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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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The solution to this is simple. Implement (for the millionth time mentioned on the forums) TRADITIONAL Sith and Jedi robes from the movies! Sith Robes should be all black and completely cover what you are wearing.


Putting in anything from the movies is anachronous. We're in the SW universe roughly 24,000 years BEFORE Yoda was even born. And he's old.

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I agree. Dye modules suck.


The solution to this is simple. Implement (for the millionth time mentioned on the forums) TRADITIONAL Sith and Jedi robes from the movies! Sith Robes should be all black and completely cover what you are wearing. Period. I guaranteed if BW put traditional robes with hood toggles on the cash shop and charged 50 bucks worth of Cartel Coins for it they would make so much money on it because its exactly what everyone wants.


Not that I wanna pay that muh, I'm just saying. People would spend the money and everyone's issues of getting black colored robes would be solved


Um, I play Sith and that is absolutely NOT what I want. Nor would I be willing to pay a high price for it. If they made it and charged the normal CM outfit price for it, then fine. Don't go giving them ideas to charge more for something just because it's in demand.

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I'm sort of confused about your pattern of turning IRL $ into credits.


Have to look at the market a bit to figure out the best credit-to-dollar ratio. But for the random packs, there is far more value in them unopened than opened.


I did not say that I have problems to turn money into credits. I am selling Unlocks directly to F2P/Pref players. I have never been cool with the gambling packs. I have a bad feeling about selling them to students on GTM because they are what they are: Gambling. The point is that I want more items for my characters as are dropping in Packs. There is a point where something is just not worth the money. Open 3 Hypercrates and still don't get what you want... I bet you'll stop doing it. And for the Contraband Resale Corporation... after 5 Hypercrates I only had 6 Certificates in my inventory. I wrote a ticket about it and learnd that everything is alright. Take a look at the vendor if you are not familiar with his stuff, see what you can get for 6 Certificates after having opend 5 Hypercrates... not Packs, HYPERCRATES. Ridiculous.


So: No more gambling. Way too expensive because you might end up having payed 100 bucks for one item - if you are lucky!


Would I spent 100 bucks on something I really want in SWTOR? No.

Would I spent 50 bucks on something I really want? Maybe.

Would I spent 25 bucks? Yes, I would.


I will start buying lots of stuff from the Cartel again as soon as everything is listed.


The alternative is selling more Unlocks and pay with millions of credits for what I want. And there we go again: Its not comfortable. I don't want to be forced to log in every day so that my customers don't quit.

I just want to log in, buy what I want in the Cartel, play and log off again.


Edited by Snowangel
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Anyone under 18 should have limits imposed upon their ability to spend money on the game by their parents, if their parents care. If they blow their wad that comes with the sub, then they can learn a lesson at 16 or 18 or whatever that some learn at 8 or 9 via allowance.


So, no, I'm not too worried about minors rolling dice in a game when it should absolutely not have any chance of costing them a real dime.


That would require people taking responsibility. You know people can't be responsible for their own actions, let alone be responsible for raising their children responsibly. :t_tongue:

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I did not say that I have problems to turn money into credits. I am selling Unlocks directly to F2P/Pref players. I have never been cool with the gambling packs. I have a bad feeling about selling them to students on GTM because they are what they are: Gambling. The point is that I want more items for my characters as are dropping in Packs. There is a point where something is just not worth the money. Open 3 Hypercrates and still don't get what you want... I bet you'll stop doing it. And for the Contraband Resale Corporation... after 5 Hypercrates I only had 6 Certificates in my inventory. Take a look at the vendor if you are not familiar with his stuff, see what you can get for 6 Certificates after having opend 5 Hypercrates... not Packs, HYPERCRATES. Ridiculous.


So: No more packs.They are way too expensive because you might end up having payed 100 bucks for one item - if you are lucky!


Would I spent 100 bucks on something I really want in SWTOR? No.

Would I spent 50 bucks on something I really want? Maybe.

Would I spent 25 bucks? Yes, I would.


I will start buying lots of stuff from the Cartel again as soon as everything is listed.



I think that's a great approach. You don't see value for your dollar so you don't spend the dollars. If and when you see value again, you're willing to start spending.


Exactly as it should be. Hopefully BWEA will recognize that trend and sentiment and modify their approach.

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Um, I play Sith and that is absolutely NOT what I want. Nor would I be willing to pay a high price for it. If they made it and charged the normal CM outfit price for it, then fine. Don't go giving them ideas to charge more for something just because it's in demand.


Yeah, heavens forbid they act like any other for-profit, publicly traded company! :rolleyes:

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Yeah, heavens forbid they act like any other for-profit, publicly traded company! :rolleyes:


Ahhhh good morning guys. Glad to see we're still all here.


So yes, they are a publicly traded company. Yes they are in this for profit. Wonderful. I wish them the best. I will gladly pay both my subscription and even more money in the Cartel Market. Heck, I would probably spend hundreds more without complaint each month.


My problem is their new design philosophy which is, everything must be via gambling packs, everything must be over-complicated to obfuscate the fact that they are doing this intentionally. Not only do the gambling packs SUCK from a design standpoint but the odds are just terrible LOL.


