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Guide: Sentinel Combat/Focus PvP Min/Max for 2.0


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Might it be better if there was a point allotment chart to plan your distribution of these stats? Since we are dealing stacking numbers and/or applying parses, I think it may be better to visualize a sort of cap of sorts to better determine what is optimal instead, of just mentioning to plug in primary,secondary and tertiary numbers.


Another note on parsing, since only a select few can attempt perfect and consistent with taking into account of ms lag, not every parse would come out the same. So because you can deal the best DPS, not everyone can maintain what some users can do.


Most of us can add I hope; though not all may go the extra long mile to grind up multiple gear sets or setup scenarios for combat parsing without the worry of combat elements coming into play to interrupt sustainable damage. Having a visual of a cap might just help out with the planning to tweak your own optimal min/max.


Other notes, I tend to find min/max to have certain bias on preferences, so I tend to setup a few changes here and there regardless of what is the standard. Also, thank you for taking your time to setup and help out those whom do not know better in building a better character to compete with.

Edited by Akfuia
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Great post! I'm currently basing my Sentinel gearing on this!

Is there anyway you can post a summary of all the items in their purchase order (from zero to Conqueror) so we don't have to keep scrolling through the thread?

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Great post! I'm currently basing my Sentinel gearing on this!

Is there anyway you can post a summary of all the items in their purchase order (from zero to Conqueror) so we don't have to keep scrolling through the thread?


Like a Cliff Notes? ;) Yeah I'll try to add something later today.

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Added cliff notes with a shopping list at the end of the main post.

Thanks! That will help a lot!

Another thing that might be useful is if you create your min/max build in the Ask Mr Robot Armory and post the link.

Just a suggestion so we can see everything equipped together...

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Looking good, I agree with all your gear choices now. I'm currently running a conqueror power relic and a partisan relic but that stacking is getting fixed next Wednesday the 29th.


I've got all partisan/conqueror and just need 2 more Deft 27x mods. My Sent feels good in Wz's and I've barely noticed the marginal decrease in health (I'm a big big endurance fan). Thanks for the work!

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Gearing like this according to the character planner (using the Might Augments, full datacrons, affection and stims) gives you

Stregth - 2619.8

Endurance - 2559.9

Power - 943

Accuracy - 120

Surge - 492




What you get for using PVE armorings in the bracer and waist over the Partisan PVP armoring is


+50.5 Strength

+29.4 End

+10.5 Melee Dmg

+0.11 Crit Chance

+10.6 Force Dmg

-136 Expertise

Which equals

-3.9% pvp dmg Boost

-1.56% pvp dmg reduction

-1.37% pvp healing boost


So not really sure if this helps all that much someone would have to do some parsing to see.


A full set of Conqueror's PVP set using the same Augments and buffs will give you


Stregth - 2711

Endurance - 2633.4

Power - 820

Accuracy - 128

Surge - 512


So it kind of seems like the Conqueror's PVP set is already on the right track for a straight swap.

Edited by Nemmesiss
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Gearing like this according to the character planner (using the Might Augments, full datacrons, affection and stims) gives you

Stregth - 2619.8

Endurance - 2559.9

Power - 943

Accuracy - 120

Surge - 492




What you get for using PVE armorings in the bracer and waist over the Partisan PVP armoring is


+50.5 Strength

+29.4 End

+10.5 Melee Dmg

+0.11 Crit Chance

+10.6 Force Dmg

-136 Expertise

Which equals

-3.9% pvp dmg Boost

-1.56% pvp dmg reduction

-1.37% pvp healing boost


So not really sure if this helps all that much someone would have to do some parsing to see.


A full set of Conqueror's PVP set using the same Augments and buffs will give you


Stregth - 2711

Endurance - 2633.4

Power - 820

Accuracy - 128

Surge - 512


So it kind of seems like the Conqueror's PVP set is already on the right track for a straight swap.

So i should go this build for Carnage? :) btw whats the priority stat/s of carnage? ( And rage if possible im curious..)

