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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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I'm not telling anyone what to do or not do when they log into the game. I have no power to disallow or dictate to you anything.

You are opposed to AC change just because you don't like it. That's justification for you not to do it. It's not justification for you to say that others should not be allowed to do it.

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News Flash:


You are given a choice not to do an AC change but other players can if they wish to do so, since well...you don't pay their sub now do you?


Pro-AC change offers choice.


You offer no choice, only put self-rules in place to restrict other players game experience.


Self rules? Hot damn! Rat and I are Bioware Devs now!


Any player with an AC **********MADE********** a ***********CHOICE***********. Choices have consequences.


Players make irreversible choices in games every minute of every hour of every day.


"Man, I'd really like to see what happens to Tarro Blood at the end of Act 1 if I don't (blanity blank blank)."

"I'm going to start a thread on the forum, I think we should be able to replay class quests because I need more choices and that would make me happy and I'm the one that pays my subscription fee and that makes the whole game revolve around me and me alone."

Edited by ekwalizer
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Self rules? Hot damn! Rat and I are Bioware Devs now!


Any player with an AC **********MADE********** a ***********CHOICE***********. Choices have consequences.

And the context of that choice is indeed life-altering. So much so that it made you post in all caps with a bunch of asterisks for even more emphasis.

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Get rid of AC altogether. Pick your class at level 1. Problem solved.


I agree.


Gender, Story, AC, Species, enter game. Problem solved. At that point it is hard coded to your toon at Level 0.

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Well, to be honest BW brought this on them selves by splitting classes into two similar subclasses instead of just making 8 unique classes. We wouldn't even have this discussion if so much of the "base" class wasn't shared by both sub-classes.


Unfortunately, there ARE enough similarities to justify allowing AC changing, if for no other reason than for players to take a favored character that they put a lot of effort into or consider their "main" and switch to the other spec that may be more suited to their play style.


It is pretty hard to get a good feel for how well you mesh with a play style until you actually hit 50/55 and get it's full potential. Some people might prefer the Trooper over the Counselor but be unsure if they should go Commando or Trooper and if they pick wrong they might not find out how wrong until after they've put a ton of time into it.


I do not advocate allowing AC change as willy-nilly as spec change, but I do think people should get a chance to change their mind without having to start all over from the beginning.


It is no secret that I am diametrically opposed 100% to 3 pro-AC change people in this thread.


That said, I agree 100% with this post.


I am not 100% anti-AC-change. I have played games that allowed class change (virtually at will, 1x/month free) and it wasn't a problem - even at end game play. Having said that, by the time that was reality, SWG was a very small playerbase, most of whom had been playing for 5+ years. People that knew all the "ins and outs" of every class and role.


We aren't "there" yet in this game.


I would support the following:


Option 1: Status Quo

Option 2: One free respec at level 50 for subscribers with the completion of Act 3, retroactive. Following a 30 day CD from initial respec allow One free respec at current game max level for subscribers. Maximum total 2 respecs per lifetime of toon for subscribers separated by no less than 30 days. NO exceptions, no further debate, no F2P respec options.


This way, if you hate your AC at 50(or 55 if you are already there), you can go to the alternate AC. If it turns out, that you hate that more, you can go back. Once you have experienced both at "end game", you no longer have any argument to make for further respec.

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Blah blah blah, people need to get off the whole "choices are permanent" subject. That was already broken when you can change your name and appearance. Also dont forget, if you mess up during a story dialog your able to correct it by resetting quest, theres another example of how "choices are permanent" have been broken. I dont see how its somehow okay to switch your race completely but its too chaotic to switch your AC (which is not a class change btw no matter how much you want to fight that).


Also some of you need to quit getting all worked up over this, if someone wants to change their AC it does not affect you. If this feature were to be implemented I think its safe to say there would be restrictions on it and they would do it in a manner that would appeal to everyone. If your happy with your AC then good for you, if your not happy then deal with it and reroll until this is put in if it ever is.

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Blah blah blah, people need to get off the whole "choices are permanent" subject. That was already broken when you can change your name and appearance. Also dont forget, if you mess up during a story dialog your able to correct it by resetting quest, theres another example of how "choices are permanent" have been broken. I dont see how its somehow okay to switch your race completely but its too chaotic to switch your AC (which is not a class change btw no matter how much you want to fight that).


Also some of you need to quit getting all worked up over this, if someone wants to change their AC it does not affect you. If this feature were to be implemented I think its safe to say there would be restrictions on it and they would do it in a manner that would appeal to everyone. If your happy with your AC then good for you, if your not happy then deal with it and reroll until this is put in if it ever is.


Hi! Welcome to the thread. We detailed about a billion pages ago how it does in fact impact us. You are welcome to read the entire thread in order to properly educate yourself.


Your chosen Race has ZERO bearing or impact on your play-style, story or any event in the game. It is simply how you are pixalated on everyone's screen. Your name/Legacy Name have no bearing on how you interact with the game.


Every single Pro-AC change argument posited thus far in this thread has been made 1000 times since late beta. None of which have been successful because they do not pass the common sense test.

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You are opposed to AC change just because you don't like it. That's justification for you not to do it. It's not justification for you to say that others should not be allowed to do it.


You are stuck on attacking people who disagree. Also, im not intrested in another system in game that bioware gets to greedily farm CC off of 0 human oversight. There is NO reason to pay real life money for this in game system. They arent paying anyone to do anything besides program the initial code....does that really equate to thousands of microtransactions? Poppycock.


