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It's been 10 years since the sacking of coruscant and Darth Kalih has been awarded a seat in the dark council with such power Kalih needed an apprentice, he went to Korriban to see what the overseers had to offer none of the acolytes could impress Kalih. Kalih decided to go to the tombs to find an artifact so that at least his journey would be for nothing. As Kalih was looking for the artifact he spotted an acolyte force pushing the other into the wall of the tomb altough the other acolyte was more powerful, the weaker acolyte grabbed the stronger one of the wall and stabbed him with is vibrosword. Kalih walked up to the Acolyte and offered him power and a place as Kalih's right hand. The acolyte honored accepted the offer. 5 years later the acolyte was known as lord Nightkeeper and he crushed any jedi he found. But it came to an end when Lord Nightkeeper went into battle with 2 cruisers vs 8 republic cruisers the battle took hours leaving none of Nightkeeper's cruisers active and only 3 republic cruisers still working the republic captured Nightkeeper and put him into a prison which was on a planet he yet not knew...



START: Republic troops walked around the halls with rakata statues around and a sith lord in staisis. until an explosion was heard from the enterence and imperial troops walked in as icy wind flew in. the imperial troops started to gun down the republic until only one of them was left, he was taken for interogation. An imperial trooper walked towards the sith lord in staisis and shot the hold cell, it left it's grasp over the sith lord, but the sith lord not knowing what happened attacked the imperial trooper with lightning, The trooper screamed in pain when the sith lord realised where he is he stopped the lightning and the trooper fell but he was still alive. The sith lord looked around and walked off with his mask still on and the metal armor guarding his flesh he walked towards what he could sense sith. few minutes later he got a camp he walked over to a sith lord and said "Where am I? and what is happening?" the sith lord answered "I will not take orders from some apprentice!" the freed sith lord did not like what he heard and used force choke on the other sith lord. "I am Lord Nightkeeper a former apprentice of Darth Kalih you shall suffer for everything you say and i won't like it for every imperial death I hear." Nightkeeper let go of the sith lord "Lord Nightkeeper we didn't know that you were locked up here I am proud to serve you, right now you are on Belsavis an ancient prison built by rakata and we are attempting to over throw the republic and release all those that were locked up during the war." the sith lord said. "I want a shuttle off this world" said Lord Nightkeeper.

Few hours later Lord nightkeeper was on Dromund Kaas where hewent to a citadel only to be threatend by Darth Kalih's personal guards, Lord Nightkeeper did not like the message and killed the guards later to enter Darth Kalih's chambers and find him with his new apprentice. The apprentice said "Master i will kill this weaklin and show you i can become a Lord" Lord Nightkeeper kept quiet, the apprentice charged at Nightkeeper and since NIghtkeeper didn't have a lightsaber he shot powerful lightning at the apprentice. dark purple power flew around Nightkeeper as he slowly killed the apprentice. When the apprentice died and fell on the floor darth Kalih walked over to Lord Nightkeeper and said "Welcome back Lord Nightkeeper."




Yes I know not much written but this is my first story like this so comment and tell me whether it's good or bad

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