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Returning Player Looking for some Help

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Hello all.


As the title indicates, I'm a recently-returning player. I have characters of various levels and classes, including a level 50 Scoundrel. The reason I lost interest in the game was largely because of said Scoundrel, who I found it impossible to complete the Corellia Dailies with, despite (apparently) decent equipment and a couple of hundred thousand credits worth of PvP armour for Corso on the advice of a guild-mate.


My wife and a friend have just encouraged me to re-subscribe, and despite the customization options and the sense of community the game has, I've always had a knack for making sub-par characters. I was previously focused on the Scrapper tree with a little diversification into Sawbones, so any advice, input, help or build suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi there,


Well i can highly recommend you switch to healing - scoundrels are extremely competitive in both PVE and PVP. In PVE Operations like SV HM i found the healing needed is more HOT based as people generally take a lot of aoe and unavoidable damage while being spread out. It is simply said amazing. Especially so if you are running dual +15% aoe healing set bonus. Looking through logs my aoe heal accounts for 40-50% of all healing and likewise for the slow release med pack.


In pvp aspects it is close to the same and the survivability due to bolster is decent. This means you can fairly easily do well in pvp without pvp gear to begin with. Although it is an advantage to get pvp gear as you progress.


In terms of healing i can recommend using a razer naga mouse as they are simply amazing - it means a lot not having to move mouse down and "click" on abilities. Especially so when dual hotting all near you and aoe healing everytime you can.


In terms of using the healing spec for dps it is not amazing but doable. Just make sure you gear up a tank companion and keep a couple of hots on both you and the companion to keep getting the upper hands. that way when you begin a fight with multiple enemies you can open with flyby and several blaster volleys. this usually cleans out entire packs in no time at all.


I have also heard great things about dirty fighting because of the high burst it is very good for flashpoints and questing. However i would not recommend it for operations of harder types. For storymodes it is fine but for hardmodes and nightmare modes i find that the scoundrel is too low in sustained dps to warrant a melee spot that could otherwise be filled by a sentinel that will produce a lot higher dps. On the last boss in SV HM we have found that we want as much dps as possible as the enrage timer is fairly short so for that reasoning we tend to avoid shadow and scoundrel dps as they take spots that could be utilised better. That doesn't make them useless because they are decent if you play them right. But sadly high sustained dps scoundrels are a very rare breed - so be aware people will be prone to discriminate and pigeon-hole the class as a bad dps class at least in terms of end-game raiding.

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Our dps specs are great. Unfortunately, we carry a stigma that we can't shake off due to the kneejerk nerfs we took around release. The sustained on both of our DPS specs is quite high, so really play what you want. If someone only wants to take you as a healer, that's kind of their problem. This class does a ton of damage.


Our healing is pretty prime, also. I don't heal, so I won't comment on it.

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