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New flastpoint idea!


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Ok here is an idea that most people would generally like.


Lets have flashpoints that were the key events in the KOTOR games. So this is how it would work: Upon load and depending on your class your character would become one of the party members or become Revan/ The Jedi Exile.

When you speak it wont be your class voice actor speaking,it would be the original voice actor for that character. When you are the group leader per-say,you would get similar convo options that were from that point in the game.


Heres how i see it


Imp. Agent becomes HK-47/T-7/G0-T0/Mission/Carth/Atton

Bounty hunter becomes Canderous Ordo/ MIra/HK-47

Sith Warrior becomes Any of the Force users

Sith Inq becomes any of the force users


Smuggler becomes Carth/ Mission/Atton/T-7/G0-T0

Trooper becomes Canderous/HK-47/Mira

Jedi Knight becomes Any of the force users

Jedi Coun. becomes Any of the force users


So with verity of the group you wont be stuck with the same person every time. And if the Devs want to do this they could just pull up the original sound files for the voice actors and just bring in the people they got for Revan and the Jedi Exile.



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You do realize all those events occurred 300 years ago. How would we even see those? And those events are already canonized anyway, so there would be no choices in the matter anyway, so there would be no point in playing them again.

Still it sounds fun though!

Edited by XCoOKiExMoNSteRX
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You do realize all those events occurred 300 years ago. How would we even see those? And those events are already canonized anyway, so there would be no choices in the matter anyway, so there would be no point in playing them again.


You do realize that they dont have to put it in the game's overall story. Just think of it as a mini-game version of a FP and not something that should be Canon. Plus like I said that they could put in some of the original choices so there would be a canon choice and a non-canon choice.


Also as a side note- This wouldnt take a huge amount of effort or money. All they need is to design FPs so they are almost the exact replica as the area of said event took place. and with Hero engine it can be done so your character has a different appearance as shown through out this game.


See this is how I see it-Lets say you and 3 other ppl go to this Library ether on DK/ Cor or on the Fleets. You go to someone called "The Librarian"(not a Halo joke). You go to him/her and ask "what are you doing?" and the npc's response will be along the lines of " just organizing our collection of Galactic history,but having trouble with the file of The Jedi Civil War. It keeps saying that there are two outcomes but not sure which is the real one.Will you help me sort this matter out" ether you can hit yes or another option that does the same thing or hit no to decline. So hitting yes will unlock this random phase that this npc is standing by. Of course this would be able for GF but it would be labeled not a FP under GF but as a Flashback(yes pun intended:p).



Edited by DarthSlin
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Some people suggested similar thing before and overall options is SWTOR doesn't need it's own version of cavern of time.



Actually i think it does...although i dont think Star Wars has any kind of time travel at all.


Look at how much content WoW was able to get out of time travel. Also look at a lot of the Star Trek episodes. The original series, TNG, Voyager, Star Trek games and Star Trek Online. WoW can use past events from lore and make it the setting for their new dungeon, raid or whatever. Star Trek uses time travel and they throw the word "Tachyon" a lot and all of the sudden they get more episodes and in the case of the game more content. Star Trek can use stuff from our actual history, or they can use stuff from their own in show/in game history (kinda like KoT). I think there were some episodes in ToS where Kirk and McCoy did some stuff with the Nazis and another one where they ran into a 1960s air force pilot. And i know in Voyager, the chick Seven went back into their own timeline to try and change stuff in their own ships past while it was still in spacedock.


You can love WoW/Star Trek or you can hate it, same thing with the KoT concept. But it *can* give the devs more ideas for content. But as mentioned, afaik there is no mention in the Star Wars universe of time travel.

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