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No Galaxy for Old Sith,


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Before I begin to tell this tale, I must Warn you, I am TERRIBLE with Punctuation. And this is about the Misadventures of Aodoka Tanish Artisan, A middle aged sith, [ He is 45 at the beginning of this] and I'll be using Red [This] for his speech, Enemies will be Cyan [this] and Companion/friends will be 'Violet' [this] NPCs will be Yellow [ This ]



Part one: The Cantina



Aodoka awoke on his ship Aching everywhere, after the events of yesterday, He wasn't surprised. Aodoka began to stand, then did calibrations on his Prosthetic leg, it flashed the word ' Clear ' and Aodoka began to stand, he got up and stretched and found a note by the side of his Bed: ' Dear Master, I am sorry to tell you, but your favorite Twi'lek has a few chores to do, so you'll have to bear without her for a few hours, Good Luck! ~ Vette ' Aodoka groaned and began to move to his kitchen sluggishly, he knocked on the counter, " Anyone else here? " Aodoka heard the Echo, and nothing Else, he reached up and grabbed a Rations Bar and went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of juice, he poured himself a glass and went to the couch, he moved slowly to the couch and began to eat, ' Guess I'm stuck by myself for the day ' Aodoka nodded and finished eating, he brought the cup to the sink, then turned on his holo, and began to watch a show he barely understood, but found it amusing for the time being.


Aodoka watched the show, and read his Documents for the majority of the day, ' After the peace treaty, there is just nothing to do, is there? but is that really a bad thing for a man like me? ' Aodoka then had a idea, and left his ship and got on a speeder, and sent out for the slippery slopes, now in his Black robe, and his Saber at his side, He arrived there and was met by a few dirty looks, He walked in with a Slight limp, ' Though it said it was 'clear' I may have to recalibrate it ' he went to one of the stools, " One Correlian Ale Please. " The female bartender nodded and brought him a drink, Aodoka turned the stool around, seeing the other Occupants as he sipped his drink, he finished the Cup and paid for it, he then walked out, still with the slight limp, as he got out of sight, he was stopped by what looked like a Republic trooper, " Sir, I'm..I'm going to have to ask you to come with me. " Aodoko sighed, and noticed the man seemed Heavily Intoxicated, and Armed,


Aodoka shook his head and tried to move by him, the man got in his way and pulled his blaster. "Sir...Your...your Under Arrest" Aodoko sighed and gripped the mans throat using the force, And tightened his fist aiming to knock the man out, the man went limp, people in the Promenade turned towards him, " It's OK everyone, he isn't dead, yet. " The occupants nodded slowly, a few went to check on the man and Aodoko went towards his ship again, " That's enough adventure for one day. "


He was greeted by a Tackle hug, He looked down to See his favorite Twi'lek, " Hello there Vette, How were your, Chores? " Vette smiled " Well thanks to me we won't be eating Ration bars for the next hundred years, so good. " Aodoka kissed the top of her head, " I'm forever in your gratitude. " Vette laughed and they went towards the Lounge area of the ship, " C2! Dinner please. " The droid nodded and ran off as fast as was possible for his gears, Aodoka and Vette smiled.


Part one End



I hope this is good, it's my First Fan fiction I've ever written, I Aim to be a writer one day, so Constructive Criticism is welcome, [ I'm aware of my lack of punctuation ] I'll probably be writing more about The misadventures Of Aodoka, maybe Flashbacks, they'll get more action packed I promised :D And I plan to put him up in the Post your character thread. [ RP Section] if anyone wishes to know more about him.

Edited by Lucifersfinest
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