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Republic Navy

Dagger Wing is a elite starfighter unit not assigned to any sector or fleet, it handles the jobs no-one else would. It's commanded by Conrad Gall

First Expeditionary Fleet

Fifth Expeditionary Fleet is under command of Colonel Finley

Ash Angels

Rana Squadron is a all Duros starfighter squadron

Solar Thrantas

V'buk Squadron

prototype warship fleet was under command of Colonel Laren Omas and had as flagship the Star of Coruscant (a superdreadnaught equipped with both experimental weapons and technology). Further ships are: Conraddas Vindicator (a white hulled carrier with orange markings), Dauntless Star (a cruiser of Mon Calamari design), Sendant Pride, Starbreeze (personal shuttle of Colonel Omas), Vehement Sword (armed with Null cannons) and a transport ship carrying stealth field generators. they where following a secret route trough the Outher Rim accompanied by seval other naval ships, Deliverance, Intercessor ( a Valor-class) Victor Squadron ( a starfighter unit) but got ambused by the Imperial Navy and many ships finally crashed on Hoth

Coruscant Aegis is a covert operations squadron tasked with protecting the Republic and is lead by Flight Commander Judin

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Republic Army

53rd Armored Platon is commanded by Captain Lesher

88th Armor is a Battalion

53rd Irregulars

1st Recon

31st Recon

43rd Advance Recon Squad

53rd Armored Platoon is commanded by CaptainLesher

83rd Battalion is commanded by Colonel Brint

86th Infantery Division is commanded by Lieutenant Gundo. They wear standard armor with white, gray and gold colouring and many soldiers carry standard blaster rifles

94th Supply Division

Crisis Response Unit are elite soldiers under command of Ellis Ruger and are stationed on Belsavis where they combat any uprising from the prisoners

The Deadeyes is a Squad of snipers and was under command of Aric Jordan untill his assignment to Ord Mantell afterwich Torve took command

First Alderaan Support Division is commanded by Colonel Jace Malcom and is focused on aiding House Organa to secure the throne

J Company

Ord Mantell Infantry Command oversees the ground forces on Ord Mantell

Quartermaster Corps is devoted to obtaining supplies

Recon Company has as one of its subordinate units First Squad

Republic Army Personnel Division is responsible for dealing with Republic Army personnel and investigate signs of traitors present in their ranks

Squad Epsilon

Valhoun's Vultures is a infamous special tactics Squad and commanded by Commander Valhoun

Infantry Command

2nd Infantry Division is commanded by Captain Haren

4th Infantry Division is commanded by Colonel Marclonus

38th Infantry Division

45th Infantry Division was commanded by (then) Lieutenant Elin Garza

81st Infantry Division is commanded by Marshall

86th Infantry Division have their armored coloured in white, gray and gold

301st Infantry Division

Fideltin Rusk's squad is a squad that was commanded by Fideltin Rusk

Republic Special Forces Division is a elite military division comprised of the best soldiers recruited from within the Republic Army, it is headed by SpecForce Command and General Elin Garza. Some of the units within are:

Havoc Squad (do i need to explain them?)

Blackstar Squad are specialized in covert operations

Surgeons is a black ops Squad under command of Fidelin Rusk

Tempest Squad

Xesh Squad

Safecrackers is commanded by Lieutenant Coria and consists of demolition experts that are trained to infiltrate fortified enemy bunkers and command posts, eliminate hostiles and either secure the location for the Republic or destroy it

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Imperial Army has among other following units:

5th Infantry Division has among it's units 1st Battalion and 2nd Battalion (commanded by Major Tyrus) witch in turn has Aurek Company, Besh Company (with among others 1st Platoon commanded by Lieutenant Rutau) and Cresh Company

42nd Infantry is commanded by Captain Westro

81st Infantry Battalion


130th Infantry Division

3rd Battalion

3rd Recon Company

63rd Armored Infantry Division

75th Legion

83th Platoon

Alpha Team

Armageddon Battalion

Bravo Team

Korriban Regiment has as one of it's subordinate units Fifth Infantry Company

Operations Group One

Operations Group Two

Operations Group Tree

Operations Group Four

Operations Group Five

Recon Company has as one of it's subordinate units First Squad

Special Tactics Group 32-Aplha

Special Tactics Group 41-Delta AKA Bughunters AKA Bughunter Division, are dedicated to operations against insectoid species which means they are capable to preform elimination missions, hive extractions and deploying xenotoxic torpedo's and similarly equipped with chitin-piercing rounds and insecticide gas

Storm Squad

Third Recon Company

Toxi-Trooper Brigade

Imperial Conquest Consolidation Corps is used to quell uprisings on newly conquered planets

Imperial Reclamation Service is commanded by General Trenoldt and comprises scholars, archaeologists and soldiers, they uncover artefacts beneficial to the Empire

Imperial Special Forces has among others the following unit's:

Shadow Fist has 5 members who use stealth generators and are know to be the deadliest agents of the Sith Emperor, they are incredibly difficult foes to fight

Pierce's black ops team

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The Imperial Navy has among others the following units:

Imperial Fleet Command

Expeditionary Fleet is commanded by Darth Malgus and comprises a dozen Harrower-class ships and several Terminius-class ships

First Defense Fleet is charged with protecting the Dromund system and Dromund Kaas

Imperial Third Fleet

Imperial Fifth Fleet

Imperial Seventh Fleet

Imperial Eight Fleet

Kaas 23rd is a starfighter unit

Hawk Squadron

Kilit Squadron is a starfighter squadron

Rancor's Claw

Razor Shyracks

Red Shrike

Shadow Squadron

Vynock Squadron is a starfigter squadron

Empire's Fury is a elite attack squadron built to secretly defeat the Republic

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Most of the Noble Houses on Alderaan have army's serving under them


House of Organa has, among others, the following units:

House of Organa Diplomatic Corps

First Organa Regiment is lead by Major Cressen


The Queensguard is a military unit of bodyguards responsible for protecting the queen of the Royal House who has provided illicit

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These are awesome!


However, I'd like to point out that you forgot the Safecrackers. I believe they're under special forces division, republic army, led by Lieutenant Coria.


Thanks for bringing it to my attention, it has been rectified

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