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I leveled a sentinel along time ago and tested out every tree. I learned that rage wasn't my thing, but carnage and annihilation I loved. I ended up staying with carnage. Now I'm leveling a marauder since my mains and guild are imp side. I'm level thirty one and pondering if I should stay carnage, which I know, or make him annihilation which is different and fun. So my main concern is annihilation good in end game pve and pvp, and can it dmg come close to carnage pve dmg?
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So my main concern is annihilation good in end game pve

Yes. One of the top dps specs along with sniper specs.


and pvp

Not really, I would recommend Rage or Carnage for PvP. I play Carnage myself occasionally.


and can it dmg come close to carnage pve dmg?

Annihilation has better sustained dps, carnage has more burst. Either is viable, but for operations bosses I would recommend annihilation because of better sustained dps, heals and dmg debuff. Carnage is more enjoyable in trash packs but annihilation is decent enough as well, just a bit trickier to come close to e.g. a sniper's dmg output. Not like it matters too much in trash anyway. I run annihilation all the way in PvE myself.

Edited by Ausst
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