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PvP - double premade teams - possible Solution


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Only problem I have with facing pre-mades as a pug is when they refuse to win and spawn camp because they can. First time I had seen this in over a year, but last night playing in a lowbie bracket with a friend who has just returned to the game and has rerolled. The two of us were in TS together, but the rest of our team were pugs and were pretty clueless. The opposing team had a four man pre-made and another 3 man group with one separate pug.


We failed to get a door down, and they could have dropped a door almost immediately on the run back, but refused to do so instead camping our spawn. I have a bit of a problem with that as it is lame and there is no game mechanic that justifies it (as they would have had more comms for the quick win). I personally do not get bent out of shape about it, but I am certain some of the other green players that were on my team will be more reluctant to PvP because of it.

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