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Paying CC for Cathar Unlock AND Customization.


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So if I have a smartphone OR I'm lucky enough to live in North America where physical security keys are available, THEN I would receive enough CC to get Cathar?


Additionally, I find it offensive when you infer that myself and others who don't have enough CC for the new content just "blow through all of their 500cc every month". Fact is, most of the new content released this year (outside of ROHC, which we all paid for separately and thus cannot be counted as part of our subs) has been Cartel Market exclusive, and if you want to enjoy the new content (I know I do!), you do have to spend your cartel coins.


About the Barbershop costing less per slider you move, how many sliders would move if I switched my race from Twi'lek to Cathar? Probably most of them since very few of those customizations are on both races?


Physical security keys are or soon will be available in much of Europe again. Look for Phillip_BW in the DevTracker. Also, you can install an Android emulator for Windows onto which you can install the security key app, or so I've heard.


Yep, if you want to change your race, that's going to get spendy. If you want to do that in "that other game" it's going to cost you $25 over and above your sub. If you want to do it in this game, it could cost you $0 in addition to your sub. Or if you've burned all your coins already and have to pay cash, it's going to cost you less than $25.


If you want to start a new toon with the race, it costs you, what, 600 coins to acquire the race? That's a hair over $5, right? Or your allowance for one month if you have a security key.

Edited by DarthTHC
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None of this changes the fact that the amount of Cartel Coins given with the monthly allotment is not enough to unlock Cathar, and even if I refuse to spend any CC on any other feature or item, I won't be able to get it for another 37 days. As a subscriber. Using my complimentary coins. You don't feel like that's a little outrageous considering this is supposed to be a content update?
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None of this changes the fact that the amount of Cartel Coins given with the monthly allotment is not enough to unlock Cathar, and even if I refuse to spend any CC on any other feature or item, I won't be able to get it for another 37 days. As a subscriber. Using my complimentary coins. You don't feel like that's a little outrageous considering this is supposed to be a content update?


Boohoo, you can't get the newest cosmetic feature RIGHT NAO.




This is an EXTRA content update. Notice that they're still on the 8 week schedule? 4 weeks ago was 2.0 and RotHC. 4 weeks from now is 2.2.


I don't consider it outrageous. Why? Because you don't need it right now. It is VANITY. If you want it that badly, open your wallet.

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Didn't BioWare make a statement about how cartel market prices are decided with the subscriber's monthly allotment in mind? I have 26 cartel coins and if I re-sub in a week, I'll receive 525 more coins. Meaning if I want Cathar OR to use the barbershop this month, I have to pay cash. Since I don't plan on buying more CC, I get no content from this patch.

And it's BWEA's fault that you spent all your CCs, is it? I have 1000-something. So I could unlock Cathar if I wanted. Some people have 1000s because they never spend their stipend.



No, it's content. But the rest of your post stands as its.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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No, it's content. But the rest of your post stands as its.


I can't agree with this. Unless we're speaking of content being absolutely everything added to the game.

If so, bolster exploit wasn't a bug. It was content.


I feel there NEEDS to be some clarification. Maybe as a community we need to start saying "Vanity Content" and "Gameplay Content"? Because if Gameplay Content (like Makeb) is called content, you can't lump in 2.1 with it. Not unless you're being extremely vague about what content means.


But, I guess it is just semantics -- I just worry that, if we continue to consider Vanity stuff to be content -- BW will notice, and start giving us Vanity stuff in place of actual gameplay content.

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I can't agree with this. Unless we're speaking of content being absolutely everything added to the game.

Exactly. If it's in the game, it's content.


If so, bolster exploit wasn't a bug. It was content.

Something can be both, you know.


I feel there NEEDS to be some clarification. Maybe as a community we need to start saying "Vanity Content" and "Gameplay Content"? Because if Gameplay Content (like Makeb) is called content, you can't lump in 2.1 with it. Not unless you're being extremely vague about what content means.

I use "adventuring content" to mean "adventuring content" when it's important to distinguish.


But, I guess it is just semantics -- I just worry that, if we continue to consider Vanity stuff to be content -- BW will notice, and start giving us Vanity stuff in place of actual gameplay content.

They have to introduce more adventuring options. People aren't going to keep playing the game if "end game" consists of getting your characters haircuts and dyeing their armor.

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They NEVER said that. That's a figment of your imagination, lol.

I also read the cost of unlocking the cathar via cartel will be slightly less for subs then f2p no where did I see "free for subs" any where on a forum or patch notes.


I sub and have subs since launch and to unlock the Cathar cost wise for me is 500 coins via the in-game cartel market.

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So if I have a smartphone OR I'm lucky enough to live in North America where physical security keys are available, THEN I would receive enough CC to get Cathar?

Can't you order one?


