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I pvp ALOT and pre 2.0 i had started to really enjoy combat ..... now in the 2.0 days i feel like combat just isnt there for dmg . I have read ton bout new rotations and where i should be for accuracy n crit . however it just cant bring down good healers like it could before. I know you can mitigate wit defensive CDs for master strike but i find even with the nerf to smash its just not on the same level . granted combat has the roots n speed boast but thats all well n good when its hutball catching nubs in the fire. SO please fellow sent's help a brotha out ! ! i am in mostly partisan wit some conqueror on my way to being geared. am i just a pug tard and combats great ... lemme know ?!
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I find bringing down healers easier now then before... i mean gore/precision procs resets a fair bit which means more burst windows for bursting down healers.. and if u get the dispatch/vicious throw proc and your scream proc in the same window there is potential for like 16k dmg (if your execute crits) in 2 hits there if not more also i've had massacre crit for 5.5k on lower geared targets.. No healer can outheal that unless they blow a stun/cd/get out of there, if there off guard with no peels they're dead..


Smash is is quite OP in comparison (or maybe combat is underpowered ;P) and the single target buffs to that spec are stupid but i think there is no better healer killer then a combat/carnage spec who has gotten used to the new spec and not respecced to smash..

Edited by AngusFTW
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