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Supremacy (Imperial Guild) Recruiting


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Hello guys and girls.


Supremacy are currently looking for 1 healer and 1 Ranged dps to join our active raid team.


About Us.


We're not an RP guild what so ever, never have been never will be. We only do 8 man raids as we are a small but dedicated guild that has no desire to be a huge guild. Our raid line up rotates on a 3 week basis so raiders will run 2/3 weeks with 1/3 as a rest week.

We have runs on Thursday/friday/monday with other content such as world bosses or classic ops on the days we are not running official raids.


Loot is based on an Suicide Kings system tweaked for our own purpose.


What you can Expect and what we expect of you.


We're not hardcore raiders but we are dedicated. We've been a very successful guild in ops for a long time and aim to keep it that way. We have alot of fun and offer a very relaxed style of raiding.

We expect people of like minded attitude. skilled yet with a good sense of humor.


How to apply.


All applications are to be submitted on http://www.supremacy-guild.com (you do not need to create an account on our site for this) Its a small application. If we like what we see you'll be contacted by a member of the guild for a small chat and usually a run through a hardmode to see what your playstyle/skill is like.

If successful you will be added to the guild on a 30day probation period. During which time you will be included in ops starting with Storymodes until we can assess if your ready for our hardmode runs.

If at the end of the 30 days and we're not the right fit for each other then we will discuss the reasons why it doesnt seem to work with us and sadly you will be removed from the guild.



Feel free to contact the guild leader Xaric or any of the officers, Leva'rai, Nokrei and Dristan

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