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Is there another way to get the Schematic: Adanced Purple War Hero's crystal?

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I really want this schematic. Players told me it comes from the grade 6 pvp crafting box. I opened exactly 50 of these boxes. I put a tally mark on a piece of paper everytime I opened a box. I still don't have that schematic. I have checked the gtn everyday for months I have never seen it there either. The only one I've seen on the gtn is schematic: advanced Yellow War Hero's Crystal. No one wants that one. I am very frustrated. Is there another way to get it? I am on the jedi convent server. Please respond as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.



I was also wondering where the schematic: Advanced Purple Battlemaster's Crystal comes from. Does that also come from the grade 6 pvp crafting box? I know its a level 47 crystal. I'm just curious.

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Buy the crystal and RE them... on my server u can buy those for 20-30k... 3-4 should be enough


no. Your thinking about purple hawkeye,eviscating and indestructible. That does not work with purple war hero's crystals. You have to obtain the schematic item. It can NOT be learned by reverse engineering it. I also tried that with purple war hero. It says theres no research available

Edited by watermelonfan
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