Even if the gambling packs were optional I could understand. For instance, you can buy Revan's Mask for 1200 Cartel Coins OR you can try your luck at a pack that "may" contain the mask for 360. Or something along those lines. But putting the coolest stuff in the game into packs and giving it a 1:99999999999999 chance just sucks.

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The random element of buying Dye packs is annoying, fortunately you can get them off GTN, although 5Million for a Black-Black pack is a bit steep.


And don't forget that they are a one time use! Great feature right? Fun right?

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Ahhhh good morning guys. Glad to see we're still all here.


So yes, they are a publicly traded company. Yes they are in this for profit. Wonderful. I wish them the best. I will gladly pay both my subscription and even more money in the Cartel Market. Heck, I would probably spend hundreds more without complaint each month.


My problem is their new design philosophy which is, everything must be via gambling packs, everything must be over-complicated to obfuscate the fact that they are doing this intentionally. Not only do the gambling packs SUCK from a design standpoint but the odds are just terrible LOL.


Even if the gambling packs were optional I could understand. For instance, you can buy Revan's Mask for 1200 Cartel Coins OR you can try your luck at a pack that "may" contain the mask for 360. Or something along those lines. But putting the coolest stuff in the game into packs and giving it a 1:99999999999999 chance just sucks.


Sounds like you've solved your own problem: Don't buy gambling packs?


If enough people who DID buy them STOP buying them, BWEA will get the message loud and clear, yes?


Publicly traded, for-profit companies listen to $ far more intently than they listen to us scrubs on the forums.

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Sounds like you've solved your own problem: Don't buy gambling packs?


If enough people who DID buy them STOP buying them, BWEA will get the message loud and clear, yes?


Publicly traded, for-profit companies listen to $ far more intently than they listen to us scrubs on the forums.


It's ok, I bought 3 yesterday to make up for Anzel.


Granted, 1 was with my Stipend, the other 2 from credits. Know what? I was PSYCHED with what I got. Probably worth nothing on the GTN, except the two skiffs, but I actually want to use it all. AND, because I don't buy into this CM garbage often -- I had no idea these armors existed, what they looked like, or where they came from.


It is amazing how excellent of a system it can be, if you step back and use your brain :-D

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Anyone under 18 should have limits imposed upon their ability to spend money on the game by their parents, if their parents care.


Do they care? Can they care? Or aren't many parents with gamer teens just happy to have them entertained and controled at the same time while they are wracking their brains how to pay for the heating although they have a dual income? Don't you think things are slipping through their fingers, no matter how hard they try?

Are you sure that all parents know about their kids spending pocket money in order to gamble for items in SWTOR?

I'm not...


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Do they care? Can they care? Or aren't many parents with gamer teens just happy to have them entertained and controled at the same time while they are wracking their brains how to pay for the heating although they have a dual income? Don't you think things are slipping through their fingers, no matter how hard they try?

Are you sure that all parents know about their kids spending pocket money in order to gamble for items in SWTOR?

I'm not...



If the parents don't know -- they have NO ONE BUT THEMSELVES to blame. Seriously. That is called lack of good parenting.


When I was under 18 and my parents were paying for my subscription to games -- it was expressly stated that I was not to spend a PENNY. They paid for subscription ONLY. Had they seen any other charges, I would've been in MAJOR trouble. For good reason.


When a child is under 18, it is the parents responsiblity to know what that child is doing, especially when finances and the internet are concerned. EVEN if it is the childs own money.


To expect a company to do what you should be doing as a parent is disgusting.

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Do they care? Can they care? Or aren't many parents with gamer teens just happy to have them entertained and controled at the same time while they are wracking their brains how to pay for the heating although they have a dual income? Don't you think things are slipping through their fingers, no matter how hard they try?

Are you sure that all parents know about their kids spending pocket money in order to gamble for items in SWTOR?

I'm not...



Kids can't spend "pocket money" to gamble on cartel packs or dye packs. They have to go through a credit card or some other purchase. It's not like they can load quarters or dollars into their desktop and have them somehow transferred to BWEA.


Do parents care?


My daughter turns 22 next month. She had a credit card from the time she was about 16. More accurately, she had a credit card on the same account as me, same credit limit and everything, on which I could see every single charge. She abused it exactly zero times.


Kids can be smart and responsible, as can parents.


If parents choose not to be, that is not BWEA's problem (though they still mitigate their risk by limiting monthly CC purchases). Nor is it my problem. Nor is it yours.

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Sounds like you've solved your own problem: Don't buy gambling packs?


If enough people who DID buy them STOP buying them, BWEA will get the message loud and clear, yes?


Publicly traded, for-profit companies listen to $ far more intently than they listen to us scrubs on the forums.


I usually spend all of my extra Cartel Coins on unlocks or on items listed straight on the market. Like that new Eradicator's Mask. I actually like the mask quite a bit and will probably buy both the mask and the collections unlock for it.


I think they are really missing the boat here. Just like SnowAngel... I have tons of cash. I'm willing to spend it. Now if they would only make me want to...

