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I look at it as a constraint, not a slap in the face. The constraint is defined.. and I can choose to overcome it or not.


Kind of like other constraints in MMOs.. like.. needing to accumulate a certain level of gear to be able to progress in end game. Takes time, effort, resources. That's what MMOs are.


MMOs are not a welfare state.


That said, I support the idea of counting armor pieces across a legacy. Could be they just don't have the mechanics in place to do that yet.. and we see it later.


I do not support cherry picking and unlocking individual pieces of armor. The price of admission is collecting whatever they define as a set. Sometimes.. that is one piece (like the scanner eyepieces, or Eradicators Mask), sometimes it's a 4 piece set (like Handmaidens), sometimes it's a full seven piece set.

Edited by Andryah
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I look at it as a constraint, not a slap in the face. The constraint is defined.. and I can choose to overcome it or not.


Kind of like other constraints in MMOs.. like.. needing to accumulate a certain level of gear to be able to progress in end game. Takes time, effort, resources. That's what MMOs are.


MMOs are not a welfare state.


That said, I support the idea of counting armor pieces across a legacy. Could be they just don't have the mechanics in place to do that yet.. and we see it later.


I do not support cherry picking and unlocking individual pieces of armor. The price of admission is collecting whatever they define as a set. Sometimes.. that is one piece (like the scanner eyepieces, or Eradicators Mask), sometimes it's a 4 piece set (like Handmaidens), sometimes it's a full seven piece set.


Nowhere did I say I wanted to cherry-pick pieces. But, thanks for your passive aggressive rant.

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I was able to safe my clandestine officer set, haven't bounded the shoes to the character who was supposed to get them and the rest was bounded to my sniper. However, I'd also have full malevolent inquisitor set and eradicator set, but they are bound to different characters (inquisitor set is shared by my sage and my sentinel + trying to sell the chestpiece and would bound if I could get the set with that, eradicator is shared by my sorc and my pt). And yes, it does annoy me. I wish they would regonize I have the whole set, just not on 1 character.
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The collections system is designed exclusively to allow players to unlock cartel items gained through one character to all other characters in the same legacy, rather than having each character in that legacy have to buy that set on the GTN or deal with the gamble of packs to get it.


In that light, it would neither be fair to allow cross-toon set pieces to count toward the whole set, nor would it make any sense given what the collection system is all about. While I certainly sympathize that we are not able to further exploit an already too generous system for our own personal gains, there really isn't any point in doing it any other way.

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They allow us to have only one set of rare cartel market gear usable on every character and companion you have or will ever create and you complain?


Your post is a slap in the face by means of a palm. In fact, YOU should be slapped in the face for posting such whiny crap.

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