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House Targaryen - Recruiting Merc/Sorc Healer


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House Targaryen is looking for a level 55, smartly geared Mercenary or Sorcerer healer for one of our 8 man raid teams. Our raid times are as follows: Tuesday, Wednesday: 7:00pm to 10:00pm, and Sunday 5:00pm - 9:00pm PST. We're currently 5/5 HM TFB and 7/7 HM SnV and have killed Golden Fury on HM.


We are a relaxed and fun progression raiding guild with a skilled and reliable player base who is looking to add another member to our team. We are progression oriented, but understanding of real world issues and open to players with different philosophies. We are committed to working together to achieve our goals, and with a regular raid roster we believe we have a very competitive team. We are a mature guild with two raid teams and many social and pvp members, and we are looking for someone who is socially mature and can be relied upon to make raid times and perform consistently.


What we are looking for in a player:

- A skilled player who knows their class

- Someone who can reliably make raid times

- Someone who can take constructive feedback as well as give it

- Someone who has a group oriented mindset


What we are not looking for in a player:

- Someone who is immature, thin-skinned, or oversensitive

- Someone who is only interested in their own success

- Someone who often finds themselves at the center of dramatic incidents


Our guild is a great community of quality people and we have always been proud of our members. If you are looking to join us and you think you can fill the role we are advertising for, please visit our website and fill out an application via the Recruitment link below the banner; alternatively you may contact Criticale, Iyosin, or Neebletta in game via mail or whisper. Ask any member of our guild to point us out if you cannot find us directly.


Also, if you don't fit the role we are advertising for but you would like to join us anyways, go ahead and contact me or anyone in our guild and they will point you to an officer who can invite you. Just be aware that we cannot promise you a raid spot if you don't play the class we are looking for right now.


Thanks for applying! See you in game!


Guild site


PS: If you're name is framed by "Xx____xX" you need not apply

Edited by Iyosin
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Small update, but our second group that runs Monday and Thursday from 7:30pm to 10:00pm PST is looking for a full time tank. You can apply at the same spot, indicate which group you're applying for or contact Iniquitor or Deadly-ds in game via mail or whisper. Same as before, feel free to contact anyone in guild to be pointed in the right direction if you don't see them under those names, they may be hiding under an alt.
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We are still looking to add a Sorcerer or Mercenary healer to a primary raid lineup. We'd like to get the gap in our roster filled to push Nightmare next week.


If you're interested in joining please fill out the application on our website or contact Iyosin, Criticale or Neebletta via in game mail.

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