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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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I have no intention to get invested in dye packs, but I really have to share this bit of amusement...


If you want to see just how truly ludicrous the system is, try previewing dyes on any of the Gree armor sets.

Additionally, the system is not even internally consistent: The Restored Triumvirate set is one of those "undyeable" armors, however you can preview dyes on it (white/orange looked rather favorable IMO)


At the very least, I now have an outlet for all those stacks of grade 6 crystals, so yay for that...


[...we now return you to your regularly-scheduled ranting...]

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And don't forget... after paying "loads of money" (this can be you or someone else listing it on the GTN) they are one time use. You can't take them out and use them again. So you (or someone else) has to go spend loads and loads more money. They thought of everything, nice huh?


The new dye colors can be had by subscribers for a handful of credits. Black/Black is now down to a point on my server that I could purchase several thousand of them. Never have to spend a dime beyond my subscription.


Why do you look at this as if there's only one way to obtain it? Are you incapable of perceiving alternatives? How frightening that must be to have to live like that.


Yes, they're single-use. Just like Augmentation Kits.


Worst case, if you don't like them, don't use them. You won't be any worse off than you were 8 days ago, before this off-cycle patch, right?

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The new dye colors can be had by subscribers for a handful of credits. Black/Black is now down to a point on my server that I could purchase several thousand of them. Never have to spend a dime beyond my subscription.


Why do you look at this as if there's only one way to obtain it? Are you incapable of perceiving alternatives? How frightening that must be to have to live like that.


Yes, they're single-use. Just like Augmentation Kits.


Worst case, if you don't like them, don't use them. You won't be any worse off than you were 8 days ago, before this off-cycle patch, right?


First, I'm not sure what server your on but on PoTF there are currently 6 Black on Black dyes. All between 2.4 million and 2.75 million. There aren't hundreds of them and if there were nobody believes you have hundreds of million of credits.


My complaints about this system have nothing to do with the my ability to obtain a specific color, the cost in credits or how much money I've spent. None of that changes what a pile of steaming dog crap the system is.


My complaint is that the design of this feature (which is trivial at best) was intentionally over complicated so that they can suck the last few drops of money out of the same, tired customer base.

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None of that changes what a pile of steaming dog crap the system is.


What is your obsession with steaming piles of dog crap? Seriously? You've used that quite often.


I think the system is excellent. They can make money off of those stupid enough to blow money on gambling. I can get dyes off the GTN. We have options now that didn't exist in the game before.


Looks great to me.



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First, I'm not sure what server your on but on PoTF there are currently 6 Black on Black dyes. All between 2.4 million and 2.75 million. There aren't hundreds of them and if there were nobody believes you have hundreds of million of credits.


My complaints about this system have nothing to do with the my ability to obtain a specific color, the cost in credits or how much money I've spent. None of that changes what a pile of steaming dog crap the system is.


My complaint is that the design of this feature (which is trivial at best) was intentionally over complicated so that they can suck the last few drops of money out of the same, tired customer base.


Seems pretty simple to me. In fact, it seems to exactly parallel the cartel packs that are so wildly popular.


People who can afford to spend money on entertainment buy packs. They get a dye. They put it on GTN. People who can't afford to or don't want to spend money on entertainment buy the dye.


After that, it's just as complicated as updating the mod in your gear. It's actually easier than adding an augment slot. Plus the preview even seems to work!


Uncertain how this is a complicated system. Though it's certainly a system that leverages the pattern they've established for sales via cartel market.


Black/black dyes were down to the low 100's of thousands on my server. Maybe they're back up now. *shrug*

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It would be nice if some of these gambling dyes droped more often. The system itself is ok in my book but drop rates are crap again. I mean the black/black is constantly at ~4-7 milion creds on the Progenitor. No way am I going to buy it or invest in gambling packs and pray for a drop.
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I agree that its completely absurd to tell your subs "how much we value you", then put in a dye system that makes all the most desirable colors inaccessible to them without loads of money, and a lot of luck.


The real kicker is them claiming they had no idea we would feel this way....


This is after paying them $15/month to tell them we desired a dye system in the first place.


If they want to play Capitalist games with their customers, they'll pay the price. They've already experienced it at launch, when over 1-million people told them their game wasn't worth it. It's happening again, and they are still sitting in their office scratching their heads....they deserve their fate.


They are probably doing this because their metrics tell them that subscribers have been the ones spending the lion's share of dollars on CCs. They are simply doing what any sensible business would do: continue to tap a lucrative segment. Is this short sighted? Yes/no/maybe.


I agree with you as I think my subscriber status should entitle me to a lot of this stuff without having to rely on my CC stipend but nothing will change unless people vote with their wallets. And the irony is that if people stop spending the game stalls or gets shut down.

Edited by Projawa
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Judging by the number of them in use, and the prices being fetched by crafters for the faction dyes... you are once again wrong Anzel. this is not new of course.....you see the world through your own personal angst.


Yay, same argument from you Andryah. Surprise, surprise.


