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Watchman priorities


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Hello! Can some1 write some tips about watchman priorities? Im fully 69 + some 72 parts (fully augmented, hilts 69) and my max dps on dummy is 2200-2300. Cant get any higher and i think im doing something wrong.

specced 36/8/2


opener: leap > overload saber > caunterize > merciless > caunterize... etc

Trying to synchronize overload saber + zen all the time.



pri damage - 1615 (with stim)

19% crit

71% surge

98,5% acc


Thanks in advance :)

Edited by skomerko
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The most obvious thing wrong is you're reapplying cauterize too soon. Opener should be:


Leap>Overload Saber>Zealous Strike>Cauterize>Merciless Slash>Master Strike>Cauterize (if procced)


Since cauterize does not stack you need to wait 3 global cooldowns before you reapply or you will clip off the damage from your first application. Also I would probably get accuracy closer to 100.

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We are probably going to need either more information about your rotation/priorities and or some parse data to work with.


How much of a % of your damage comes from burns? Also do you have the 4 set bonus yet? Is there any reason why you haven't bought the 72 off hand with ultimate coms? While all the mods may not be optimized but the hilt it self is just as good as what you would get with a token. 72 stuff can't be crafted so that's pretty much the easiest way to get your self a hilt. It was like the first thing I bought with my ultimate coms and I saw a notable jump in my dps with it.

Edited by Ilayas
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Here: http://www.torparse.com/a/223058/1/0/Overview


I dont have set bonus yet. Currently using Arkanian Relic of Boundless Ages and DG Relic of ET. As i said before im trying to synchronize os (on counterize and mericless) + zen to get biggest dps. I really dont know what skills should i use between that burn phases. (I currently use Slash + TSF)


Good question with this 72 offhand :) I always thought it will not change my dps significantly(offhand 30% of mainhand damage) so i spent my comms on other stuff. Im close to 140 so i will change it shortly. :)


edit: maybe i should take 1 point from dual wield mastery and transfer to make Insight 3/3?

Edited by skomerko
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