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I hate the "The Multiple Fronts" quest on Alderaan!


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I hate this quest so so so much. It's wouldn't be so bad if you didn't get a rocket shot at you every second which also knocks you back. I really think those rockets are a little too excessive. I'm leveling an Sin right now, and it's such pain for me. I can do it, but so annoying for a melee class.


For those of you that don't know which quest it is, its the one where you have to go repel the enemy attacks at the beginning of Alderaan. Anyways, just getting my two cents in. It's really the only quest I hate doing in this game.

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I hate Alderaan period.


Maker, I wish someone would just build a space laser and blow that planet into Alderaan chunks.


You're crazy, that laser would have to be the size of a small moon

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