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My daughter turns 22 next month. She had a credit card from the time she was about 16. More accurately, she had a credit card on the same account as me, same credit limit and everything, on which I could see every single charge. She abused it exactly zero times.


Can I just applaud you for this, for a moment?


Speaking from an obvious generational gap -- as I'm the same age as your daughter -- my parents did this for me as well.


And, being married and living with my spouse -- I learned a great deal from that. I learned responsibility, how easy it can be to make a mistake -- and how to pay for said mistakes. I was given the ability to learn first-hand, with the majority of the risk removed.


THAT is amazing parenting.

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I did notice that on quite a few sets there are portions of the armor that cannot or will not be touched by color changes. The Thana set is an example of this.


True. And yet the Thana sets fixed texture color works extremely well with a wide range of dual dyes.


So while most armors have a fixed color texture, they still dye nicely IMO in most cases. Thing is, this is true of of dyes/armor in GW2 as well..which is largely regarded as the best in the genre.


I get that purists want to go all one color or two colors.....but dyes are functional and aesthetic in most cases on most gear.

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And don't forget that they are a one time use! Great feature right? Fun right?


A common feature with dyes in MMOs.


My point? The players are generally acustomed to dyes being consumables in MMOs. They certainly did not jump out from behind a rock on this aspect.

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True. And yet the Thana sets fixed texture color works extremely well with a wide range of dual dyes.


So while most armors have a fixed color texture, they still dye nicely IMO in most cases. Thing is, this is true of of dyes/armor in GW2 as well..which is largely regarded as the best in the genre.


I get that purists want to go all one color or two colors.....but dyes are functional and aesthetic in most cases on most gear.


I just want to point out that the normal Gree Rep gear looks hideous in 99% of dyes.


I do kind-of dislike being unable to dye the tertiary color -- but, as with the gree armor, it makes complete sense.


I think it was Damion, who explained that the glowy colors don't dye well, and look like garbage because of the way the dyes are created/shown/drawn. So, makes sense I guess.

But, some of the black doesn't change color either :-(


I think it could've been implemented much better. But, I'm also happy to have it released -- especially if they will continue to improve upon it in the future, as they've said they will :-D

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Can I just applaud you for this, for a moment?


Speaking from an obvious generational gap -- as I'm the same age as your daughter -- my parents did this for me as well.


And, being married and living with my spouse -- I learned a great deal from that. I learned responsibility, how easy it can be to make a mistake -- and how to pay for said mistakes. I was given the ability to learn first-hand, with the majority of the risk removed.


THAT is amazing parenting.


+1 to DarthTHC as well. We did the same with our daughter, and she has always been responsible.


As parents, it is our responsibility IMO to help our children be all that the can be in life. Being responsible, thoughtful, and understanding the value of money and applying it responsibly is something that will serve them well through their entire life.

Edited by Andryah
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I just want to point out that the normal Gree Rep gear looks hideous in 99% of dyes.


I do kind-of dislike being unable to dye the tertiary color -- but, as with the gree armor, it makes complete sense.


I think it was Damion, who explained that the glowy colors don't dye well, and look like garbage because of the way the dyes are created/shown/drawn. So, makes sense I guess.

But, some of the black doesn't change color either :-(


I think it could've been implemented much better. But, I'm also happy to have it released -- especially if they will continue to improve upon it in the future, as they've said they will :-D


Spray paint on metal can look OK.


Spray paint on leather, less so. On fabric, even less.


But spray paint on a light bulb? Heh.... no.


That seems to be how they've implemented the application of dyes to armors.

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Spray paint on metal can look OK.


Spray paint on leather, less so. On fabric, even less.


But spray paint on a light bulb? Heh.... no.


That seems to be how they've implemented the application of dyes to armors.



I disagree! You can spray paint lightbulbs, and they look good -- so long as you bust your butt to make it perfect.


And then, of course, the lightbulb explodes. :p


Yeah, I completely understand -- and had even guessed they wouldn't have allowed that part to be dyeable. I just still hope they release more colors in the future. I want purple!!!!!!! :D

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I just want to point out that the normal Gree Rep gear looks hideous in 99% of dyes.


It sure does! :eek:


I guess it was made to go with the puke green/yellow dye from the CE vendor. :p


So yeah, there are some clear misses in the current gear, and some dyes too. But not many considering this is their first release.


I think it could've been implemented much better. But, I'm also happy to have it released -- especially if they will continue to improve upon it in the future, as they've said they will :-D


Yeah, there is always room for improvement in MMOs. 2.1 has been out only a short time and I already cannot imagine going back to no dyes on armor. It's much more of a paradigm shift IMO then some people give it credit for, even with it's imperfections.

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Ahhhh good morning guys. Glad to see we're still all here.


Good afternoon, hehe...

Of course we are because this is about what all customers want: Good Service, No Rip-Off.


For instance, you can buy Revan's Mask for 1200 Cartel Coins OR you can try your luck at a pack that "may" contain the mask for 360. Or something along those lines. But putting the coolest stuff in the game into packs and giving it a 1:99999999999999 chance just sucks.


Sounds perfect and all too easy so I got to give it a thought over night :D


Have a nice day you guys over there!


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