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If your thinking of rolling a PT for DPS, don't!


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The class sucks now compared tot he other classes. You could be the most amazing PT in the game, and you'll still fall behind most of the other DPS classes. Furthermore, the class doesn't offer any benefit to operation like most of the other classes do in the way of group dmg buffs or armor debuffs. The only reason a PT is in an operation these days is because he's either in good with his guild, or the guild is desperate to raid so they had no choice to take a PT. Why would anyone want to cover mediocre DPS in a raid? It just means the other raiders have to pick up the slack. We've been continuously nerfed while the other DPS classes have been buffed. Our ability we got in 2.0, shoulder cannon, is crap compared to what everyone else got. Anyways, just don't roll a PT for DPS.
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I agree I used to top damage and kills in wz and now I do maybe 300k or less on a short match and 700k on a long match with no deaths. They killed our ability to burst ppl down, now I see mara/sents, commando/merc and jugg/guards doing 1mil plus. My favorite is they dont even give us any survivability other the overides so we can kite better lol
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I can't speak for PVP, but my guild does endgame PVE content. We're fine with a powertech dps. In pure tank form, powertechs still throw down mean damage, and the dps stance is viable. Are they preferred over a sniper, marauder, merc, or sorc? No, not preferred but they're perfectly viable. I'd take a good powertech dps over another stupid marauder with no situational awareness any day. And for a melee dps class, the heavy armor is so nice.


In Mandalorian Raiders, on the hound master our main powertech tank (full tank gear, full tank spec) routinely get's the houndmaster himself down to half health or less while the dps kills the two hounds. And we're all arkanian geared with arkanian mainhand weapons.


And on a final note, I will say the damage nerf powertechs got seemed a bit excessive to me, and I'd be fine seeing that rolled back, but to claim that powertechs are unviable in endgame PVE is not true. I've seen them perform firsthand in both dps and tank specs.


You'll never throw down the numbers that snipers and maras do as a powertech, but you're viable.


If you enjoy the class, play the class.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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that is a bogus site...




highest powertech dummy parse in the US and it was done with Advanced Prototype.


Dummy parses meaningless in my opinion. In terms of PVP, if you don't have a healer behind you, are you going to be able to out burst the other DPS classes? More than likely not. Even with all your fancy CCs, it won't help. To make matters worse, everyone is going to have a CC breaker now after they come back to life in PVP (not that I really think this is a bad thing, but it screws this class even more). Moreover, some of these classes have ridiculous ways to mitigate damage such as deflection, undying rage, and even reflective shields now. The PT DPS is broke and not worth now.


In PVE, I'm still sure a PT can get through a raid, but the question still needs to be answered... Why bring one over the other DPS classes?

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In PVE, I'm still sure a PT can get through a raid, but the question still needs to be answered... Why bring one over the other DPS classes?


The question was already answered. Player > Class. That's your answer. If I've got a very good player who plays a powertech dps, I'm taking them over the less skilled marauder or sniper.


There are Youtube movies and parses showing lethality/concealment OPs, and powertech dps doing fine in HM and Nightmare mode operations.


PVE powertech dps is viable. It's not debatable when there is "physical evidence" and statistical proof.


I can't, and won't speak for PVP, particularly since the last balance update to powertechs looked to be entirely PVP oriented.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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that is a bogus site...




highest powertech dummy parse in the US and it was done with Advanced Prototype.


Parse is short by about 23 seconds (minimum 5 minutes, always).




I highly doubt an extra 23 seconds would have dropped them so far below the score they achieved, so that's a moot point. I still have two questions:


1) What gear level are they at?

2) I noticed that Immolate had a crit percentage of roughly 67%. I don't know if this can be repeated.


Either way, impressive.

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The class sucks now compared tot he other classes. You could be the most amazing PT in the game, and you'll still fall behind most of the other DPS classes. Furthermore, the class doesn't offer any benefit to operation like most of the other classes do in the way of group dmg buffs or armor debuffs. The only reason a PT is in an operation these days is because he's either in good with his guild, or the guild is desperate to raid so they had no choice to take a PT. Why would anyone want to cover mediocre DPS in a raid? It just means the other raiders have to pick up the slack. We've been continuously nerfed while the other DPS classes have been buffed. Our ability we got in 2.0, shoulder cannon, is crap compared to what everyone else got. Anyways, just don't roll a PT for DPS.


If u are thinking about making new thread or post don't unless u are sure about what u are saying.


Nothing more missleading than a player that have no idea about the class but shouts the most.


