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A simple combat spec question

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Ok, I know the combat spec got nerfed to hell all for no reason that makes any sense and all the other classes got an alacrity upgrade except us again for no good reason. I do have one question that I would like answered.


While the spec itself isn't horribly broken since the 2.0 update why was the Ataru Form itself nerfed as hard as it was along with Zen pushing nothing but a focus drain and no benefit other than you can attack faster. (which ironically enough is the only time I've seen alacrity actually lower my global cooldown)?


I truly don't understand this as Juyo form has a damage stack and the accuracy bonus of Ataru form was the foil to this. I actually don't get how I get a stackable buff for defense in Ataru when I'd be better off with a accuracy, attack speed (alacrity that actually works), or power bonus buff instead. Why was this done other than to nerf the spec?

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