Stats


As with any guide that deals with stats, let’s start off with a baseline shield rating


AMF Ear – 74 Shield

7x Bastion/Bulwark/Immunity/Sturdiness Enhancements 28 – 462

Baseline Total – 536


All tanks are able to use their BM MK-2 Implants so this brings them up to 680. (These unfortunately can’t be bought or crafted, so you would need to rely on drops.)


Guardians may alternatively buy their BM MK-1 implants using commendations, giving 670 rating.


(I will deal with some of the questions dealing with this selection, in a later section)


7. Gear Tiers, Shield Rating and Shield Chance


Patch 2.0, Before HM55 Ops – 722 (all tanks) or 726 (Guardians only)

Guardian Shield Chance – 38.41% or 38.48%

Shadow Shield Chance – 49.41% (or w/ 2pc bonus 54.41%)

Vanguard Shield Chance – 36.41%


Patch 2.2, Before HM55 Ops with crafted Enhancements 31s – 771 (all tanks) or 775 (Guardians only)

Guardian Shield Chance – 39.22% or 39.29%

Shadow Shield Chance – 50.22% (or w/ 2pc bonus, 55.22%)

Vanguard Shield Chance – 37.22%



Patch 2.0, Doing HM55 Ops – 785 (all tanks) or 775 (Guardians only)

Guardian Shield Chance – 39.45% or 39.29%

Shadow Shield Chance – 50.45% (or w/ 2pc bonus, 55.45%)

Vanguard Shield Chance – 37.45%



Patch 2.2, Doing NiM55 Ops – 860 (all tanks)

Guardian Shield Chance – 40.65%

Shadow Shield Chance – 51.65% (or w/ 2pc bonus 56.65%)

Vanguard Shield Chance – 38.65%


Refer to the spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap394Q8NB51gdG9FbWwtMXY1djVVX2Z2Z2ZPeG9rb1E#gid=0) for the in-between ratings and corresponding shield chance %.


8. Math



Shield Chance % Formula: 0.5*(1-(1-(0.01/0.5))^((Shield Rating/55)/0.78))


N.B. The mmo-mechanic forum post (http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/thread-1190.html) currently incorrectly uses: 0.5*(1 - (1 - (0.01/0.3))^(Shield Rating/55/0.78))



9. Gear Listing



66 Shield Rating Gear Items

Bastion/Bulwark/Immunity/Sturdiness Enhancements 28


67 Shield Rating Gear Items

(Guardian) BM Bulwark’s* MK-1 Implant ( and +58 Abs)


*The Demolisher’s and Duelist’s ones have 67 Acc Rating instead


72 Shield Rating Gear Items

Bastion/Bulwark Enhancement 30


BM Bulwark’s/Demolisher’s/Duelist’s MK-2 Implant (and +72 Def)


(Ear) Ark Supercommando’s /Survivor’s Device (and +81 Def)


(Ear) Ark War Leader’s Device (and +81 Absorb)


(Implant) Ark Supercommando’s /War Leader’s MK-X* Package (and +81 Def)


(Implant) Ark Survivor’s MK-X* Package (and +81 Abs)


*The MK-V Implants have 72 Acc instead


74 Shield Rating Gear Items

(Ear) AMF Reaction/Resistance/Response D-Module (and +83 Def)


(Ear) Verp Bulwark’s/Demolisher’s/Duelist’s MK-1 Module (and +63 Def)


79 Shield Rating Gear Items

Bastion/Bulwark Enhancement 31


Verp Bulwark’s/Demolisher’s/Duelist’s MK-2 Implant (and +79 Def)


(Ear) UW Supercommando’s /Survivor’s Device (and +88 Def)


(Ear) UW War Leader’s Device (and +88 Abs)


(Implant) UW Supercommando’s /War Leader’s MK-X Package (and +88 Def)


(Implant) UW Survivor’s Device (and +88 Abs)


86 Shield Rating Items

Bastion/Bulwark Enhancement 33


(Ear) KD Supercommando’s /Survivor’s Device (and +101 Def)


(Ear) KD War Leader’s Device (and +101 Abs)


(Implant) KD Supercommando’s /War Leader’s MK-X Package (and +101Def)


(Implant) KD Survivor’s MK-X Package (and +101 Abs)




10. Questions


a. The Veracity Reaction/Resistance/Response Implants provide 105 Shield Rating and 98 Defence. Why didn’t you use those for the baseline?


