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Ferrit -- Operative Healer LF Rated Team


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I heal on all three classes, but my operative is mostly geared out at this point. Character name is Ferrit. I currently have five pieces of Conq, rest is partisan, and all my augments are the advanced 28's.


I have ranked warzone experience, good comms, and am looking for a quality team to fill in for, or heal full time with. My goal is to win at this point, and am looking for a team that already has experience in rateds.


The three pictures are just a ranked game, and two regulars from the past week. My stream is in my signature, and you are more than welcome to watch a video there to see my play.


Feel free to message me in game @ Ferrit, or post here with questions.








I apologize for the quality of the third picture I forgot to crop before saving it.


Edit: Since all three of those games were loses here is one I just played



Edited by Akinyemi
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