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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who feels like a valued subscriber?


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Yes, that is one of the stupidest complaints ever. BWEA will never gate basic adventuring content behind the CM. They obviously will charge $ for what they consider to be major expansions like RotHC (whether or not RoTHC is a "major expansion" is obviously a matter of opinion, but only one entity's opinion counts).


I also gotta laugh at the irony of all the people who post, in multiple threads, about how horrible the game is, yet they can only post if they are subscribers. So I guess that game isn't all that horrible for them.


You can still post after you unsub because you have game time remaining.

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The reason some subs feel the way they do imo is like this...


You goto a movie and pay the ticket price.


Get into the theater and realize all the seats have locks on em, ushers tell you just paid to see the movie if you wanna sit its extra.


You pay to sit and the movie starts and all you get is the picture, the ushers tell you paid to see the movie not hear it, sound is extra.


Actually you are a little off in your analogy - better analogy would be:


Going to a movie theatre to see a movie, then being told it costs extra for 3D and that you have to pay for drinks and snacks...

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The reason some subs feel the way they do imo is like this...


You go to a movie and pay the ticket price.


Get into the theater and realize all the seats have locks on em, ushers tell you just paid to see the movie if you wanna sit its extra.


You pay to sit and the movie starts and all you get is the picture, the ushers tell you paid to see the movie not hear it, sound is extra.


Been feeling like this way too often lately.

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I have found you have to make your own fun in this game and not rely too much on the developers and publishers adding things exclusively for my amusement.


I do this by taking my irrational frustrations out on the F2Pers on my server. See that? Emotional transference. Wherever possible, troll, take the piss, deliberately misinform and otherwise make the lives of the poor, impoverished free to players as utterly miserable as I possibly can in the vague hopes of driving them away all together, or berate them into subscribing so that they too can be an entitled, elitist, sneering imperialistic *** like me.


Turns out money can buy you happiness after all.


I didn't even read the rest of the thread this funny made my day. Love you F2P's!

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For me this is absolutely spot on.


I made a point on a similar thread about where EAs focus lies. When f2p launched I thought the tough restrictions that were imposed were there to try and get more people to subscribe, which I thought was a good idea for a struggling game. I'm pretty sure now that's not the case, probably after looking at the money that the CM has landed it now appears that the CM is where the future focus of this game will be.


So no, for this reason as the poster I quoted above said, I don't feel valued as a subscriber. It doesn't matter how many complaints there are in this forum though. The only thing that will matters is how much money they'll make/lose and I'm pretty certain that if they were to lose tens of thousands of subs by this shift of focus but make up for that in CC sales they will consider this patch (and subsequent CM patches) a great success.


Okay I lied I read the last page. THIS! THIS! THIS!


Look they tried. They put a few new dyes in the collectors edition vendors and somewhere else for subscribers I think. They gave us petty little discount. They threw us some scraps. But your last statement is soooo true. I don't understand why people fight the truth. Here's an effed up real life example. When a company has a product that has a potentially harmful flaw they will weigh the following


cost of recall vs lawsuit payouts.


If recall is less, they will recall. If lawsuits are less they will do nothing about said product and wait to get sued. Corporations are AWSUM.


Basically I have nothing better to do today than read these forums, drink coffee, make random points and poke fun at greedy bastards. :cool:

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The CM, and specifically its focus on gambling, is targeted to take advantage of the small core of uber fans who are willing to pay any amount to support a bazillion dollar corporation... I mean game. The only reason this works is because of the IP. Geeks wouldn't spend the hundreds and thousands they are spending without the tie to Star Wars.


The average weekly binge expense on alcohol easily gets you like 5500 CCs per week. By not drinking, you can easily find additional disposable income to entertain your CM wants.I think people spending on CM stuff forms a group in size much larger as a small minority. And they don't need to be "geeks". If you are earning a decent living and don't trash your money on stuff like alcohol etc then you can easily find money for CM.


Edit: You may say it's crazy to spend so much money on pixels. But the same can be said about buying alcohol just to get yourself intoxicated for a night and alcohol sales are high in US and Europe. People have different preferences and it's just poor analysis to think on what other prefers by basing only on your preference.

Edited by XuShaBi
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I still love this game, and log in almost every day, but I have not felt like a valued subscriber since the game went Free to Play. The customer service/support is execrably bad: I used to be able to speak to a real GM when I sent in a petition, not all the time, but often, and usually when I needed to most. Now, I get a canned response to every petition I send in, and have not received personal assistance even once. The only problem that was even addressed constructively was the Cartel Coin stipend for subscribers not being paid out, and that was hardly unique to me. The typical response is a canned brush-off, and attempts to follow up are ignored. The message I took from this is "solve your own problems or wait for a patch." It's extremely disappointing.


The implementation of Customization and the dye packs has rankled me as well. The dye system is obviously versatile, and could be made very enjoyable and easy to use. Instead, we get this random scattering of dyes and schematics on vendors across the galaxy, reputation grinds, random chance (paid with real money) for the most desirable dyes, and a basic selection that could be charitably described as "lackluster". Guys, this is not fun. We just want to look the way we want, it doesn't have to be a weeks-long pay-up-front Easter Egg hunt.


As far as Customization goes: race changes should be Cartel Coin purchases. I'm fine with that. If you want to charge non-subs CC for face changes, that's OK too. Subscribers should not be paying real money for face changes, however. We should at the VERY least have the option to pay credits, and ideally, we should ONLY be paying credits. You WANT people to subscribe, right? Well, there is a juicy carrot right there. We're already paying real money every month, shaking us down for more is straight up nickel-and-diming.


I love Star Wars: the Old Republic, but there are a lot of improvements that need to be made. The stuff I mentioned above would be a good place to start. I don't feel like a valued subscriber; I feel like a rube ponying up my dollar at a carnival ride.

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