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The Hunt


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Chapter One

It has only been two months since the Empire secured the Isotype-5. The Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Cuhon, has been taking on the new bounties on the Hutt Cartel. His recent one took him to Nar Shaddaa, Where the Hutts were transporting supplies in one of their many skiffs to the gang leaders on the planet. Cuhon decided he would do this alone and most of his team remained back at his ship, the Flying Rancor. The only one who didn't was Gault, who was trying to spend time with Hylo after finding her again.


Cuhon looked down from the top of the building he was standing on. Any second the skiff would pass by and he would have to jump. If it wasn't for his jetpack he wouldn't survive the jump. He saw the skiff coming and jumped from his position. After falling for a few seconds he activated his jetpack and landed on the skiff. The first thing he thought of was that something was wrong.


The skiff was empty of both crew and cargo. Cuhon pulled out his blaster pistol and walked around the skiff. He then heard something from behind and gave a quick glance behind his shoulder. He saw mercenaries that were clearly not alligned with the Cartel. Cuhon knew he saw people that looked like them before but couldn't find out who.


Before he could talk to them, they begin to open fire on him. Cuhon's armor took most of the damage and he returned fire, killing three of the attackers. Before their next reaction, he activated his jetpack and fired several rockets on the rest of the attackers. He landed and decided it was time to leave the planet. However, before Cuhon could contact his ship or activate his jetpack, he was tackled off the skiff by one of the surviving mercenaries.

Edited by ArcherlordCP
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