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How to support your subbers


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Now for i have always supported the cartel market as it makes a TON of money for the game. However i think they should do a BIT more to help out the subbers.



What i mean by this is to create a "subscriber" tab in the cartel market that allows us the ability to use cartel coins to buy what is in the cartel packs. I would even support charging normal prices for complete gear sets and color crystals. I would just very much as a subscriber like to be able to buy any cartel item i want, and let the F2P players do the gambling.


I pay for ALL the content, I would like access to all the content even if it is at a cartel coin price, i want to be able to get what ever item i want when i want it.


It would be a nice olive branch to many subscribers for you to show interest in them and allow them access to any item at any time rather then play the gambling game. You will not lose any money you might even make more money. I know for one i wouldn't mind spending 1000 cartel coins just to buy black/purple or black/black dye kits. As it sits i will not buy ANY dye packs because i might end up up with crap i would never use.

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Now for i have always supported the cartel market as it makes a TON of money for the game. However i think they should do a BIT more to help out the subbers.



What i mean by this is to create a "subscriber" tab in the cartel market that allows us the ability to use cartel coins to buy what is in the cartel packs. I would even support charging normal prices for complete gear sets and color crystals. I would just very much as a subscriber like to be able to buy any cartel item i want, and let the F2P players do the gambling.


I pay for ALL the content, I would like access to all the content even if it is at a cartel coin price, i want to be able to get what ever item i want when i want it.


It would be a nice olive branch to many subscribers for you to show interest in them and allow them access to any item at any time rather then play the gambling game. You will not lose any money you might even make more money. I know for one i wouldn't mind spending 1000 cartel coins just to buy black/purple or black/black dye kits. As it sits i will not buy ANY dye packs because i might end up up with crap i would never use.


Wait, you mean as a subcriber that whole cartel market offers me no value? In other words, I'm blocked from using my cartel coins?


Wow, I guess I'll have to give back my Chiss unlock and whatever that character perk I bought was and my tweak to my character's skin tone I did the other night. That makes me :(


If you can't see that the cartel market IS content for subscribers, and content that subscribers are not FORCED TO PAY EXTRA (waahhhh!) for, you need more clarity in your thinking.

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I loved City of Heroes' cash shop.


They sold sets of items, but you could also cherry pick what single belt or boots you wanted to unlock for real cash.


And color customization was a COLOR WHEEL you picked and chose from for in-game funds, I believe.

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If you can't see that the cartel market IS content for subscribers, and content that subscribers are not FORCED TO PAY EXTRA for, you need more clarity in your thinking.
That pretty much sums it up.

You don't have to buy anything from the Cartel Market... just buy what you want off the GTN if you're not willing to spend coins to get it.

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Wait, you mean as a subcriber that whole cartel market offers me no value? In other words, I'm blocked from using my cartel coins?


Wow, I guess I'll have to give back my Chiss unlock and whatever that character perk I bought was and my tweak to my character's skin tone I did the other night. That makes me :(


If you can't see that the cartel market IS content for subscribers, and content that subscribers are not FORCED TO PAY EXTRA (waahhhh!) for, you need more clarity in your thinking.


you missed the point of what i was saying...


i'll try to simplify it for you... They add a subscriber tab on the market that allows subbers to buy anything that drops in any pack without having to gamble on packs. That way subbers get a bonus of being a subber. Say you want the handmaidens set, but do not want to buy all the packs... they give you the option to buy that set as a set because you are a subber, F2P players do not have that option they must gamble with packs.

Edited by Hizoka
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you missed the point of what i was saying...


i'll try to simplify it for you... They add a subscriber tab on the market that allows subbers to buy anything that drops in any pack without having to gamble on packs. That way subbers get a bonus of being a subber. Say you want the handmaidens set, but do not want to buy all the packs... they give you the option to buy that set as a set because you are a subber, F2P players do not have that option they must gamble with packs.



I like your idea, but most people would tell you that since you can do this with the GTN, it's not necessary.

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you missed the point of what i was saying...


i'll try to simplify it for you... They add a subscriber tab on the market that allows subbers to buy anything that drops in any pack without having to gamble on packs. That way subbers get a bonus of being a subber. Say you want the handmaidens set, but do not want to buy all the packs... they give you the option to buy that set as a set because you are a subber, F2P players do not have that option they must gamble with packs.


