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Vesper Sniper


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I'm confused. In this video weren't you guys trolling Vesper first by spam laughing at him after you killed him?


So after I made this half-hearted attempt at sticking up for Vesper on the forums, this dooder has been focusing me in every single WZ. Same routine everytime - push, roll away, stun, slow and blast away. Last game he was grouped with Sharkyn in a Civil War and I think I died about 17 times and I hit my hard booted my computer in frustration and all my **** downloads were interrupted.


What's up with that dude? What are you going to do to make up for it?

Edited by iheartnyc
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Vesper and i get into these epic sniper v slinger fights whenever we meet in a wz. we both have the same strats and rotation for dealing with our class. i laugh when we both pop each other out of cover at the same time and resort to frag grenades and pistol whips.


There can be a whole 8v8 going on and him n i will just zero in on each other and duel it out. Good times. You may not like him but he knows all the good positoning tricks a sniper needs to know to play this class.

Edited by StaticSilence
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Blamo enters WZ.


Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Thermal Grenade>Orbital Strike


Finishes WZ with 1mil dmg.



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Blamo enters WZ.


Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Thermal Grenade>Orbital Strike


Finishes WZ with 1mil dmg.




sooooooooooooooooooooorite :D

Edited by Rilok_Singz
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Blamo enters WZ.


Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Shrap Bomb>Thermal Grenade>Orbital Strike


Finishes WZ with 1mil dmg.




no its more like blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip>blasterwhip


... leaves wz early after trolling pugs and finishes with 1 mil damage.

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Play a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger or Lethality Sniper and only cast your two dots, your AOEs, and Hemorrhaging Blast/Weakening Blast the entire WZ and nothing else. I guarantee you that even a clicker will finish with at least 1mil damage. WZ numbers =/ = skill. Edited by DimeStax
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Play a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger or Lethality Sniper and only cast your two dots, your AOEs, and Hemorrhaging Blast/Weakening Blast the entire WZ and nothing else. I guarantee you that even a clicker will finish with at least 1mil damage. WZ numbers =/ = skill.


imo its better to roll the executes... anytime I run around spamming aoe I just run out of energy... operative/scoundrel is better for spamming dots and aoe.

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imo its better to roll the executes... anytime I run around spamming aoe I just run out of energy... operative/scoundrel is better for spamming dots and aoe.


2.0 made Dirtying Fighting/Lethality easy-mode. As long as you have 25%+ crit you won't run out of energy spamming Shrap bomb and dots even if you throw down Thermal Grenades and Orbital Strikes as well. You will out damage everybody in the WZ by a long shot but all your damage will be healed through or ignored easily. You can put up a lot of numbers without actually doing anything.

Edited by DimeStax
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2.0 made Dirtying Fighting/Lethality easy-mode. As long as you have 25%+ crit you won't run out of energy spamming Shrap bomb and dots even if you throw down Thermal Grenades and Orbital Strikes as well. You will out damage everybody in the WZ by a long shot but all your damage will be healed through or ignored easily. You can put up a lot of numbers without actually doing anything.


still gearing my slinger and the crit is hard to get up, so you could be right... I just couldnt ever justify the simple single target rotation of dirty fighting... it has to be some of the easiest single target burst in the game ( I havent played all classes and specs though. SInce 55 I havent played any other spec than df)

Edited by Hamatula
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