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(RP ad) Need a Jedi Master?


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Then, you have found one.


I have sometimes seen ads, here and in-game, of people looking for a Jedi Master to RP with. Whether for the student & master relationship, ex-student & master relationship, an old Jedi friend from your younger days in the (First Galactic War, or insert other battle/war/mission here), or a comrade-in-arms. I'm flexible.


Think of me as a mix of Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi. I dispense Star Wars wisdom & common sense to characters in need of sage advice, or back-up for a mission. I can RP anywhere, even during your missions, if that is what you like.


Zarchon Greywalker is a fully-fleshed out character, with a personality and background established over a year of playing. He has depth, and stories to tell of times gone by.


I also have available extra bodies (not companions) whom are available for RP events. (Family members. They're not much into RP, but they make great RP wallflowers ;) )


I also have available a Sith Warrior as an antagonist, or ally on Imperial side.


So, if this sounds like the kind of Jedi Master you could use for your RP, then feel free to mail Zarchon in-game (best way to get a hold of me), and we'll meet.

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Weekly Wisdom from the Master:

"The acceptance of others is not a guarantee.

Like everyone else, a Jedi is accepted or not based on his behavior.

The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored."

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I'm still learning the RP side of things, at first its a bit awkward, but once i get into it, it comes easily.


However, i might actually take you up on your offer :)


I look forward to our meeting. :)



Weekly Wisdom from the Master:

"It is far easier to make enemies, than it is to make friends."

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As a Jedi Master, I often am asked a common question. Mostly amongst Padawans, but also among those who should be older, and wiser, but not yet are. I will admit myself, such a complicated concept as the Force and the interplay of Light vs. Dark, Jedi vs. Sith, cannot be easy explained in words. Until I was asked by a child:


"Mister Jedi? What are the Sith? How are they different from Jedi?"


I had to think a moment. For there is no easy answer.


"Well, young one, the Force gives many gifts to many people. Some people who have special talents, you probably know a few yourself, they may excel at school, study and reasoning; or maybe they are stronger, more athletic; maybe even a combination of a few of those. The Force gives many gifts, some small, some large. One thing is certain, it does not seem the Force is fair in its gift-giving, does it, young one?"


Zarchon playfully poked her belly, getting a small giggle from her.


"No, it doesn't."


"What is your gift?"


"My gift, I'm not...."

"Everyone has a gift, little one, no matter how small, it is there, it may just be difficult to find."


She thought a moment.


"I like to sing. I like to draw sometimes too."


"Do these things make you happy?"


"Yes." she said, smiling.


"Then these are gifts. Cherish them, work at them until your heart is content. Never be afraid to push yourself sometimes, and take the chance that your gifts may become better. Never forget to share your gifts with others."


Still, the girl was confused. "But, what does that have to do with the Sith?"


Zarchon chuckled. He still had her attention. Good.


"Some people choose what they do with those gifts, don't they? Some choose to do things they know are wrong, know that they are hurting others, using the gifts they have been given. It is no different for people who want to do what is good, what is right, using the gifts they have been given as well.

With so much bad and so little good in the galaxy, people tend to lose sight of things, forget what is truth, get lost in lies and doubt. It is so very easy to do so in such times. At any time, really.

Even Jedi become lost, thinking there is balance between the Dark and the Light, not realizing the simple truth of our existence, what the real difference between us all are."


"What is that difference?"


"That evil is a corruption of what is good. That the Dark is a blight upon the Light. There is only What-Should-Be, and What-Should-Never-Be."

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