Ive supported my opinion with reason.


-2 of the classes cant preform all 3 availible roles, making them less desireable and underrespresented if this change is made.


-Most people need training wheels because they dont know WTH they are doing 60% of the time. Im not saying this to be a jerk or callous, its just true. Some people need a path to follow in order to even get beyond square one. Now give them the option to desiminate all the aquired experience to try something they think will be "very similar"...yeah right.


2 valid reason's why allowing someone to change their class to something they've never played before would be a negative influence on the community as a whole.


Not to mention, if the person has already gotten several no longer aquireable items or titles or whatever it is that people want to keep, they have acheived some measure of sucess. I dont follow this line of reasoning as a logical point, but asthetically, I guess it has merit.


Im abo****ely entitled, as a subscriber, to voice my opinion when potential resources could be used for this instead of content im intrested in. Yes im selfish. Sorry.

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Hi! Welcome to the thread. We detailed about a billion pages ago how it does in fact impact us. You are welcome to read the entire thread in order to properly educate yourself.


Your chosen Race has ZERO bearing or impact on your play-style, story or any event in the game. It is simply how you are pixalated on everyone's screen. Your name/Legacy Name have no bearing on how you interact with the game.


Every single Pro-AC change argument posited thus far in this thread has been made 1000 times since late beta. None of which have been successful because they do not pass the common sense test.


Nope, if I were to switch ACs, it wouldnt affect you at all.

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Yes im selfish. Sorry.


Bran, Tux and Tidus will focus on this statement alone.


Bottom line, you are "greedy and controlling" because you have a different opinion than they cling to. It doesn't matter how well thought out your points are or whether or not you can actually cite their hypocrisy.


All that matters is that "you've been debunked", "you are a petulant child", "you have no valid reason", or "you are greedy".

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And how exactly is that? I'm dying to hear what silly reasons you come up with.


You might very well be like me, proficient in every AC. I'm not claiming to be a god among gamers but I do regularly play every AC.


The lion's share of players cannot say that,


How does it not affect me, to your mind, when I am GF'd with a tank that used to be something else and has no experience or gear beyond that something else?

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You might very well be like me, proficient in every AC. I'm not claiming to be a god among gamers but I do regularly play every AC.


The lion's share of players cannot say that,


How does it not affect me, to your mind, when I am GF'd with a tank that used to be something else and has no experience or gear beyond that something else?


Bad players will be bad regardless if they can switch ACs or not. Group finder shouldnt be the reason why this is not put in. Everyone queues up at their own risk, if you dont like being paired up with randoms, find people off general. Next reason please.

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Bad players will be bad regardless if they can switch ACs or not. Group finder shouldnt be the reason why this is not put in. According to whom? You? What makes you the deciding vote? Did I miss an election? Your "solution" is to add more bads to the current equation. Brilliant.Everyone queues up at their own risk, if you dont like being paired up with randoms, find people off general. Next reason please. That's how your side rolls. You get presented with a valid reason and you blatantly dismiss it rather than actually think about the hazards of this endeavor. Can you please detail for me exactly how many long standing bugs there are in this game as of right now this minute? Why should a CORE MECHANIC change take priority over fixing issues that have existed for almost 2 years? And oh, by the way, you didn't answer my question.


The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.

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The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.


What makes your reason "valid"? Where are the other billion reasons you claimed there were? I said it "shouldnt" clearly describing it was an opinion.

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What makes your reason "valid"? Where are the other billion reasons you claimed there were? I said it "shouldnt" clearly describing it was an opinion.


Hi! Welcome to the thread. We detailed about a billion pages ago how it does in fact impact us. You are welcome to read the entire thread in order to properly educate yourself.

What exactly makes your reason any more valid than mine?

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Nope, if I were to switch ACs, it wouldnt affect you at all.


Sure. Directly, i wouldnt be effected by any of the choices you made, since they are yours. Indirectly, i would have to deal with people who are clueless. Trying a new class at 55 for the first time that play completely diffrent. Also, im not excited about the potential for people "need" rolling on items for specs across the board.

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Sure. Directly, i wouldnt be effected by any of the choices you made, since they are yours. Indirectly, i would have to deal with people who are clueless. Trying a new class at 55 for the first time that play completely diffrent. Also, im not excited about the potential for people "need" rolling on items for specs across the board.


Hey Lightning Sorc, why did you "need" on that tankSin gear?"


"I **might** go Sin one day."

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Sure. Directly, i wouldnt be effected by any of the choices you made, since they are yours. Indirectly, i would have to deal with people who are clueless. Trying a new class at 55 for the first time that play completely diffrent. Also, im not excited about the potential for people "need" rolling on items for specs across the board.


Join a pug group, you'll see that there is clueless people even though somehow they managed to level to 55. People need on stuff now even though they dont need it.

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What makes your reason "valid"? Where are the other billion reasons you claimed there were? I said it "shouldnt" clearly describing it was an opinion.


Once again, why is this more important than current bugs?


On the AC front, the game *is* working as intended.

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Its not. You gave a reason, I gave a reason. I'm waiting for your next reason.


As I have said 2x now to you. Feel free to read the entire thread, you will find a host of reasons that I have given.


In point of fact, there are likely 20-30 threads of this nature that I am involved in. Feel free to use the Search function, which the OP clearly couldn't be bothered to do.

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