JUGG/Guard hardly gives any utility to ops group and loses quite alot dps to PT Hybrid which is used with quite a sucess and parses on ops and dummies quite well (best parse on dumy 2.9k dps, best parse on ops boss 2,8kdps). Typing from the phone so u wil have to find it yourself. Or i will google that for u in 2 next days.

Edited by Nezyrworks
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Parse is short by about 23 seconds (minimum 5 minutes, always).




I highly doubt an extra 23 seconds would have dropped them so far below the score they achieved, so that's a moot point. I still have two questions:


1) What gear level are they at?

2) I noticed that Immolate had a crit percentage of roughly 67%. I don't know if this can be repeated.


Either way, impressive.

i did that parse before i have the 4pc set bonus and i am still far from BiS. i still need implants and another relic. I could use a better earpiece but that would require getting enhancements from another classes underworld gear and i am not gonna take a token from a guild mate just so i can have an enhancement.

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JUGG/Guard hardly gives any utility to ops group and loses quite alot dps to PT Hybrid which is used with quite a sucess and parses on ops and dummies quite well (best parse on dumy 2.9k dps, best parse on ops boss 2,8kdps). Typing from the phone so u wil have to find it yourself. Or i will google that for u in 2 next days.


Quick glance at TORParse shows PT and Jugg DPS about equal, with Jugg DPS on the dummy being higher than the highest PT parse. DPS Juggs are also waaaay better offensively and defensively in PvP.

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Quick glance at TORParse shows PT and Jugg DPS about equal, with Jugg DPS on the dummy being higher than the highest PT parse. DPS Juggs are also waaaay better offensively and defensively in PvP.

that right you did a "quick" glance. If you actually look at that top jugg parse it is an edited log. He is smash spec using smash every 9-10 seconds when smash is on a 12 second cooldown.


When you see 1-2 parses way higher then the rest you need to look deeper.


and BTW a smash jugg or even a vengance juss is not any more offensive or defensive then an AP powertech. Smash ONLY has smash outside of that they are 0 threat and vengance is only really scary when doing ravage which is less of a threat then a PTs flamethrower.

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that right you did a "quick" glance. If you actually look at that top jugg parse it is an edited log. He is smash spec using smash every 9-10 seconds when smash is on a 12 second cooldown.


When you see 1-2 parses way higher then the rest you need to look deeper.

Like I said, they're about the same. Upper 2700s, Guardian and Juggs. 2700s with PTs. I looked though a few S&V fights and they were around 2200 each as well.


and BTW a smash jugg or even a vengance juss is not any more offensive or defensive then an AP powertech. Smash ONLY has smash outside of that they are 0 threat and vengance is only really scary when doing ravage which is less of a threat then a PTs flamethrower.


Saber Reflect makes Juggs automatically better defensively. That **** is broken good, especially for DPS Juggs. They also have more CC with Force Push. Smash isn't even the scariest ability in the Rage tree. Vicious Throw can hit people for 10k thanks to 15% free Surge.


I like Prototype Flamethrower for screwing with Sage healers or AOEing people bunched up say south node on Novare. But Ravage, Force Scream, Vicious Throw and Shatter all deal more damage than AP abilities. Shorter CDs, too.

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Like I said, they're about the same. Upper 2700s, Guardian and Juggs. 2700s with PTs. I looked though a few S&V fights and they were around 2200 each as well.




Saber Reflect makes Juggs automatically better defensively. That **** is broken good, especially for DPS Juggs. They also have more CC with Force Push. Smash isn't even the scariest ability in the Rage tree. Vicious Throw can hit people for 10k thanks to 15% free Surge.


I like Prototype Flamethrower for screwing with Sage healers or AOEing people bunched up say south node on Novare. But Ravage, Force Scream, Vicious Throw and Shatter all deal more damage than AP abilities. Shorter CDs, too.

smash is the only thing that hit harder then immolate from an AP powertech.. and VS is only dangerous if you are nearly dead to begin with so its your fault for getting that low.


There are no bad classes in the game despite what the forums say. There are only bad players blaming the class for their bad play.


I have proven with number more then once that power techs are not nearly as bad as the forums would like everyone to believe. The same goes for every class. Every class has a place in every aspect of the game, you simply have to be willing to work hard enough to get good at he class. Too many people get sucked into the FOTM which is almost always over powered are way too easy to play and that covers up their inability to be a good player. Once taken away their lack of skill shines though and instead of learning how to get better they simply rush to the forums and complain their someone stole their crutches and they want them back because they don't want to learn to walk on their own.


There is no such thing as a bad class only bad players. Take any class of any spec and there will always be someone excelling at it. People need to stop looking for the easy way out, do not look at what others have learn to use what you have against others.

