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Bioware, I fixed bolster for you (seriously)


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Biowere is doing not besides sitting at a table and discussing this issue like politics. So basically nothing is getting done. Just quit the dam game like i did, star wars is dead thanks to biowere and Disney. SWTOR birth certificate says *expired* . Why play a game and waste your money on a game with no hope?. The economy is bad so just use $15 a month to pay a bill, get some food, go somewhere fun. You only live once so why waste it on this game anymore. I use to think it was the best MMO, But now that they did the bolster its my last straw, They lack the experience needed to keep customers happy. They lack the repair and capability to keep in game drama off the forums. If the Dev don't get their act together and work as a team, and stop thinking too hard i see no future. I love the game i really do but its gone to far. What happened to the old saying "The Customer is always right, even if they are wrong", Also no matter how much u want to kill them "the customer is always right":rak_02:


Just remember that there were budget cuts. So, you could probably imagine that morale took a bit of a hit. So my heart goes out to the devs in many ways. The complaining and EA-bashing doesn't help either.


Heck, I'm willing to wait out the end of my sub for some sort of positive sign -- but that sub is ending very soon. But I'm still giving them the opportunity to at least show me that they have a plan to fix it. (Even if one of the devs plays the dreaded sniper-class which should be nerfed ;-) .)

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