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Looking for people to team up with


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Hey people of the Red Eclipe,


First of all some info about me.

Im a 26 year old dutch guy that really enjoys this game.

Currently my chars are:


51 Jedi Shadow Tank

32 Trooper Commando

31 Bounty hunter mercenary

31 Jedi Guardian

20 Sith marauder

15 Smuggler Scoundrel.


Like the topic states im looking for people to basically group with to increase my SWTOR experience + possibly get a look at class quests of those classes i do not intent on finishing to 50 (currently my trooper is my main) I feel this will help me past my alderaan blockage after which i feel soloing everything is slow and tedious :)


What i look for:

People that enjoy doing stuff as a team, and very important to me, enjoy pvp. (i really love pvp in this game) Preferably a subscriber because of the speed :) but F2P are fine as well! People that dont want to do everything asap but take the time to enjoy the story. Making the game more enjoyable, doing class quests and FP's togheter etc.


What i offer, a friendly, sociable person that has a subscription has basic knowledge of most classes and the quests up to level 30 for both sides :) A partner in crime, possible some funding from my my main characters (depending on how the auctions on the GTN go :)) and a leveling experience i feel SWTOR was made for.


What i will play, currently there are only 2 classes im still interested in playing. Sith Inquisitor and the Imperial Agent. which means we will have to play on the Empire side ( im done with the republic)


You can off course play whatever you want :) although my preference would be for you to play the another class.

This would mainly be an ALT playthrough.

With this i mean you just play your main and il play mine. When were both online give a shoutout and we switch to the alt to play togheter.


I mostly play in the evenings on weekdays and by day in the weekends and on tuesday.

If your interested feel free to send an ig mail to Borcas or Mekk, or off course reply to this post :)


PS its really important that you enjoy wz pvp, i intend to do that a lot as well! ;)

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Hi Mekkanon, If you don't want to speak Dutch all night then feel free to give us a try. We speak a mixture of English and bad English and yes we are mostly Brits but have folks form all over the EU and further away too.


Have a look at my recent post and see if you like us. We would be happy to have you along for an op or two if you want to try us out. You can find the names of most of our "officers" via the link.




If you have already found a new home then I hope its a good one and wish you all the best there.

Good Luck

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