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Future Class story lines.


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If they ever get round to creating new class story lines for each class, what do people want to see? My ideas:


Jedi Knight: Finish the Emporer once and for all,


Jedi Consular: Destroy the Dreadmasters,


Trooper: Hunt down and kill the most dangerous leaders of the empire, The dark council etc.


Smuggler: no firm ideas but to make themselves alot of credits


Warrior: Execute missions as the wrath,


Inquisitor: make tthemselves more powerful by findng more secrets of the dark side


Agent: and Bounty hunter no real ideas yet.

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Thanks mate for an interesting idea. As for the consular, the class story is strongly linked to a) Rakata and the Noetikons and b) to the Rift Alliance. For me the greatest pleasure in the story by far was the Rift Alliance and the interactions that took place, so i guess if there were to be a continuation then some kinda of emergency or drama involving the Rift would be cool, so perhaps combine the 2 as the Esh-Ka/Rakata thing was quite cool also. I loved meeting Hallow-Voice btw.

My biggest wish i guess would be to somehow allow a character who is diametrically opposed to their current faction to switch faction if they were maxed out on LS/DS points,upon completion of their class story. i always wanted my LS tankasin to fully 'redeem' herself by joining the Republic, although i have fekk-all idea how this would work!

I guess she'd have to go thro a series of quests, each one losing an Inquisitor ability and gaining a Consular one, until all abilities were Consular. this would be quite fun and easier to manage the switch-over in terms of skills and rotation.

Best wishes and stay safe out there

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The one for the consular and trooper really make no sense at all.


The Dread Masters, unlike the Emperor, is something you've come to deal with outside major world arcs, namely in operations. Concerning the trooper, having played the class twice, I really don't remember having as major mission goals the neutralization of the Sith but rather focus on the imperial military.


Also, concerning the Emperor, having in mind I seriously doubt more and more we'll ever come to get more class story content, I expect him to return after we have dealt with the Dread Masters.

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