Additionally, I find it offensive when you infer that myself and others who don't have enough CC for the new content just "blow through all of their 500cc every month". Fact is, most of the new content released this year (outside of ROHC, which we all paid for separately and thus cannot be counted as part of our subs) has been Cartel Market exclusive, and if you want to enjoy the new content (I know I do!), you do have to spend your cartel coins.

Essentially you just explained exactly how you blow through all of your 500CC every month - you spend it on options that you feel you just gotta have. This is exactly what "blowing through" means.


A lot of the Cartel Market exclusives get made available on the GTN, if you can wait, and can put time in for dailies if you don't have the credits - or you can wait until they're discounted. If you can't wait for either, then yes, you're going to continue to blow through your 500CC on new Cartel stuff every month.


I've been a subscriber since launch and I have 2000+CC (after unlocking Cathar yesterday). Other than that, since the launch of F2P, I've bought one of each pack, an extra character slot, Rocket Boost, the Cyborg unlock, and some armor sets when they're been discounted. The rest I bought through the GTN. Granted, I probably don't want as much from the Cartel Shop as you do, but the monthly sub isn't meant to cover everything anyone could want to buy.

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So, before Cathar was released they stated, that Subscribers would get a free customization to ONE character if they wanted to change a character. So I went to the kiosk and checked it out. The thing wants to charge me 600 CC for the unlock plus 792 for the customization options. So thats 1392 CC in total. So my question is what happened to the free change of one character? I was so hyped about it and even saved my monthly CC to only find out they just want me to buy coins, cause the only way I can do this is unlocking and rerolling another character.


They also mentioned to lower the cap on fleet and several planets to minimize the lag. And well I have been on fleet almost all day and fleet has had 240-250 people just like before, so what happened with that?


They added all the CC stuff that they didn't forget...:rak_02:


Yeah it said that for me too, but I went ahead iwth it and it only charged me the 792 for the Cathar unlock, didn't charge me for the customization.

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Yeah it said that for me too, but I went ahead iwth it and it only charged me the 792 for the Cathar unlock, didn't charge me for the customization.




Cathar unlock is a one-time payment of 600cc. Thats it. Only have to pay it once per account.


To CHANGE a characters species -- you have to pay 792 CCs. Doesn't matter what species you go to or from -- other than you have to have the species unlocked.

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Wait since when are the Cathar $40?


You're acting like the Cathar are being sold for the same price as an expansion pack.




How do you know that for a fact? You don't, so why state it as such?




Please explain to us these halves. What half was done exactly?


Prior to 2.1 there were only 3 Cathar faces in the game. 1 Male, 1 Female, and Aric's face. None of these art assets (or faces) are available for the player to use when creating a Cathar.


The existing body types, animations, class voices, etc, is by no means half of the job. Those things will always remain constant, but I don't know how you're measuring that as half.


First of all. Read the entire thread, I was actually andswering someone's post that they mentioned they havent seen an expansion that introduced a new race for less than $40, so wrong there.


Second, I have three friends and a family member in the coding, programming and design of video games. I myself have done modding for other games that allow mods and such and reskinning and other things. I know what I am talking about. So I'm not assuming anything at all. I know it doesnt take a year for them to do this work. And if it does, then is unfortunate because then I wonder how long will it take to do other things.


Third, wrong. Go to Taris on the Empire side, is full of Cathar NPCs and such, and yeah when you really think about it. You already have the voices, body built, animations and such. So what was left? Skins for the face, the fur which is yet another skin, and and some minor changes to the model if that. Hairstyles, which are addition to the models which they had to create from scratch some of them, cause others are already in the game. So please tell me what is not half done? I ask you know, what else does the Cathar have other than new skins and new eyes and some remodeled hairs and a couple of brand new hairs to create a brand new race? You can't tell me not to count voices and things like that because that is part of making another race, is part of the "job" that they reused it? I have NO problem with that, but to sit here and say that doesn't count is just nonsense or would you like a race with no voice or body model to put those new skins they made?

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I think it is ridiculous that subscribers have to pay extra to unlock a skin. You don't get a diff story line or conversations, so it is basically a skin. I rather use my coins for account unlocks.


No different than having to pay $20 for that Czerka speeder. Don't want it? Don't buy it.

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I never played an MMO that offered a new race or class without an expansion that cost at least 40+ dollars. Here you get option of an "ALA carte menu" of picking a race for a fraction of the price. Just be lucky that if you sub, you get free CC to get the new race.


Some people think that coding and development of an MMO is an overnight thing and people work for free.


Cathar was developed quite awhile ago. It was originally intended to be a part of the first expansion. then they realized "hey, we can fleece more money out of these fanboys if we hold Cathar back from the expansion, and then release it on our Cartel Market a couple weeks later"


Cha-Ching !!! goes the cash register

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