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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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I'm sorry. I really do love this game. Honestly.


But the dye system is limiting, random, horribly implemented, and smacks of cartel market fleecing of players.


I am a subscriber and I am very disappointed.

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I'm sorry. I really do love this game. Honestly.


But the dye system is limiting, random, horribly implemented, and smacks of cartel market fleecing of players.


I am a subscriber and I am very disappointed.


So far, I am using crafted dyes, purchased off the GTN and things are working fine for me on almost every armor set. Nothing random about it... and it's not limiting IMO.. but there are some constraints (heck there's even dye constraints in GW2, which does dyes better then any other MMO IMO). There are a few pieces that do not dye well IMO.. but I work around it. I have been collecting some of the cartel dyes off the GTN.. and again.. nothing random about it for me.. I buy what I want when I see a price that is acceptable... I'm stockpiling for later when new armor sets come in to the game.


I'm a subscriber and I am pleased with the dye system.. and I expect it will get better with time as well.

Edited by Andryah
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So far, I am using crafted dyes, purchased off the GTN and things are working fine for me on almost every armor set. Nothing random about it... and it's not limiting IMO.. but there are some constraints (heck there's even dye constraints in GW2, which does dyes better then any other MMO IMO). There are a few pieces that do not dye well IMO.. but I work around it. I have been collecting some of the cartel dyes off the GTN.. and again.. nothing random about it for me.. I buy what I want when I see a price that is acceptable... I'm stockpiling for later when new armor sets come in to the game.


I'm a subscriber and I am pleased with the dye system.. and I expect it will get better with time as well.


OK here's one for you Andryah (or anyone, I guess but it seems Andryah has played with the dyes a lot).


Tharan Cedrax. Looking for an armor set for him that doesn't have that horrible huge collar that's on so many smuggler chests and doesn't have a hood but still looks techy or smuggler-ish. Would like to put him in something darker, but not necessarily black. Something a bit more subtle for the dyes - one that doesn't look spray-painted. Prefer something I can put my own parts into so orange or adaptive. Credits are no barrier but I'm too cheap to spend 2.4 mil on black/black and probably wouldn't like it anyway.



Edited by DarthTHC
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OK here's one for you Andryah (or anyone, I guess but it seems Andryah has played with the dyes a lot).


Tharan Cedrax. Looking for an armor set for him that doesn't have that horrible huge collar that's on so many smuggler chests and doesn't have a hood but still looks techy or smuggler-ish. Would like to put him in something darker, but not necessarily black. Something a bit more subtle for the dyes - one that doesn't look spray-painted. Prefer something I can put my own parts into so orange or adaptive. Credits are no barrier but I'm too cheap to spend 2.4 mil on black/black and probably wouldn't like it anyway.




Yeah, those inflated lifevest collars suck IMO.


I'm not sure what Cartel armor sets you have unlocked, though for a one-off you could just purchase a set or mix and match from the GTN. I have quite a collection unlocked, so I have a lot of flexibility now with Collections. Personally, I'd probably put Theran in Classic Despot (except for the helmet) because it responds really well to most dual dyes, and is not bulky. Then I'd dye him in the dark-blue/brown cartel dye which will give you a nice deep blue and dark gold finish, yet not glossy. [if you want to go with a light color scheme.. white/orange is hard to beat, though with Despot the medium-gray/green works well] You could probably do something similar with the Red Blade chest/legs (though the legs are color 2 so they would pop as gold) or even Thul Loyalist Chest/legs would work well.


And if you were into long coats, and have access to the TroubleMaker set (I just unlocked a copy today) that set colors up extremely well (it's why I aquired it). You could go medium-gray/geen, or dark-brown/white, or all the way up to white/orange if you want a leet medical lab look. If you want to do it on the cheap..Rist Statman's Coat works too, just not as well.. but generally is cheaper an easier to find.


Tell me what outfits you got.. I'll give you my 2-cents on dyes. :D

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And, unless you are a professor on Business Ethics, you have no right to lecture others on what is or isn't ethical. People are purchasing these by the crate-full because they WANT to.


I did not purchase one single forsaken Hypercrate because I WANTED it. I just wanted to support my favorite online game during a hard time in order to enable the company to further it. What a horrible mistake! How could I have been so naive? Now I find myself having made the way free for a basic gambling nature of this game which is simply abhorrent.

I apologize to everyone who was smarter then me and realized the problem from the beginning. I am really, really, really sorry!


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In society, the term gambling has clear legal definition and standing. As such, in society, your local laws determine what is/is-not gambling.


