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My main is a sent I use combat since I've never got the hand of watchman and focus sucks for pve. I've been trying to improve my dps, so far my stats are the following

2870 strength

1150 power

74% surge

100.5 accuracy

MH and OH are lvl 30/Arkanian

here is the best parse I've got so far

any comments and help are appreciated

Edited by g_mK
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You look to be doing pretty good.


If you can fit it in, throw Cauterize on the enemy and keep the dot up as much as possible. Also get rid of your proc damage relic and pick up a click power and proc power relic if you can.


Do you have set bonuses?

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I'm still trying to finalize my 69 gear but I seldom get any drops from HM FP, and half of what I get has crit and has the A variant mods so I still have some of my DG deft mod.

My current relics are an old DG proc relic and an EWH (+120power), which one Is the power proc relic, I've never been able to find it.

I'm still working on the armorings but I haven't been raiding much, though I already have one armoring. I plan to get the MS and the Blade Storm set bonus.

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You can't. That requires six pieces of armor with set bonus slots. You only have 5. :(


you are right, I forgot, belt and bracers don't have set bonus :,(

Anyways I already had one for the extra 8% on MS I might end up getting all four for the extra 4% damage for 15 sec after using zen.

I also bought the pvp power proc relic, will try to do some parses with it and se where I am.


Thanks for the help

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