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What should my alt be?


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Hello all,

I'm currently leveling a vanguard and i'm loving the heck out of him! However, the farther I level him the more I wish I had farther ranged abilities AND healing. I tank so i'm always worried about looking for a healer to guard during PvP. For my alt I'm going to go ranged dps or healer (maybe even a hybrid). Here's my dilemma: I would like to stay republic since all my friends are republic (however, if I were to go ranged dps I might go sniper instead of gunslinger, I prefer the idea and all of the abilities of the sniper more), I don't want to go commando since my vanguard is my main, and what'd the difference between scoundrel healing and sage healing? (besides upper hand that is) Also, I have a shadow that level 12 that I was going to level with friends.

Edited by MustangCzar
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The way you described I would go Scoundel. You get stealth, range and heals with some nice dps, and the first 2 companions are all you need they are great tanks you can equip your dreadlock pal into trooper armor.


Over all the companions you get for scoundal are "IMO" A lot better then what I have gotten for sage and the story is also, 'imo" better,

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