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Something Crafting needs


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It's already there, bring up your crafting screen, select the item you want to link, bring up your chat window and start a message to your guild. Shift click on the Icon for the item and it will link it.


He means linking all the schematics you can make, not a single one.


The result he wants is the one you get if you select someone, right click his portrait and in the bottom category you'll find the option to view the schematics that person can make.


So I don't know how hard it would be to get a link into chat that does the same thing.

Edited by Ydyp
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He means linking all the schematics you can make, not a single one.


The result he wants is the one you get if you select someone, right click his portrait and in the bottom category you'll find the option to view the schematics that person can make.


So I don't know how hard it would be to get a link into chat that does the same thing.


ahh, my bad, that would be pretty awesome. Probably wouldn't be too hard since I think right now you can right click on someone's portrait if you have them targeted and see their schematics.

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Yea me and my guild (only 5 of us so far) have each taken diffrent crafting skill (my alt having another.) We then hook each other up so that we have what we need. The thing is something that is +10 End, +10 cun is ><= +9 End, +11 cun is realy based of the player and not for someone else to pick. It would so help if we can each see the list from our friends.
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Yea me and my guild (only 5 of us so far) have each taken diffrent crafting skill (my alt having another.) We then hook each other up so that we have what we need. The thing is something that is +10 End, +10 cun is ><= +9 End, +11 cun is realy based of the player and not for someone else to pick. It would so help if we can each see the list from our friends.


The mod with more END is designed for tanking where the one with more CUN is for DPS.

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