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Annihilation - Crit. at 20 % or 30 % cap ?


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Hey all.

I'm still a bit confused on this subject. i heard / read that some believe the official crit cap is now 20 %, down from 30% pre-2.0. Can some of you, or even a dev ( :rolleyes:) enlighten me on the matter ? Do Annihilation Marauders now stack crit at 20 % or 30 % in Rise of the Hutt Cartel ?


Thank you and have a good one :D

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Do Annihilation Marauders now stack crit


no, go with whatever crit % you get by default from all of your STR stuff.

Use all power mods and enhancements while maintaining 110% force accuracy.

It's your choice to use Power or Strength Augments, as there isn't much of a difference between the two theroetically, but I'm going all power, period. :D

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