As if laws were always right... There was a time when local laws said that burning women because of their red hair is right. Nowadays, this planet is no longer guided by laws at all, it is ruled by the economy. The laws are not too tight because of PROFITS. They don't care about people, they step over corpses for bloody money and they know every trick to make it legal. The packs are gambling no matter what any law says.


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However, the definition of gambling, the essence of "Is that gambling?" (not "is that legal") is set and, I would suggest, very consistent across English language references.


The cartel and dye packs are, indeed, gambling.




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Umm... yes, that's exactly what going to happen..


actually... of those rare few lucky enough to find the coveted colors.. a very tiny % of those will actually use them... especially considering the extreme price they can get for them on the gtn... no joke saw some selling for 20 mill



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So far, I am using crafted dyes, purchased off the GTN and things are working fine for me on almost every armor set. Nothing random about it... and it's not limiting IMO.. but there are some constraints (heck there's even dye constraints in GW2, which does dyes better then any other MMO IMO). There are a few pieces that do not dye well IMO.. but I work around it. I have been collecting some of the cartel dyes off the GTN.. and again.. nothing random about it for me.. I buy what I want when I see a price that is acceptable... I'm stockpiling for later when new armor sets come in to the game.


I'm a subscriber and I am pleased with the dye system.. and I expect it will get better with time as well.


Buying "when I see the price is acceptable" counts as random, since you can't predict what color will be up at what time for what price. I think that pretty much sums up the word "random".


Bioware says "we highly value our subscribers" and then creates a dye system which makes all of the most desirable dyes inaccessible to their subs without a lot of money AND a lot of luck. The only thing they value about us is our wallets.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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I just wanted to support my favorite online game during a hard time in order to enable the company to further it.


here is your mistake, you bought the lie, 500K-750K times 15$ is atleast 7.5M per month, hardly doing bad

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No it is indeed "gambling" You and the other fan boys just don't want to admit it. I suspect the reason is because you all are spending lots on these gamble packs and are making a ton of credits in-game and want to see that continue, for YOUR benefits. Why else would anyone defend this assine cash grab that Bioware/EA implemented to milk players of as much money as possible. All the while rewarding them with mostly useless crap in each pack.


You presume too much. I rarely spend actual money on the CM... maybe about $50 since it started. I have sold exactly one unopened pack on the GTN and certainly did not get rich off of it. No one could call my character rich, as she runs around dirt poor most of the time. But I do enjoy taking my monthly stipend and opening a pack or two.


As for the dyes... could the system be different? Yes. Could it be better? Yes. Does that make the current system bad? Not at all. If you really really want a specific color, craft it or buy it from GTN. There are already a lot of good colors that are very affordable. There will be more. When more are released, the current ones will likely get even cheaper. I don't see a problem with spending creds or CCs for customization. Just like in real life, if you want something unique, it's going to cost you.

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If you really really want a specific color, craft it or buy it from GTN..


You got the "or" thing wrong.... there is no such thing as having the same color by crafting OR buying it (either GTN or CM).


Random dye kits are bad because it is not justified except making people pay lots and lots until they get their color and even then, you can't change your entire armor but just specific areas.

Edited by Sziroten
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You got the "or" thing wrong.... there is no such thing as having the same color by crafting OR buying it (either GTN or CM).


Random dye kits are bad because it is not justified except making people pay lots and lots until they get their color and even then, you can't change your entire armor but just specific areas.


The "or" doesn't mean you can get the colors in the same way. It means to do whichever based on the color that you prefer.


To your point about randoms... if you don't like the random packs, buy the specific color that you want from the GTN. Why is this so difficult? If you like opening packs and collecting things, buy the CM packs. It's really simple, but a few people around here make this out to be game-ending. The best way to go about it is... if you don't like the packs or don't agree with their use, then don't purchase them. If you really want to change the color of your outfit, hit the GTN or start crafting.

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here is your mistake, you bought the lie, 500K-750K times 15$ is atleast 7.5M per month, hardly doing bad


In their last earnings report they also stated that revenue has doubled since F2P. So probably more like $15M per month. Money is a good thing. I get it. I get greed. I like greed.


But there are ways to accomplish this without enraging your customers. This design is just a blatant and transparent statement to the community. They're not even pretending at this point.

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im interested to see how the dye economy will settle. obviously the amount of money in this game leads to weird inflation waves.


the prices for the black dyes are interesting considering a lot of gear is black by default...not really sure its worth millions to use dyes when you can find gear that suits your tastes.

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You got the "or" thing wrong.... there is no such thing as having the same color by crafting OR buying it (either GTN or CM).


Random dye kits are bad because it is not justified except making people pay lots and lots until they get their color and even then, you can't change your entire armor but just specific areas.


