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Petition for Old OPS <3


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Sorry but that just makes no sense at all. Why convert old OPs which many have done already to just do it all again and again to scale with levels? Why even make any new OPs then and just keep doing the same ones. I for one would prefer fresh new OPs. No other mmo does that for the most part. WoW does re-make 5 mans and that is the stupidest thing ever. However, they re-do vanilla stuff from years ago not stuff from less then a month ago. But a full on raid they really on did it with Onyxia which is just a 1 boss fight and I think AQ20 they kind of made an AQ10 version for higher levels. I forget.


If they bumped them up to 55, all the drops would be converted to Black Market and Arkanian and heaps of people would be queuing up to do them. regardless of it being old content, it would actually be relevant.

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