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Is there a Power tipping point? or was it accuracy?


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So I've been posting how my carnage Marauder is seriously under performing and got advice to switch all mods and enhancements over to power/surge power/accuracy. That seemed to do the trick. I seem to doing fine now and getting slightly better with every piece I swap out.


When I started I had the stock weapon master set. I had something like 550 bonus damage and 98.somthing accuracy in melee and 103 accuracy in force. 70 surge and 20 something crit. I was parsing just over 1600 on the warzone dummy.


Now I'm at 627(650 with stim) bonus damage 100.95 accuracy in melee 110 accuracy in force. 64 surge and 14 crit. and parsing in the upper 1700s dps on the warzone dummy.


But this is the strange thing: my performance in warzones seemed to jump when I put the last armor piece in that pushed me from 98 accuracy to 100 in melee and 103 to 110 in force. This happened in one swap because it was an implant I swapped. I swapped the one with alacrity to power/accuracy. And I think I also swapped one power surge enhancement for a power accuracy at the same time.. I seemed to go from struggling to make 200k damage per round to averaging over 400k and coming in at or near the top every match. With every power item I swap out I seem to do a little better but nothing like that huge jump when I made that accuracy adjustment.


Does 2% accuracy make that much of a difference? I thought 98-100 was close enough.

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In PvP you really shouldn't need more than 95% melee accuracy to do your optimal damage. Maybe you're just learning your rotation better. Also, like you mentioned, having higher power makes a big difference.


I'd say your power is still low, and your surge is, too. You said you were Carnage in the other thread, right? So you've got 100% crit chance on FS every 9 seconds. Get that surge up from 64% to at least 69%. Add even more power.


When you parse on the dummy, look at your logs. I guarantee you're not missing any mainhand attacks. Drop that accuracy down to 95% and I can promise you still won't be missing any.

Edited by Aetrus
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In PvP you really shouldn't need more than 95% melee accuracy to do your optimal damage. Maybe you're just learning your rotation better. Also, like you mentioned, having higher power makes a big difference.


I'd say your power is still low, and your surge is, too. You said you were Carnage in the other thread, right? So you've got 100% crit chance on FS every 9 seconds. Get that surge up from 64% to at least 69%. Add even more power.


When you parse on the dummy, look at your logs. I guarantee you're not missing any mainhand attacks. Drop that accuracy down to 95% and I can promise you still won't be missing any.


Your special attacks (Massacre, and anything that is not Assault) have 100% accuracy. As a result you dont MISS attacks, but you can have them DODGED or PARRIED by your opponents defense rating. Most classes have 5% defense, while Inquisitors/Consulars have 10%.


Having 5% additional accuracy (possible with passive skill points alone in Carnage) will give you enough accuracy to minimize or almost eliminate the defense of most classes except the Consular/Inquisitor. At this point it's really a trade off between having slightly higher burst from stacking power/surge against most classes, or eliminating the possibility that Gore, Massacre, Crippling Slash, Dual Saber Throw, Vicious and Deadly throw can be dodged or parried by Assassins, Shadows, Sorcerers and Sages.


If the game is not bugged and your Gore is parried then there is no 100% armor penetration debuff, if deadly throw is parried there is no root, or if crippling slash is parried there is no slow.

Edited by Yeochins
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