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Gearing like this according to the character planner (using the Might Augments, full datacrons, affection and stims) gives you

Stregth - 2619.8

Endurance - 2559.9

Power - 943

Accuracy - 120

Surge - 492




What you get for using PVE armorings in the bracer and waist over the Partisan PVP armoring is


+50.5 Strength

+29.4 End

+10.5 Melee Dmg

+0.11 Crit Chance

+10.6 Force Dmg

-136 Expertise

Which equals

-3.9% pvp dmg Boost

-1.56% pvp dmg reduction

-1.37% pvp healing boost


So not really sure if this helps all that much someone would have to do some parsing to see.


A full set of Conqueror's PVP set using the same Augments and buffs will give you


Stregth - 2711

Endurance - 2633.4

Power - 820

Accuracy - 128

Surge - 512


So it kind of seems like the Conqueror's PVP set is already on the right track for a straight swap.


I think your mixing up your verbiage a bit with weaponmaster and challenger. But I may have misunderstood your post.


Yes, if you buy the correct Partisan items, then you should have all the correct armorings and enhancements. And swapping them for the corresponding Conqueror bits will also give you the correct armorings and enchancements.


The way things are after 2.0, if you buy the right parts, the only modifications to your gear that have to be made are buying the correct power heavy Deft Mod 27X/28X.


I'm glad someone suggested adding the shopping list because min/maxing Sent is actually pretty easy now as far as explanation goes. But my guide just breaks it down in detail for those new to the process. For those experienced in min/maxing, the shopping list is really all they need.

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I threw belt and bracer exp armorings last night and had about a 120 exp gain. I think I'm sitting on 1920 exp now. But you will lose 48 str if you were using the 72's.


I'll need to parse again, but my thoughts off the cuff are now that if you are using post-2.0 relics, then you are probably fine to get the 72 pve armorings in the belt and bracers for a slight exp loss.




If you are using pre-2.0 relics like my preferred EWH relics that give 300'ish power when augmented (power augs), then you are already taking an exp hit because it has the old exp values. So EWH relic folks will probably want to run exp armorings in their belt and bracers to make up for the exp loss on their relics.

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Sooo Dawginole? :p


Those are the correct items to purchase, but that does not show a min/max. You will need to purchase those items in your build out and then replace every single Mod with the Advanced Deft Mod 27X. These have to be purchased seperately at the top of the vendor list. The mods you have in your build out are the "A" variant i.e. "27AX", which are low power. Those are the wrong mods.

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Those are the correct items to purchase, but that does not show a min/max. You will need to purchase those items in your build out and then replace every single Mod with the Advanced Deft Mod 27X. These have to be purchased seperately at the top of the vendor list. The mods you have in your build out are the "A" variant i.e. "27AX", which are low power. Those are the wrong mods.

Ok... So after i buy all the items then i have to replace all the 27AX with 27X.... But there is no other way right?

Edited by Lumicko
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Why isnt better to have full Conqueror eq? Aha my misstake... Read it bad.. U will go to conqueror after u have the max paritisan lol sorry..

Btw why we focus power / surge so much? dont we need critical aslo and accuracy? why?

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Someone just told me that going on carnage power is useless... strenght gives enough dmg... so that i should go crit and surge and strenght

And someone other to go something like mix

Then someone to go mostly power and little crit :D

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You can drop acc until you start missing on Master Strike. If you are under 100% the only hits you will miss will be an occasional off hand miss.


The acc from the Initiative will be more than enough. You should never miss anything.


The slight increase from crit does not push your crit chance high enough to make your crit hits regular enough to be worthwhile over an extended fight. And crit chance is unnecessary on your heaviest hitter, Blade Storm, as it has an auto crit for 100%.


You are stacking power and surge because that increases your bonus damage and increases your critical multiplier. Your objective is consistent moderate damage from Blade Rush (mine hits for about 3k) followed by a huge burst from Blade Storm when you proc Opportune Attack.


There is a reason this is a "burst class". And it should be played like one.

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