AGAIN, my complaints about this system have nothing to do with the my ability to obtain a specific color, the cost in credits or how much money I've spent.


For all you know I buy several hypercrates per day and I'm sitting on 100 black and black dyes.


None of that changes what a pile of steaming dog crap the system is.


My complaint is that the design of this feature (which is trivial at best) was intentionally over complicated so that they can suck the last few drops of money out of the same, tired customer base.

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Yay, same argument from you Andryah. Surprise, surprise.


AGAIN, my complaints about this system have nothing to do with the my ability to obtain a specific color, the cost in credits or how much money I've spent.


For all you know I buy several hypercrates per day and I'm sitting on 100 black and black dyes.


None of that changes what a pile of steaming dog crap I THINK the system is.


My complaint is that the design of this feature (which is trivial at best) was intentionally over complicated so that they can GIVE the customer base MORE OPTIONS, AND LET THEM GAMBLE AWAY MONEY IF THEY ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO DO IT.


There, fixed that for ya.

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It would be nice if some of these gambling dyes droped more often. The system itself is ok in my book but drop rates are crap again. I mean the black/black is constantly at ~4-7 milion creds on the Progenitor. No way am I going to buy it or invest in gambling packs and pray for a drop.


Pray for the drop and then pray that you NEVER want to change your chest piece as they are a one time use. Then you get to start spending your money all over again. Isn't this system fun?

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My complaint is that the design of this feature (which is trivial at best) was intentionally over complicated so that they can suck the last few drops of money out of the same, tired customer base.


You have MANY complaints Anzel. Let's not pretend this is THE complaint. ;)

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I think the system is excellent. They can make money off of those stupid enough to blow money on gambling RIGHT BEFORE THEY CLOSE THIS GAME DOWN. I can get dyes off the GTN BECUASE THEY SUCKED MONEY OUT OF OTHER PLAYERS. We have options now that didn't exist in the game before BECAUSE THEY FOUND YET ANOTHER WAY TO GET THE SAME, SMALL, TIRED CUSTOMER BASE TO GAMBLE AWAY MORE OF THEIR MONEY.


Looks great to me.




Ooooh lookie, now we're fixing stuff for one another :rak_03:

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Pray for the drop and then pray that you NEVER want to change your chest piece as they are a one time use. Then you get to start spending your money all over again. Isn't this system fun?


If they drop more often then the prices on the market would drop no? That would be ok in my book. But since they are so crappy ill agree with mr dogcrap :D

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If they drop more often then the prices on the market would drop no? That would be ok in my book. But since they are so crappy ill agree with mr dogcrap :D


LOL I should be able to put a nickname in here somewhere like on Facebook. "Mr. Dogcrap". Maybe I can alter my signature?


But yes, *****if the cost of the packs were lower and ******if the drops were better... it wouldn't be so terrible. But this game would be 100,000,000,000 times better without gambling packs. We certainly wouldn't see 5 "goodbye" and "I Quit" threads on the first page every day :rak_04:

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Is there any reason to move this on a personal level?


She just hates me Clavis. I'm very upset. Like... I'm thinking about composing a Tweet about it.


All I want is to see this game succeed. I think that it can but the gambling packs have to go. I'm OK with the Cartel Market. I'm OK with paying extra but the gambling packs are killing this game. Good people are quitting every single day.

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Is there any reason to move this on a personal level?


It was not personal, I was simply stating that Anzel has many complaints about the game. A fact. He in turn acknowledged that we are in common understanding on this.

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She just hates me Clavis.


No I don't :) If I did, I would put you on ignore and refuse to engage in discusion with you in the forum.


All I want is to see this game succeed. I think that it can but the gambling packs have to go. I'm OK with the Cartel Market. I'm OK with paying extra but the gambling packs are killing this game. Good people are quitting every single day.


Let me just offer up that IMO your inflammatory approach in the forum toward things in the game you do not like, does not help you achieve "see this game succeed". I'm not even sure it makes you feel better, but only you can actually answer on that.


As for people. People come and go in MMOs all the time. It's a fact. For many reasons, some you may agree with and others you probably do not agree with. With respect to the easily countable number of public declarations of unsubbing this week.. honestly... those same people have been sour on the game for a long time. IMO..2.1 is not the trigger, it's just a convenient excuse so they don't look silly for staying for months and complaining constantly about anything and everything about the game.

Edited by Andryah
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No I don't :) If I did, I would put you on ignore and refuse to engage in discusion with you in the forum.


Likewise :D


Let me just offer up that IMO your inflammatory approach in the forum toward things in the game you do not like, does not help you achieve "see this game succeed". I'm not even sure it makes you feel better, but only you can actually answer on that.


A couple of things on this. Unfortunately nobody seems to hear level headed, constructive feedback. It falls on deaf ears. This patch was a mess. We can debate in circles on that one but at the end of the day it was a mess. Sorry but the powers that be only speak the language of ranting, cancellations and bad press. I wish it were not that way but we both know that's the way it goes on these forums. When people feel like they are being ignored they become progressively more "inflammatory".


