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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Something is up with Kinetic Combat.

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Hey, guys!


I've been playing full Kinetic Combat since launch, and I love the changes made in patch 2.0. However, I'm having a bit of a problem the past few days.


It seems that I'm blowing up WAY too fast for a tank. I know stat priorities have changed, although I don't know what they are. I'm finding the biggest problem with Operatives/Scoundrels and Infiltration Shadows/Deception Assassins, particularly the latter.


Since 2.0 went live, I've had Infil/Decep players literally 3-shotting me and I'm sitting in full Partisan gear with 3 pieces of Conqueror gear.


Is this supposed to be happening? Why do I feel like a gimped DPS as opposed to a tank? Any help would be appreciated!

Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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Hey, guys!


I've been playing full Kinetic Combat since launch, and I love the changes made in patch 2.0. However, I'm having a bit of a problem the past few days.


It seems that I'm blowing up WAY too fast for a tank. I know stat priorities have changed, although I don't know what they are. I'm finding the biggest problem with Operatives/Scoundrels and Infiltration Shadows/Deception Assassins, particularly the latter.


Since 2.0 went live, I've had Infil/Decep players literally 3-shotting me and I'm sitting in full Partisan gear with 3 pieces of Conqueror gear.


Is this supposed to be happening? Why do I feel like a gimped DPS as opposed to a tank? Any help would be appreciated!


It could be you are running into people exploiting the Augment bug thus they are hitting harder. As for Decep/Inf I tend to think atm we are hitting a little to hard too fast.


I don't know maybe the burst should be leveled out some bit there are a crap ton of low levels and FoTM sins/shadows showing up maul spamming. I sorta hope they make some changes to add better substained dmg which stops the 5 hit dead instances. Tards are running around thinking they are great right now and giving bad advice not even reading the talents or understanding how the talents work together yet it's so easy to drop someone they don't have to. This is sad IMO. These same players end up with no protection as well.


I hate playing a FoTM spec/class but look at all the PTs jumping ship since they don't have a sub 10 secs TTK. Sorry for the rant man I know it doesn't answer your question :)


I love the darkness spec and the hybrid with FiB/DF but I haven't been able to settle on a spec and with the burst Decep has its tough to turn down but I live guarding people! What spec are you using? Are you using DPS gear plus shield offhand? Or tank gear?


Maybe if we get a good discussion going we can cover something's that might help.

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