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trying to get into pvp, PLEASE HELP!!!!

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im farely new to the game and have mostly played the story and qued for PVP on the side. But recently I have just enjoyed PVP so much more because of the better xp gains and the over all fast pace of it. On top of the obvious reasons of being able to beat ppl down and see where you stack up against other ppl. In saying all that im Currently a lv 29 marauder and have been Playing mostly carnage. I enjoy it but am just wondering if the other 2 trees are better or worse. Ive read everything from anni being garbag or being the best and the same for carnage and rage. If anyone could please help me out with any advice, builds, etc. It would be greatly appreciated. Since 30 is around the corner i want a good footing so im not to horrible in the new level bracket.
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All three trees are equally viable for doing regular warzones. Annihilation is just harder to use than the other two. I feel like that's because you can't stick to people as easily. If you've been leveling Carnage and you enjoy it, keep playing it and get really good with that. It has better burst and 1v1 power than Rage. Rage will put up higher numbers usually, but only because of AoE. And it's very simple to use. Like I said though, you can use any of the Marauder trees in reg WZs and do very well. You won't really be hurting your team by choosing one over the other.
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