Why? Works fine the way it is.


As a subscriber I can hold enough credits to buy the item off the GTN whatever it costs. And I have the resources to generate enough credits that I don't care what it costs. I don't even have to spend cartel coins to get it.


As a premium/f2p, they CAN'T do any of that.


I already have my subscriber "bonus".

Edited by DarthTHC
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Now for i have always supported the cartel market as it makes a TON of money for the game. However i think they should do a BIT more to help out the subbers.



What i mean by this is to create a "subscriber" tab in the cartel market that allows us the ability to use cartel coins to buy what is in the cartel packs. I would even support charging normal prices for complete gear sets and color crystals. I would just very much as a subscriber like to be able to buy any cartel item i want, and let the F2P players do the gambling.


I pay for ALL the content, I would like access to all the content even if it is at a cartel coin price, i want to be able to get what ever item i want when i want it.


It would be a nice olive branch to many subscribers for you to show interest in them and allow them access to any item at any time rather then play the gambling game. You will not lose any money you might even make more money. I know for one i wouldn't mind spending 1000 cartel coins just to buy black/purple or black/black dye kits. As it sits i will not buy ANY dye packs because i might end up up with crap i would never use.




I understand what you are saying fully Subs should get a few small things, and the ability to buy exactly what you want with out gambling is one.

For the few that don’t get this (I.e. you want the Revan robes you buy the Revan robes not 10, 20, or 100 cartel packs hoping to get them.) and yes this could devalue the packs so make the items bought this way bound to account.

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I pay for ALL the content, I would like access to all the content even if it is at a cartel coin price, i want to be able to get what ever item i want when i want it.


While I think some of the ideas are great. . . .


You do NOT pay for ALL of the content. The second this game went from a sub-only model to a F2P model, this statement became untrue. They are making significantly more money off of the CM than they are subscribers -- so, they will continue to use the same techniques to generate revenue. The CM Certificates and reputation were an attempt to "recognize and reward" people who are actually dropping more money into the game. Because they didn't implement it perfectly, people spend weeks screaming about it.


Even in a sub-only model, you are asking for something you will NEVER get. No company is going to hand over any item you want just because you pay -- that is what we call P2W. Exactly what the majority of the community DOESN'T want.


If you mean just the vanity stuff from the CM -- I do think they need to spend some time fixing the rep/certificate system. The idea of that was, if you weren't lucky enough -- you could purchase the item straight-out, instead of continuously purchasing packs.

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While I think some of the ideas are great. . . .


You do NOT pay for ALL of the content. The second this game went from a sub-only model to a F2P model, this statement became untrue. They are making significantly more money off of the CM than they are subscribers -- so, they will continue to use the same techniques to generate revenue. The CM Certificates and reputation were an attempt to "recognize and reward" people who are actually dropping more money into the game. Because they didn't implement it perfectly, people spend weeks screaming about it.


Even in a sub-only model, you are asking for something you will NEVER get. No company is going to hand over any item you want just because you pay -- that is what we call P2W. Exactly what the majority of the community DOESN'T want.


If you mean just the vanity stuff from the CM -- I do think they need to spend some time fixing the rep/certificate system. The idea of that was, if you weren't lucky enough -- you could purchase the item straight-out, instead of continuously purchasing packs.

cosmetic items are not pay to win... i said NOTHING about pay to win... i simply said that as a subber if i want a black/black dye i should be able to buy just that. As a previous poster mentioned make the items Bind on purchase so they cannot simply be sold on the market.

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cosmetic items are not pay to win... i said NOTHING about pay to win... i simply said that as a subber if i want a black/black dye i should be able to buy just that. As a previous poster mentioned make the items Bind on purchase so they cannot simply be sold on the market.


Apologies if this sounds harsh -- but did you bother to read my entire post? My last paragraph, in particular, should be the proper response to you.


When speaking about cosmetic items -- I agree to some extent. They attempted to put a bandaid on it -- and it would've been fine, but they used a moldy JarJar bandaid, instead of a new one with a TaunTaun on it. I hope they plan on fixing it at some point.

Edited by Kilora
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It's a really nice idea. And theoretically, it's possible for BW to increase its profit through this mechanism.