Nope. Wrong-o.


Random dye kits do not MAKE anyone do anything. Every single person who thinks they might want a dye pack has choices. They may CHOOSE to spend some cartel coins to open a random pack and maybe (but probably not) get the color(s) they want.


Or they may CHOOSE to check the GTN and buy the color they want, with certainty, for credits, and never expend a single cartel coin. Or, if they can't find it, they can choose to wait a day and see if it's there then.


The packs do not MAKE anyone do anything.


That's like saying McDonald's MAKES you drive through and pick up a sack full of poison by putting that pretty red and yellow sign out by the road.


You're a consumer. You're probably an adult. Start acting like one and take responsibility for your own choices and actions rather than saying, "Someone else MADE me do it". That's nothing but an admission of immaturity and weakness of character.

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In their last earnings report they also stated that revenue has doubled since F2P. So probably more like $15M per month. Money is a good thing. I get it. I get greed. I like greed.


But there are ways to accomplish this without enraging your customers. This design is just a blatant and transparent statement to the community. They're not even pretending at this point.


They enraged the 7 customers who just can't let go of the fact that an off-cycle patch introduced new options upon which they might choose to spend cartel coins. They made the other approximately 999,993 customers something between happy and neutral.


Wow, they really screwed the pooch on that one. :rolleyes:

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actually... of those rare few lucky enough to find the coveted colors.. a very tiny % of those will actually use them... especially considering the extreme price they can get for them on the gtn... no joke saw some selling for 20 mill




Black/Black is the most expensive on my server. As of last night, 2.4 million per pack.


If you're seeing 20 million... just wait a bit. Prices will drop. Especially over this upcoming (US holiday) weekend.

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no joke saw some selling for 20 mill


Selling does not = buying.


I see people listing on the GTN for absurd prices on many different things every day. They list, and relist, and never sell until they come down to market value for the item.


The going price for black/black is about 2.5 M right now. I see them regularly for 2M.


The thing is.. people are fixated on black/black, yet it offers very little incremental esthetics IMO over some other black combo dyes that are player crafted and sell for less then 100K. It's an extremism, just like White/White and is for those with extreme tastes and a desire for monochromatic stereotypes (which on a lot of armor sets, cannot even be acheived because of fixed color texture-3).


My point? Be a smart consumer.

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Well that's my opinion. I'm **entitled** to it. I'm sorry if I don't word that correctly for you or that you somehow feel compelled to translate that as a lecture. I'm not sure how I can help you there. The gambling packs suck. They are terrible. They are unethical. They should be removed. <shug> That's how I feel. You're welcomed to disagree.

Again, you assert it's just your opinion, then you break out the bombast. Calling them "unethical" is particularly hyperbolic. It's unethical to charge $10 for a liter of bottled water after a disaster (and many jurisdictions in the U.S. have laws against that sort of thing). It's not unethical to give people the choice to spend money on virtual junk for a computer game.

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Again, you assert it's just your opinion, then you break out the bombast. Calling them "unethical" is particularly hyperbolic. It's unethical to charge $10 for a liter of bottled water after a disaster (and many jurisdictions in the U.S. have laws against that sort of thing). It's not unethical to give people the choice to spend money on virtual junk for a computer game.


I agree.


I'm thinking that Anzel uses the term "unethical" as an instrutment to prosecute personal opinion. This is very common for humans to do and is why we have so much strife in the world. And frankly, the same is being done by some with the use of the word "gambling" as well. The intention is to use the word as an instrument of power to amplify one's opinion in a discussion. Very similar to the "CE Owner", "subscriber sinces launch", "long time beta tester", etc. It's tribal in nature... using one's perceived power objects to boost ones expression of opinion to the rest of the tribe.

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I agree.


I'm thinking that Anzel uses the term "unethical" as an instrutment to prosecute personal opinion. This is very common for humans to do and is why we have so much strife in the world. And frankly, the same is being done by some with the use of the word "gambling" as well. The intention is to use the word as an instrument of power to amplify one's opinion in a discussion.


Of course that's not my position on that word. I'm fine with the gambling packs and have never called them unethical.


But they're still gambling, by the definition of the word found in most or maybe even all English language dictionaries. :p

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Of course that's not my position on that word. I'm fine with the gambling packs and have never called them unethical.


But they're still gambling, by the definition of the word found in most or maybe even all English language dictionaries. :p


My problem is that they are not Legally gambling.


And calling them gambling, to me, implies that legally they are gambling -- which they are not.


If they were legally gambling, the game would have to be 21+, not legal in 99% of the areas people play from, and have to follow an incredible list of laws and regulations. Or, it would've been shut down the day it was implemented.

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