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Ralyssa's Empire Market!


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Hi all! (^_^)


Sorry if this thread is misplaced, I didn't see a dedicated buying/selling section.


I'd like to sell the following items without going through the pains of the "Auction House"/Galactic Market. If any of the items interest you, feel free to post an offer or contact me in game (ign = Ralyssa, Empire Faction). I'm very reasonable and would be happy to assist. <3



I also realize that this is still a RP server, so that note...



*clears throat*


Greeting Imperial Citizens!


Welcome to Ralyssa's Empire Market! Home of the rare, exotic, and garba *cough* I mean exclusive! We have a fine selection of stole...eerrr...I mean donated items from our "generous' Hut Cartels. But let's not fret about the details.


Our lovely selection of items were painstakingly crafted to perfection from slaves...*cough* I mean artisans from all walks of the Empire. Yes dear viewer, rest assured these items are guaranteed to make you the envy of all your friends, making men and women of every faction cheer and swoon at the very mention of your name!


All while making you the bane of your enemies! Giddy with glee as your foes hurl themselves off cliffs in their vain attempt to escape your wrath! Watch with amazement as they wither away under your gaze with the fury of a thousand suns! Fret not, Ralyssa's Empire Market is sure to give you that cutting edge!


Of course you may be asking yourself "Why buy from 'Ralyssa's Empire Market' when I could simply buy them from the Galactic Market?" WELL LISTEN HERE YOU SNAKRING SCULAG BANTHA POODOO!!! Uhhhh....err...I mean my well concerned viewer. The proceeds of these sales go towards struggling Sith Inquisitors named Ralyssa everywhere who are in dire need of your contributions. Rest assured we will make every and any effort to ensure that all Sith Inquisitors named Ralyssa will get every credit of the proceeds.


However we at "Ralyssa's Empire Market" acknowledge that there may be viewers who may be unmoved by such causes....those stoopa farkled druks.... *looks back up to the camera* uhhh.... and....AND...... that's why we're always happy to negotiate any and all prices. We always want to make sure you get the best deals for your credits! For questions and inquires feel free to contact me, myself, and I; these lovely agents will happy to assist you with your market needs.


So remember Imperial citizens.....wait what? That's too far! *Looks off into the distance* I can't read that....bring it closer....*squints her eyes* I SAID CLOSER **** IT!







List of this month's inventory: (I have multiple copies of each item, and I'll be sure to update the list if something sells out)


Blockade Runner's Cartel Pack.


You can find visuals on each listed item by going on: http://dulfy.net/2012/12/11/swtor-patch-1-6-new-cartel-market-items/#packitems





♥ Thanks again for your time and for reading. ♥

Edited by Miluria
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A very special thank you to those who contacted me and made your respective purchases. Your time as well as credits are always appreciated. ♥


On that note, the store has been updated and "restocked" with a few new items (particularly the dyes). Take a look and see if anything catches your attention, I'd be happy to address any inquiries you may have. (^_^)

Edited by Miluria
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As always, a special thanks for the in-game messages and whisps, your business is always appreciated. ♥


This month's inventory is the no longer purchasable: "Blockade Runner's Cartel Packs"


If you're interested please feel to contact me, myself, and I; these lovely agents will happy to assist you with your market needs. I was about to open these until I noticed they were fluctuating wildly on the GTN, jumping to ridiculous prices from 2,000,000 to 500,000. If you were simply unlucky and missed your chance to buy these before the "embargo", or miss the old GTN prices I'd be happy to accommodate. (^_^)

Edited by Miluria
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