Second, if you do want this game to succeed then I honestly don't see how you can support this system or any system that promotes gambling with real money as way to get content. Yes, I know they are in business to make money but they could achieve that goal (or greater) without the gambling packs. The gambling packs are enraging a large portion of the community and in the end they will do much more harm to the long term health of this game than good. Whether you buy 10 hypercrates per day or whether you've never spent a single Cartel Coin I just don't see how you could support this.


As for people. People come and go in MMOs all the time. It's a fact. For many reasons, some you may agree with and others you probably do not agree with. With respect to the easily countable number of public declarations of unsubbing this week.. honestly... those same people have been sour on the game for a long time. IMO..2.1 is not the trigger, it's just a convenient excuse so they don't look silly for staying for months and complaining constantly about anything and everything about the game.


I guess we could debate and link-fu each other to death over this one. I don't have the numbers in front of me and I'm not sure that EA really does either. I don't think we'll know the long term financial impact the backlash of this patch brought onto the game. I just wish the overall tone of the community (including myself) was better and I am confident that it would be without preying on people who gamble and pissing off people who don't.

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Second, if you do want this game to succeed then I honestly don't see how you can support this system or any system that promotes gambling with real money as way to get content. Yes, I know they are in business to make money but they could achieve that goal (or greater) without the gambling packs. The gambling packs are enraging a large portion of the community and in the end they will do much more harm to the long term health of this game than good. Whether you buy 10 hypercrates per day or whether you've never spent a single Cartel Coin I just don't see how you could support this.


I agree. More and more gambling packs ruin atmosphere as well as reputation of the game and I am wondering what's comming next to satisfy their greed for money. Maybe poker tables on Nar Shaddaa? In addition they could add more dancers to the cantinas and provide terminals where you can: 'Undress your favorite Twi'lek - insert Coin here!"


I don't like this kind of business. Plus, it has absolutely nothing to do with the spirit of Star Wars. George Lucas made this universe look used - NOT DIRTY.


Bye the way... is this still legal? What about the age rating? Maybe this game does not only do harm to its own long term health... ANY LAWYERS AROUND?


Oh, probably they would say: 'Its not a casino, its more like an amusement park for you can't win any real money.'


It still feels dirty and unethical to me. I consider the gambling packs a most alarming development for the whole online gamer family of this planet. This is not any game, this is Star Wars. If we as customers let gambling for game content happen, other games will follow. This can only be ignored out of imaturity, irresponsibility and superficialty which often are resistant to any reasoning, Anzel.


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As for people. People come and go in MMOs all the time. It's a fact. For many reasons, some you may agree with and others you probably do not agree with. With respect to the easily countable number of public declarations of unsubbing this week.. honestly... those same people have been sour on the game for a long time. IMO..2.1 is not the trigger, it's just a convenient excuse so they don't look silly for staying for months and complaining constantly about anything and everything about the game.


IMO, they look pretty kriffing silly cancelling because an off-cycle patch (read: one they shouldn't have expected) happened.


That's like cancelling my subscription to the Beer of the Month club because they sent me a free, extra 6-pack mid-month but I didn't like the labels on the bottles.

Edited by DarthTHC
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You have MANY complaints Anzel. Let's not pretend this is THE complaint. ;)


However, all you do is defend all things about this game, even if its bad...... So, since the game and everything BW does is perfection to you, it is no surprise, you again, defend what is happening.


The adding of colors should have been a nice thing to give to the community, to say, here, have fun, color those armors.... Instead, we got this garbage....


enough said!

Edited by Themanthatisi
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I agree. More and more gambling packs ruin atmosphere as well as reputation of the game and I am wondering what's comming next to satisfy their greed for money. Maybe poker tables on Nar Shaddaa? In addition they could add more dancers to the cantinas and provide terminals where you can: 'Undress your favorite Twi'lek - insert Coin here!"


If you were forced to aquire them to play the game I would agree with you. But you are not. If they offend you, you can just ignore them.


Bye the way... is this still legal? What about the age rating? Maybe this game does not only do harm to its own long term health... ANY LAWYERS AROUND?


Are collection cards for games like WoW, where you are buying them from an actual brick and mortar storefront in the hopes of getting one of the rare in game unlock codes gambling? NO. How do I know? Because they are sold in brick and mortar stores all over the place.


Same principle, different method of delivery is all.


It still feels dirty and unethical to me. I consider the gambling packs a most alarming development for the whole online gamer family of this planet.


You are certainly entitled your your feelings. All of us are. Personal feelings however do not dicatate what the game developer provides as content, nor should it as long as you are not required to use content that offends you. By the way....these packs that offend you.. this type of content has been present for years in MMOs... yet you still play them, right?


This is not any game, this is Star Wars.


In the context of your personal passion and desire, perhaps. But in any commercial terms, from a business standpoint (and it is a business, like it or not) it's a commercially profitable game based on Star Wars IP. It is not Star Wars, per se.


If you want to constrain a game to your moral views, you need to be the owner of the IP and the game property. As a non-owning player, your choice is to participate or not participate.

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