Edit: Lol, it's really funny how people just jump to bash this topic without a second thought. The topic is not asking for more freebies for subscribers but an extra option which can also generate more money for BW which lead to supporting the game.

Edited by XuShaBi
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It's a really nice idea. And theoretically, it's possible for BW to increase its profit through this mechanism.

Only if the "for sure" sales would dramatically overtake the roulette over-buying which is currently necessary to assure people get what they want. You can only speculate that it would be more profitable for BWEA. You speculate thus because you're convinced you are correct, even though you have nothing but your wishes to base it on.

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Only if the "for sure" sales would dramatically overtake the roulette over-buying which is currently necessary to assure people get what they want.


Yes, there is something called risk aversion. People hate risk and pour tons of money to avoid it. That's why you easily find people spending tons on insurance fees but not using much of the service on it.


Edit: It's not baseless speculation. Many businesses, the actuarial industry for one, basically survive on people's dislike of risk. Whether this works for BW is up to debate which is why I said theoretically it's possible.

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Yes, there is something called risk aversion. People hate risk and pour tons of money to avoid it. That's why you easily find people spending tons on insurance fees but not using much of the service on it.

Some people also like to gamble. You can't say for sure that the "certain" system would make more money, and I can't for sure that it wouldn't.


Let's not make ridiculous analogies between insurance and computer games.

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Some people also like to gamble. You can't say for sure that the "certain" system would make more money, and I can't for sure that it wouldn't.


And people who like to gamble will continue to gamble with the boxes. So your point being?

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My point being your baseless speculation that "for certain" CM item sales would increase CM money-making for BWEA is just that: baseless speculation.


Define baseless speculation please.


Edit: It's really easy to arbitrarily label an argument to be baseless speculation but it doesn't mean anything beyond trolling.

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Some people also like to gamble. You can't say for sure that the "certain" system would make more money, and I can't for sure that it wouldn't.


Let's not make ridiculous analogies between insurance and computer games.


they gamblers will keep gambling... it what tehy do... but this system allows the people who refuse to game and thus spend NO money on the market the ability to skip the game and buy a sure thing... thus generating money they would not of not received before...


Also making the item from the subscriber section only permantly bound it also keep the gambling alive as they can never be sold but the ones from packs can be... There is no downside for EA with this, it can only add more money to their coffers.

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Why? Works fine the way it is.


As a subscriber I can hold enough credits to buy the item off the GTN whatever it costs. And I have the resources to generate enough credits that I don't care what it costs. I don't even have to spend cartel coins to get it.


As a premium/f2p, they CAN'T do any of that.


I already have my subscriber "bonus".


so your subscriber bonus is spending more money and wasting as many credits as you feel like in a credit-sink mentality? wow.. just wow. since you're obviously one heck of a shopper I'd be happy to sell you some real estate on the moon for a billion dollars. when you send me the money I'll send you the info on what part of the moon you now own.



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Now for i have always supported the cartel market as it makes a TON of money for the game. However i think they should do a BIT more to help out the subbers.



What i mean by this is to create a "subscriber" tab in the cartel market that allows us the ability to use cartel coins to buy what is in the cartel packs. I would even support charging normal prices for complete gear sets and color crystals. I would just very much as a subscriber like to be able to buy any cartel item i want, and let the F2P players do the gambling.


I pay for ALL the content, I would like access to all the content even if it is at a cartel coin price, i want to be able to get what ever item i want when i want it.


It would be a nice olive branch to many subscribers for you to show interest in them and allow them access to any item at any time rather then play the gambling game. You will not lose any money you might even make more money. I know for one i wouldn't mind spending 1000 cartel coins just to buy black/purple or black/black dye kits. As it sits i will not buy ANY dye packs because i might end up up with crap i would never use.


I would buy all kinds of CM crap if they did this. I would actually use the CM somewhat regularly. :eek:


I bought one pack. Just to see what would happen. The rare drop was gloves. Yaaayyy. Gloves. Never bought a pack again. I refuse to gamble in a VIDEO GAME with real money (Yeah, I could use my sub CCs. But if I gambled, I'd have no CC's for the actual GOOD stuff, like species unlocks and rocket boots).

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