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Op Healing


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How is op healing in both pvp and pve settings? I have healed a little bit with a sage (equivalent to sorc) and healed since day one with a merc. So wondering, as I have heard that Op healers are great...wanted to get some feedback from the fine people within these threads.




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I healed a lot as a pvp sage pre-cartel. I can honestly say that operative is a lot more fun. I do just fine, and average around 800k+ healing per warzone (assuming I'm on a team that isn't full of tards). You definitely have to keep on the move once an opposing team with half a brain realizes you're a threat. You have enough tools to do so though.


Long story short, I love healing as an Operative.

Edited by Liquil
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The only downsides I have with my op healer is that during fights it can sometimes be a pain keeping kolto probes up. Especially if the tank starts taking lots of dmg you end up not being able to waste a gcd on probes and the hot drops off. The second thing is that your aoe heal is a radius around you and only heals 4, so it's not as useful during operations. And I sometimes don't bother using it because of the energy cost if I need to throw out a couple big heals at the same time. Other than that though I enjoy my op.
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the three biggest advantages of operatives/scoundrels at the moment, are the massive output of heals while moving,

the 2 stacks of UA/TA exiting stealth and the instant heal that refreshes while healing a target under 30% of HP.

these things are a big big help in wz and in those pve fights where you have to move a lot to avoid aoe or if it happens to kite adds.

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the three biggest advantages of operatives/scoundrels at the moment, are the massive output of heals while moving,

the 2 stacks of UA/TA exiting stealth and the instant heal that refreshes while healing a target under 30% of HP.

these things are a big big help in wz and in those pve fights where you have to move a lot to avoid aoe or if it happens to kite adds.


Oh gosh, I don't know how many wipes have been saved from the >30% instafree heal combined with the new stim boost along with running for my life from the 20 adds i've managed to acquire.


edit: especially the wookie boss on cad

Edited by TrooperSev
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The second thing is that your aoe heal is a radius around you and only heals 4, so it's not as useful during operations.

It's not around you, it's around your target. Toss it on the tank and your melee dps will benefit also.

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It's not around you, it's around your target. Toss it on the tank and your melee dps will benefit also.


Derp. Sad part is that someone told me that before and I forgot. Doesn't help that there is really no animation that you can see.

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It's not around you, it's around your target. Toss it on the tank and your melee dps will benefit also.


and it heals someone within 10 meters of your target. So if you are out of range to heal someone but you can land RN on someone else within 10m of them, you can get a heal on that intended target from outside the range

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Thanks for the feedback. I am finding that the heals are quite adequate to say the least. I have seen some very nice crits off of them and can only imagine them getting better as I get her geared out properly.


On that note, I was thinking of power for the most part. That is for augments. I imagine that I will get plenty of crit and surge from gear. Of course, I could just be imagining that too.


Either way, it sounds like it is very viable. I just don't want to be bored with healing in general and see this as one of the ways to keep the drool off the keyboard. :D

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My op healer rocks. I never run out of energy and can evade/stealth if i ever get targeted. I stack all alacrity mods which most people think is crazy but for my guilds hm tfb and scum operations i blow all other healers outa the water. The increased global cooldown is great with all the instant casts and in pvp being able to squeeze in that heal faster saves lives
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I love my op healer, pre and post 2.0.


I can consistently pt up 1-1.3mil heals and I have not be outhealed in a pug game in so long. (That includes other op healers, many of which i guess shaven't figured out how to maximize heals)


I love it for both pvp and pve. My main since I rolled it and every time i play it, i remember why haha. It is perfectly viable for both. Recuperative nanotech > kolto missle and the sorc puddle imo. I pop that **** almost whenever its not on CD in wzs because if even if your targets aren't taking damage, it will mitigate it when they start. and kolto probe is the ****, hands down. and don't forget the points into instant TA ut of stealth, its very helpful


and do not forget alacrity. It is the **** for when your target is getting focused and you wanna blast em with surgical probe. Lower GCD = more heals.

Edited by PhatMcMuffins
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