The problem with using this particular crafted piece is that it cannot be upgraded further. So when comparing stats,


BM MK-2 Implant +52 Main Stat, +47 End, -33 Sh, -26 Def

Ark MK-X Implant +52 Main Stat, +36 End, -33 Sh, -17 Def (or -98 Def, +81 Abs)

Verp MK-2 Implant +63 Main Stat, +65 End, -26 Sh, -19 Def

UW MK-X Implant +66 Main Stat, +54 End, -26 Sh, -10 Def (or -98 Def, +88 Abs)

KD MK-X Implant +79 Main Stat, +72End, -19 Sh, +3 Def.


The loss in main stat and endurance might not be really worth it.



b. But aren’t the Immunity/Sturdiness Enhancement 28s still the best enhancements?


The extra 7 abs/def that you get from each Immunity/Sturdiness Enhancement 28 compared with the Bastion/Bulwark Enhancement 33 means a loss of 32 endurance and 20 shield rating per piece. Multiplied that by 7, and I don’t think 49 abs/def is worth the loss of 224 endurance and 140 Sh. When comparing that to the Bastion/Bulwark 31, it’s a 77 abs/def gain versus a 182 endurance and 91 shield rating loss.



c. Why didn’t you include the Verp MK-1 ear pieces?


The AMF Ear has the same shield rating as the Verp MK-1 ear pieces, and since we are only looking at shield rating, there isn’t a difference.



d. You provided alternate shield ratings for Guardian in all the others, why’s there only 1 under “Patch 2.2, Doing NiM55 Ops”?


The alternate shield ratings for Guardians is based on MK-1 implants. It doesn’t look like level 75 (Shadowed) MK-1 implants are in 2.2.



e. Could you please do a similar guide for abs and def?


Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of permutations for abs and def (MK-X vs MK-2 Implants, B lettered mods vs unlettered mods, etc) so it’s not exactly practical to do it.



f. So your spreadsheet says that I can get X shield rating. What the corresponding abs and def I should get?


Unfortunately, this guide doesn’t cover that. You can instead refer to the guides done by KBN or Dipstick.



g. Could you add a stat calculator in your spreadsheet?




h. Is there a character sheet or gear editor that I can use?


There is one on swtor.askmrrobot.com. There is also an optimiser character sheet by Gyokusai (http://www.swtor-theory.com/) and by Inua (https://www.tor-tank.com/)



i. All this reading is giving me a headache, can you be more concise?


There’s a TLDR version at the start of this guide. ;) And hmm… you actually made it to here :p



k. Hmm… this theorycrafting is…


Nah, I wouldn’t call categorising gear and providing the sum of a particular stat theorycrafting really. ;)


Edited by leto_cleon
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For the current tier of gear anyway, the crafted implants are better then the underworld/verpine as far as mitigation goes, and the drop in health and mainstat is worth the trade. A best in slot guardian will have a minimum of 868 shield rating using the crafted ear and implants. If the stats go live on the KD gear though, it looks like they could be better, for guardians at least.


To bring up something I was talking about in KBN's thread, shield rating for guardians is a bit wonky once they start adding in relics to the stat budget, as KBN's spreads will start indicating that they should use shield, where as dipstik says with no assumptions on shield they would drop quite a bit of it for defense, which lead me to think that it's a bit odd using shield augments on a guardian.

Edited by Marb
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Rather than focus solely on BIS, I decided to take a more linear approach to gear upgrading that scales with newer gear tiers. That said here's the calculations for the crafted Veracity Experimental implants vs the BM and Verp MK-2 ones.


Replacing 2x BM Bulwark/Demolisher/Duelist's MK-2 Implants with 2x Veracity Experimental Reaction/Resistance/Response Implants means -104 Main Stat, -94 End, +66 Sh, +52 Def. So in 2.0 before doing HM55 Ops, the shield rating would be 788 instead. In terms of extra shield chance % this works out to +1.09%.


Replacing 2x Verp Bulwark/Demolisher/Duelist's MK-2 Implants with 2x Veracity Experimental Reaction/Resistance/Response Implants means -126 Main Stat, -130 End, +52 Sh, +38 Def. So in 2.0 from doing HM55 Ops, the shield rating would be 837 instead. In terms of extra shield chance % this works out to +0.836%.


Solely in terms of shield rating, it doesn't look like much. In terms of overall mitigation or tank performance, I would defer to the threads that address those.

Edited by leto_cleon
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