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Have a couple questions regarding Watchman spec

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1. Why the hell does Merciless Slash get such a massive, bullcrap damage reduction versus enemies? Mine says 5k damage in the tool tip. It actually does around 3k and only gets to full 5k when it crits, EVEN on lower level mobs. ALL other skills do around the damage they say they do and double that when they crit, even after mitigation.


2. I leveled 1-50 as watchman and 50-55 in 2 days after expansion hit then changed specs to play with Focus and Combat for the rest of April. Changed back to Watchman because it's THE pve spec. Now I'm gaining ridiculous amounts of focus. Example: I put up both of my burns and my focus shoots to full in 2 seconds, JUST from burns. Now before someone tries to answer this one I'm well aware of how Plasma Blades and Burning Focus work, and 50-55 I always had around 20% crit. Am I just getting lucky Plasma Blade procs all day or is there some little known mechanic that only becomes more apparent with better gear?

Edited by PhoenixUnity
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I'm not wondering about burn crits, I'm wondering why my rage is shooting up so fast from almost nothing to full. Btw I'm not using Shii-cho Berserk.


What about our other attacks though? Master Strike, Slash, and Dispatch don't get a crazy reduction in damage like Merciless does.

Edited by PhoenixUnity
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At 55, that is definitely strange. I didn't have early access to RotHC, so I had about a week of playing at 50 with the changes in 2.0. With a 35% buffed critical chance, I was absolutely swimming in focus from all of the critical hits. But as I leveled to 55, my crit chance dropped like a rock, and now my focus generation from critical burns and critical hits on burning targets is much less noticeable. What you've described sounds like some sort of bug/lag related issue. Normally, your burns can only generate one focus every 1.5 seconds.
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Ok well write off the focus generating thing off as some sorta bug. I can only assume I was somehow able to ignore the 1.5 second cooldown on burns generating focus.


What about the huge damage reduction on Merciless though. What sets it apart from all other moves that it targets are able to mitigate so much of it's damage? One guy did say because it's energy damage, but so is Dispatch, yet it doesn't get the huge damage reduction from armor as Merciless.

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I play watchman as well on my sentinel and if memory serves, merciless slash has an offhand component in it. As you all know, the offhand is prone to miss even with 100% accuracy, therefore, in my opinion, the discrepancy in damage is associated with a non crit hit and how much your offhand misses. Dispatch on the other hand, does not have an offhand component in it, therefore, it hits high when it crits and decent when it does not.
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Ok well write off the focus generating thing off as some sorta bug. I can only assume I was somehow able to ignore the 1.5 second cooldown on burns generating focus.


Or it could be that any damaging attack on a burning target generates focus through Burning Focus talent. It's not a bug.

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Nope. Maybe you missed the part where I said this was just from burns. Also when you're getting Burning Focus procs you're still spending 1+ focus. What was happening to me was I would apply Overload Saber and Cauterize and my focus would shoot to full as if I had used Shii-Cho Zen. It went away when I logged in today.
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