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Ka'sumi, see if you can complete a 5 minute parse and post in this thread.




I would be interested in seeing how difficult it would be to reproduce the conditions that gave you your 4.5 minute parse you currently have. 60+% immolate crit? I've spent a couple of hours parsing on the dummy doing five minute parses as AP and I've never once come close to that crit chance on immolate. A couple of other skills seem to have higher-than-average crit rates too.


This is why I mentioned in some other thread on here that I think that even if you get all the TFB HM records too, it would be more likely a demonstration of great play from you, not so much the superiority of AP. My hunch is that, even with having better gear than you had when you parsed on the dummy, you will have a very hard time getting the same results because of the rather extreme RNG that was in your favor originally.


But, I am always hungry to improve, and if I could learn something from you to make me a better PT (specifically AP), I'm all for it.


So, go to that thread, adhere to their specifications, and see what you can come up with. I'd be very interested to see the results.

Edited by Metinsith
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I would love to know where OP is getting is info from I am a PT DPS i run a 9/11/26 build mainly in Stuff that increase flame damage and Rail shot Damage i also use retractable Blade as well and i do really really well as DPS i hold my own against the best of them. I also started SWTOR after the PT nerf and honestly i love it i get into OPs all the time and have no issues at all. Edited by KnyghtmareX
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Ka'sumi, see if you can complete a 5 minute parse and post in this thread.




I would be interested in seeing how difficult it would be to reproduce the conditions that gave you your 4.5 minute parse you currently have. 60+% immolate crit? I've spent a couple of hours parsing on the dummy doing five minute parses as AP and I've never once come close to that crit chance on immolate. A couple of other skills seem to have higher-than-average crit rates too.


This is why I mentioned in some other thread on here that I think that even if you get all the TFB HM records too, it would be more likely a demonstration of great play from you, not so much the superiority of AP. My hunch is that, even with having better gear than you had when you parsed on the dummy, you will have a very hard time getting the same results because of the rather extreme RNG that was in your favor originally.


But, I am always hungry to improve, and if I could learn something from you to make me a better PT (specifically AP), I'm all for it.


So, go to that thread, adhere to their specifications, and see what you can come up with. I'd be very interested to see the results.




not quite as high as my other posted parse,but pretty close and just over the 5 minute mark, still beat your hybrid by a hair :D BTW that 60% immolate crit percentage was crazy good RNG, i think i was just over 40% with this new one. I wish they would add immolate to the crit damage bonus flameburst and RB get though.


keep in mind that even if the ybrid and AP parse about equal, AP brings faster movement speed so that equal less travel time and more time on the boss, as well as the 30% passive aoe damage reduction. The damage reduction alone make it superior for raiding because its less the healers have to worry about. Those bonuses to the raid are not translated to a dummy parse. It was theorycrafted in wow a long time ago that an intangible like a run speed increase was one the the best "buffs" a class could get for a raid situation, it is an intangible amount because it depends on the person play and how often they are not on target or how fast they need to get out of "fire" but it is always better to be able to move faster then base speed. There is more to DPSing then hitting the target, IMO a DPSers job is not only to put up as much damage as possible its to take as little damage as possible something only the AP tree provides in a raid situation.

Edited by Hizoka
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that right you did a "quick" glance. If you actually look at that top jugg parse it is an edited log. He is smash spec using smash every 9-10 seconds when smash is on a 12 second cooldown.

I suggest you study the specs of other classes before accusing others of doctoring combat logs.



While Shii-Cho Form is active, Assault, Sundering Assault, Vicious Slash, Force Scream and Vicious Throw have a 100% chance to reduce the active cooldown of Smash and Obliterate by 1 second and Enrage by 2 seconds.

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Hello Hizoka, I'm also working on improving my AP playing. I'm not a fan of critical rating but looking at your parcer, it makes me believe that I have opportunity in that area. Do you mind to share the amount of critical rating on your gear? Sorry, can't find the way to send PMs in this site.
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Hello Hizoka, I'm also working on improving my AP playing. I'm not a fan of critical rating but looking at your parcer, it makes me believe that I have opportunity in that area. Do you mind to share the amount of critical rating on your gear? Sorry, can't find the way to send PMs in this site.


i have 270 crit rating. The thing with crit is its not a bad stat, it simply is a stat that has DR on it. With DR on it you just have to not get too much of it. Point for point it is better then power when you have very little of it. There is a point where it becomes a weak stat, that point is past 300 crit rating. So as long as you stay below 300 crit rating on your gear you are not hurting you DPS output in fact you are helping it as it makes you surge a more potent stat if you have a higher crit rating.

Edited by Hizoka
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