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Combat Spec, Expertise Crystals - Yes/No?


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Hi, I'm playing combat since 2.0 and I'm loving the playstyle. I want improove and try to min/max the dps. Actually I'm still not full conqueror, miss some pieces, and after that gonna go for min/max, but I've a huge doubt : Expertise Crystals yes or no? At the moment, my power amount is Power : 646 with a Bonus Damage of 697.


Ofc If I put the expertise crystals in my sabers I'm going to hit the expertise cap, but I'm going to loose +82 Power. Basically I don't know if is better gaining a 3% amount of Damage in PvP and loose some bonus damage due to lack of power.


Anyone that can enlight me?

Edited by Xarimath
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Bolster doesn't work correctly if you have a lightsaber without an expertise crystal, but with an expertise hilt. What bolster does, is look at a piece, and if the piece has any expertise, the piece is counted as a PVP piece, and doesn't get any bolster. This means that if you use a power crystal instead of an expertise crystal, you will be missing ~41 expertise.
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How do you have so little power? Drop some crit for power.. Its useless stat for any class with autocrit ability.


I'm playing combat, not smash -___- I need at least 25% critical chance!


Anyway, yes I know that I miss a certain amount of expertise without those crystals (I'm not playing with expertise capped), but especially cause "Lolster" doesen't work fine, I don't want loose so much power instead of expertise that could be useless.


I really don't know, maybe I should still try to gear up and min/max and in the end take a final decision.

Edited by Xarimath
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I'm playing combat, not smash -___- I need at least 25% critical chance!


Carnage has an autocrit ability when Execute is procc'd for autocrit Force Scream (Sorry for the Mara terms, I don't have a sentinel yet.) No mara/sent tree in 2.0 requires any crit rating. Dump all the crit for power and you will be a happy camper, I promise.


Secondly, I run power crystals. I did so pre2.0, I do so after it. It works fine for me. I'd recommend that.

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I'm playing combat, not smash -___- I need at least 25% critical chance!


Anyway, yes I know that I miss a certain amount of expertise without those crystals (I'm not playing with expertise capped), but especially cause "Lolster" doesen't work fine, I don't want loose so much power instead of expertise that could be useless.


I really don't know, maybe I should still try to gear up and min/max and in the end take a final decision.

That used to be the case (i ran 30% before) but its not worth it anymore. 0 crit rating the way to go just stack power you won't regret it. Though i personally augment str for a littl bit of extra crit.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Carnage has an autocrit ability when Execute is procc'd for autocrit Force Scream (Sorry for the Mara terms, I don't have a sentinel yet.) No mara/sent tree in 2.0 requires any crit rating. Dump all the crit for power and you will be a happy camper, I promise.


Secondly, I run power crystals. I did so pre2.0, I do so after it. It works fine for me. I'd recommend that.


I know this, the problem is that doesen't proc always (instead, Smash is totally autocrit) and I need at least a bit of backup damage if I don't have execute (opportune attack, for a sentinel) up. And, when I use Blade Rush (Massacre) and Slash (Vicious Slash) to try to get the proc, critical rating helps a lot. I guess should stack more power and try to switch expertise crystals and see if will be better or not.

Edited by Xarimath
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You are just as likely to get an unlucky series of no crits at 24% then at 18% this games crit is almost completely random at times. You want all your attacks hitting as hard as possible.. so power is the way to go. Crit was viable when you could go up to 30% crit chance easily but now as a mara you want full power generally i only use a small amount of crit in my watchman/anni pve build. (which isnt perfect yet) You lose too much burst stacking loads of crit just to get 24% crit chance.. Edited by AngusFTW
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